Already Reason and Revolution 29 Marcuse had seen the power of critical thinking or negative, is the distance that separates the fact, the existing requirements from rationality becomes also a device for bringing these two poles 30. Hence the notion of "determinate negation" that is, at the same time, a method and a purpose: as an analysis method of concrete historical forms of domination, identifying its internal contradictions; goal as the possibility of denying these inconsistencies through a close emancipatory implemented antagonist from a real subject that those involved in contradictions, is keen to get rid of denying, without surrendering the course of the world, instead of having the conviction to be able to change. In this perspective it is therefore essential to recall that illusion, enchantment, the utopian tension towards a better future that capitalism has stifled by convincing people of the futility of opposition to the system. Consequently, despite the criticism of the USSR in Soviet Marxism 31 motivated dall'incongruenza between the ideological premises of Marxism and its historical realization in the Soviet system, Marcuse can not reject the equality Arendt between Communism and Nazism 32. The fruit of determinate negation is in the draft of the "great refusal" to be understood as the radical negation of this division by a concrete subject on a "peaceful life", in short, the determinate negation suggests that the negativity of this is contained also the reasons for its denial of his passing. This means that any large-scale social change does not occur as a result of inevitable historical automatic, but the changes prior to implementation should be thought about. What Marcuse goes in search is nothing less than a revolution of thought "already thematized by Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno in Dialectic of Enlightenment , which raises the western history as an evolution altered because of the relationship of instrumental subject-object domain. These considerations are integrated in Eros and Civilization 33 with Freudian psychoanalysis, understood primarily as knowledge of the conditions that make happiness possible: psychoanalysis (and Marxism) allow the identification of reason and happiness, through the exposure and critique of exploitation and repression of the instincts 34. Marcuse agrees with Sigmund Freud's view that for the building of a civilization is indispensable instinctual repression, to the point that "Civilization begins when the primary objective has been effectively waived, the full satisfaction of needs" 35, but he disagrees with Freud's view that the repression taking place in this particular company is suitable for the maintenance of society itself, in fact for Marcuse in Western society there is a surplus of repression that has transformed the immediate satisfaction in satisfaction over time, the limitation of the same pleasure in the joy (game) in labor (labor), freedom in aimed at the security domain, " Freud has described this change as the transformation of the principle of pleasure in the reality principle " 36 . It 's just the logic of domination, ie the structure of a power system that keeps it alive by controlling the individual, forcing humanity to suppress impulses and to renounce the happiness. To remedy this situation, where now "the repression has become so effective that it take, in the eyes of the individual restrained, the form (illusory) freedom" 37, the liberating forces are identified by Marcuse art (even incorporating it into high culture) and technology. The art of imagination as a faculty di un futuro non repressivo, conciliato con le esigenze della ragione, nel quale possa essere vissuta una esistenza pacificata; la tecnica come possibilità concreta di liberazione grazie alla sua funzione di esonero da molteplici operazioni (svolte dalle macchine) e, conseguentemente, come riconquista di uno spazio e di un tempo nei quali poter sviluppare le facoltà psico-fisiche dell’individuo. Ciò non significa che arte e tecnica rappresentino un’alternativa parallela al marxismo; piuttosto l’arte svolge il ruolo di riserva dei bisogni umani soppressi, per esprimere il grande rifiuto, appellandosi direttamente alla coscienza morale individuale, essa è un a priori prepolitico: "L’arte non può cambiare il mondo, but it can help change the consciousness and impulses of men and women who can change the world " 38. Art can be the spark to set in motion social changes that do not properly belong to the aesthetic dimension subvert the newspaper estranging from within, given that art is born inside of everyday experience. And here reveals a further difference between Marx and Marcuse, although the thought of one is consequential to the other, because "the situation, characteristic of monopoly capitalism, change the traditional concept of aesthetics Marxist argument that art, to fulfill its revolutionary role, must be directed to the "masses", the "people", the "proletariat." Today, there is a trend that needs to be a denial, that is the very antithesis of the Weltanschauung of the people, reproducing the existing society. Antithetical to the function of art include the subversion predominant experience, conscious or unconscious needs of the people, its function would be a radical alienation expressed in the language, images, form and content. In short, at this stage of capitalism the masses are not the social basis of a 'revolutionary art' 39. But paradoxically, the role that relies Marcuse art is as important as it is limited, in fact "The rest is not up to the artist. The achievement, the real change that would release men and things, as are the tasks of political action, the artist does not participate as an artist. But this outdoor activity today is probably in close connection with the situation of art - and perhaps even with the accomplishment of the purposes of art " 40.