Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Finding Nonlinear Coefficient Of Determination

Rome Bibliocaffè literary Poetry E 'Royal ConcertoPoesia in support of A * EMERGENCY

At the

World Poetry Day 2011

Poetry E '* A Royal ConcertoPoesia supporting EMERGENCY

for a return Royal in Poetry social communication

Rome, Friday, March 25, at Bibliocaffè Literary

to Ostiense ( via Ostiense 95) start at 18.00 - Free entry

Cony Ray, Marco Orlandi and Gabriele Peritore poets are among the protagonists of the documentary POETI (Italia 2009 / 69') del regista Toni D'Angelo. Il documentario ha concorso, per la sezione " Controcampo Italiano ", alla 66° Mostra Internazionale d'Arte Cinematografica - Biennale di Venezia.

" La Poesia E' Reale " è un progetto che nasce dalla volontà dei poeti Cony Ray , Marco Orlandi e Gabriele Peritore , convinti della necessità che la poesia ritrovi la propria identità e centralità all'interno della comunicazione sociale, attraverso l'esibizione "live" delle liriche, con un approccio nuovo nella declamation of the same, suggesting that their impact on performance poetry and the dynamics of a musical concert.

The basic objective is the involvement and interaction with the public.

The ConcertoPoesia de " Poetry E 'Royal " in collaboration with the Libraries of Rome, will support the activities of EMERGENCY by selling at a price "special," the latest publications of the three poets promoters and protagonists of the project, donating part of collection Organization Onlus Ong.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

How To Make Castle For School Project

Notes on the works of Pasolini Roman

Frederick Sollazzo (p.sollazzo @

The two novels Boys Life (1955) and Una vita violenta (1959) , along with film Accattone (1961) and Mamma Roma (1962), represent the description, analysis, and with it, that Pasolini makes the world of the Roman suburbs.
To understand these works is necessary to include within the overall Pasolini thought, otherwise you risk misunderstandings, for example, that the world of the underclass to believe something negative, the bourgeois world of something positive and the other tracks from the world as a better way of salvation, rather than understanding, with Pasolini , as the world of the underclass is a dimension, even with all its faults, in which man can still be "pure," "naive," while the bourgeois world offers an improvement in material living conditions, paid with the loss of such purity and innocence, transformed into (dis) consumerist values, respectable, utilitarians. Even the so-called "cycle of money" should be interpreted with this in mind: the characters lose their money, whose research led by bourgeois society to fit in it (and certainly not from the underclass in society that are already included) because pure and innocent and therefore free from the evil merchant middle-class that would serve to defend the money.

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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hives In 20 Month Old Kid

Viterbo, Poetry E’ Reale * Un ConcertoPoesia a sostegno di EMERGENCY
6 febbraio 2011 , Galleria Artegiro, Montefiascone (VT).
In occasione del Piccolo Festival D'Inverno, prima edizione
I Poeti:Cony Ray, Marco Orlandi e Gabriele Peritore
foto: Angelo Bruno

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tech Deck Live .com Game

The civil service ethics

Miriam Iacomini (

Federico Sollazzo, between totalitarianism and democracy: the civil service ethics, Tesionline, Arcore (MI) 2009

(Photo Frederick Sollazzo and Miriam Iacomini during a presentation of the e-book, Rome, January 2011)

The text Sollazzo
between totalitarianism and democracy can function bblica ethics has the advantage of being and built in a very precise and rigorous: it is part philosophical analysis of the two forms of government that are 'tackled' in the last century, going through the return of the movement of so-called critical Rehabilitierung der Philosophie pratikschen , and concludes with a approach the question of the ethical and political renewal characterized by the look of philosophical anthropology. Why, it says, "does not make much sense to deconstruct the community, if you deconstruct the individual." Closes the work then a survey on the most recent views on human nature. In particular ricostruirte comparatively those positions that reflect from the knowledge that man è la 'sintesi' di una dimensione biologica ed emozionale. Ovvero dalla considerazione che l'uomo, strutturalmente psico-fisico, è quell'allotropo empirico trascendentale che si inserisce all'interno della natura pur trascendendola. Il lavoro di Sollazzo, quindi, va ben oltre la tradizionale riflessione sul totalitarismo e sulla democrazia. Anzi direi che l'autore utilizza questi temi per procedere verso la ricerca di una nuova riorganizzazione politica a partire dall'idea che possa esistere un'etica minima. Un'etica che, costruita su degli elementi universalizzabili tratti da una rigorosa riflessione antropologica, possa tener conto di quel pluralismo culturale che connota oggi i contesti nazionali.
In questo lungo e inteso course there are many authors who meet, as there are many concepts and keywords that you call back and they imply that we face and oppose. If you want to consider starting from these concepts, it seemed desirable to report before then by analogy and contrast. It seemed to me that is appropriate to reconsider the wealth of references that Sollazzo offers to build two alternative semantic constellations within which the concepts refer to each other. On the one hand, and the words that we find in the first part of the book is addressed where the quesitone of totalitarianism and, secondly, the words you meet in the third chapter where it is addressing the issue of a 'new ethical as possible '.
It 'obvious that such an operation betrays in part the wealth of content that the text offers us. It would be possible to construct other constellations by playing semantic notions, concepts and references in the text differently. But I have deliberately restricted my reading to the question of totalitarianism and ethical renewal possible, because it is from the tragedy of totalitarianism that emerges forcefully the need for alternative forms of thought, who know how to build alternative forms of government, even democratic. In fact, as Bobbio recalling the author points out, democracy does not end only as an ideal, and there are democracies in the paths implementation of democracy deliberately and responsibly chosen by each nation and every generation. "[...] The only way of understanding when it comes to democracy, as opposed to all forms of autocratic rule, is to be characterized by a set of rules - either primary or fundamental - that determine who is authorized to take collective decisions and with what procedures ".
Now, in the first family of concepts that I chose to rebuild, one linked to the analysis of totalitarianism, stands out clearly the centrality of the concept of crisis. When you are creating the conditions that determine the establishment of a totalitarian power? When, as seems to suggest la Arendt, si assite ad una vera e propria crisi della società civile a causa della crescente incapacità dell'uomo di sapersi ritagliare uno spazio pubblico all'interno del quale poter partecipare attivamente; oppure quando, seguendo alcune suggestioni della riflessione di Marcuse, si assiste alla crisi dell'uomo: alla riduzione dell'umano ad una sola dimensione, "consistente", come spiega molto lucidamente Sollazzo, "nell'incapacità di vedere oltre l'esistente prospettandone delle alternative". E ancora, si instaura un potere totalitario quando si assiste ad una crisi della ragione, definibile adornianamente come una vera e propria degenerazione della razionalità e corrispondente all'assolutizzazione dell’orizzonte finito of logos now reduced to myth. Finally, it was following the crisis of nation-state determined by the loss of their sovereignty, which we witness, going beyond the question of totalitarianism and following the reading of Hardt and Negri, Empire and the birth of the progressive realization a globalized society.
In contrast to this set of issues, readings and concepts can be grouped those concepts that refer to the attempt to build a new ethic possible. In this case, however, is very difficult to find a key word around which to rebuild a perscorso argument. This difficulty is because the various authors involved, and I riferiesco especially the French thought the second half of last century, using a variety of concepts that refer to each other forming a real semantic network in which each element is equal to the other. I think, for example, the use of concepts face
I'autrui , proximity, listening Levinas, words that give us the horizon of ethics of the gift only if made to interact in the construction aspect of a report of otherness whose essential premise is practical justice. But you can also refer to the categories of Derrida, from teaching Master of Levinas, develop an ethics as hospitality. A position that seems to take as a starting point for reflection and very strong current issues related to the issue of multi-ethnicity, the stranger, the meeting in accordance with the differance , with the necessary reorganization and ethical policy that requires the company globalized. Last important reminder that we suggest you read Sollazzo by comparing the categories used lattice, is what Ricoeur. Proprira directing research towards the construction of what we might call an ethic of reciprocity, Ricoeur builds a set of theoretical references that tend to dismantle alcuni fondamenti della filosofia di stampo metafisico-ontologico. Egli, infatti, pone al centro del rinnovamento giuridico e politico non il cogito ma il sè, che si costituisce in una relazione di alterità a partire dalla “scoperta di forme di alterità interne allo stesso sè”; non la morale ma l’etica intesa come aspirazione “a vivere bene con e per gli altri all’interno di istituzioni giuste”; non, infine, la formalità della regola ma la reciprocità dell’amicizia, e cioè la possibilità di relazionarsi anche giuridicametne all’altro in quanto ‘tu’, ‘volto’ concreto che si incontra solo spezzando ‘la chiusura del same '.
Let me conclude by pointing out that in this brief reflection Sollazzo work stand out very clearly the very nature of the new proposals radicalmetne ethical alternative. Proposals which, as I have tried to stress, involving the breaking of new concepts and attempt an organization of categories inherited from the tradition of completely new. On the other hand, would not that be so, because, as the author reminds us, the dehumanizing of the totalitarian esprienza requires the recapture of a new dimension of thought required "to transcend individual limitations, isolation, loneliness in towards the recognition of the presence of others. "

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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Un Remove Event Facebook

"High Noon in the Balkans" The moon is naked

Loredana Butti (

Both ends belong to the same large family. It should be possible to move the flow: the technical discoveries of craft consciousness. It must be all this can flow, if we do not want to be completely cut off from the world. I remember that chapter of the ancient Chinese book of Changes, which states that the well can be well dug and the water inside it pura, ma se nessuno attinge l’acqua di quel pozzo, andranno ad abitarla i pesci e l’acqua si guasterà
Jerzy Grotowski

(Dalle note sullo sviluppo del progetto)

E' questo il terreno da cui spunta naturale, l’idea di uno spettacolo a 4 mani dove si sperimenta l’incontro e la fusione fra due differenti modi di vivere il teatro, si abbatte la rete del proprio orticello e ci si apre a nuove, possibili contaminazioni.
La compagnia che ci ospita realizzerà – in piena autonomia artistica e organizzativa – il laboratorio Pagine di Guerra finalizzato alla preparazione di tre brevi scene che esplodono come mine in mezzo ai convitati festanti, divenendo così colonna portante dello spettacolo Mezzogiorno di fuoco nei Balcani .
Gli ultimi due giorni di laboratorio saranno collettivi, i due gruppi si incontrano, si mostrano a vicenda i pezzi realizzati e si procede con il montaggio dello spettacolo, seguito dalle prove tecniche, filmate, e generali.
Più i due piani lavoro saranno contrastanti, per forma, ritmo e intenzioni, migliore sarà il risultato del “prodotto finito” da portare non davanti ma in mezzo al pubblico, che passa così dal ruolo passivo di spettatore, a quello attivo e partecipe, assumendo il ruolo corale degli invitati al banchetto di nozze.
Dopo li debutto in “casa “ della compagnia che ci ospita, sarà possibile avviare un ulteriore scambio, portando un loro progetto a Milano nella nostra minuscola ma centralissima "Sala dei Venti" (vedi info sul sito
In questo sviluppo del progetto, "Emergency" sarà nostro partner, promuoverà le serate attraverso i loro gruppi territoriali e invierà alle repliche loro relatori per raccontare il lavoro svolto negli ospedali e centri di primo soccorso, nei molti paesi in guerra.

text to be transformed into action on stage at the laboratory and then mounted inside the show Noon in the Balkans from the novel Homecoming Natasha Radojcic-Kane .

Halid son of Neda
Momir son Stana
AIDA daughter of Colonel
GHURGE the king of the gypsies
the SIMO corrupt cop

Le azioni si svolgono in Bosnia, fra il 1992 e il 1995, durante la guerra nella ex Jugoslavia.

Quadro 1
Sul campo minato

Momir è arruolato nelle file nemiche dell’amico Halid.
Marcia, assieme ai suoi commilitoni, impegnato in un’incursione notturna.
Attraversa selve e boschi, villaggi e città. Giorni, mesi e anni di marcia.
Quella notte, all’improvviso gli torna alla mente sua moglie, la bella Mira and realizes at that moment that indeed she has never loved.
He sees young and beautiful, the party of the country, while dancing with his friend Halid.
and thinks: "There was so happy that, not at our wedding!"
After the shock comes the sadness and anger then the salt.
It unleashed a frenzy of dancing break-dance, as she did before the long war.
When he realizes that his comrades and shall leave him behind, starts to run to catch up.
puts his foot on a mine and blows up like a loose cannon.
Shortly after the two soldiers come to take away his body.

Quadro 2
The siege of Sarajevo

Halid enter into an abandoned building, sits in a corner and try to get some sleep '.
enter someone from next door, he hears a noise at his back and thinks he's fallen into an ambush.

Extracts Luger e spara.
La ragazza colpita al centro della fronte, cade a terra lentamente, come se le avessero dato una leggera spinta giocando.
Le falde del cappotto si aprono. Sotto, legata con cura intorno al collo aggraziato, una bella sciarpa turchese.
E dolce e invitante è anche la posizione che ha preso:
sdraiata sulla schiena con le ginocchia leggermente aperte.
I capelli e la frangia della sciarpa, sparsi intorno come i petali di una corolla.

Halid cerca di arrestare l’emorragia con hands, but the blood still flows from her forehead, deleting features.
Eventually the neck muscles give way and make it look like the head heavy.

Only at that recognizes Halid Aida.
rested his head on his heart and he feels that does not beat. Try and try to listen more than once, but the heart has stopped. Then d 'instinct embraces, piano, sad.
In the long hug, which fails to end suddenly feels on her body qualcosa di voluminoso, fruga e toglie da una tasca un enorme plico di banconote.
Sono preziosi marchi tedeschi, rapido, se le caccia in tasca.
E subito trascina il corpo della sua amica fuori dall’edificio.

Quadro 3

Da lontano arriva un latrare di cani.
Entra Halid armato di una bottiglia rotta.

Subito lo raggiungono Simo e Ghurge. Arrivano anche Shukre e Rade.
I quattro around him, wielding sharp knives. All pants because they had to take a long detour to get to race in front of Halid.
He spun around and recognizes Simo, despite the sun in your face and see the lightning blade.

now the circle around him is too narrow and obstruct the view.

Simo contrasts with the paleness of his uniform, he wore a hat Ghurge the other two are the same as always.
Halid turns his head from side to side to keep an eye on the four men simultaneously.
Ghurge approaches. Halid notices, turns around and hits him in the shoulder.

Then a terrible pain the tears back: Simon has given the first shot.
falls on his knees and touches his back. It has the bloody hand.
Simo removes the knife hand with a kick. Her face is on fire and his eyes glassy.
Halid try to get up. A thick runs along the leg. He planted the knife still in his back.
pushing harder as he can. Still a bit '. Here now is standing.

Suddenly he appears before Ghurge. He feels that another dense torn stomach.
Ghurge recoil pulling out the knife.
Halid looks down and sees that the white pants I became red.
Another stab of pain in my stomach. If it holds with both hands, afraid of losing something in that gush of blood. Falls back on his knees.
Then she realizes she is dying and panic engulfs him.
sought to compel him to get up, order him to his legs to get up, get up, get up.

stronger push hands and feet against the ground, the harder it is to stay on their knees.
He collapses on his side.
little further back sees his mother. His mouth is open, mute as a fish.
Halid not want to die looking at the faces of his killers and creeps towards his mother.
A cardinal bird alights on the branch and begins to chirp.
E 'glad it's not a bird and a cardinal part sad.
He feels a kick that hits back. A muffled shot, harmless.
Then she hears footsteps away and others that are approaching.
hands caressing him, gently, and a voice whispers in his ear.

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This work is published under a Creative Commons License .

Friday, January 21, 2011

Light Fixture For Dry Area In Bathroom

Ledi Shirley Cavalcante (



Vorrei sentire la voce di sempre,
il tuo sguardo distratto che si posa sul mio
e mi fissa
come se si trattasse della sorpresa più bella.
Vorrei sentire le tue braccia intorno alla vita,
capire che la storia è fatta di tempeste e quiete.
Vorrei ricordare l'odore nei giorni di gioia,
la pace del naufrago che tocca la terra ferma.
Vorrei riavere le dita che disegnano il contorno dei miei piedi,
dipingono il profilo delle mie gambe
e assaggiano il sapore dei miei seni.
Vorrei che quella bocca venisse da me,
che incontrasse la mia
e sapesse di baci e di nostalgia.
Vorrei che quella pelle fosse ancora lenzuola
e avvolgesse il mio corpo nelle notti di pioggia.
Vorrei che la luce di un'unica candela,
to hear your kiss,
projected on the wall
the shadows of a thousand stars.
I would like the sigh at dusk
and the cicadas outside to make waves.
I want to dance to the sound of silence
and that night in your heart
turning on our dreams.


suddenly disappear and remain barefoot
to embroider steps with loneliness.
eyes - toward the horizon squaring familiar landscapes
sea, sky, waves - still dream of you.
is now ready. The horizon yet clear,
the wind blows the clouds
the sun to shine again on the scales of water
and that you're not there anymore!


Lose yourself in me
dull and silent on this night.
Discard clothing and stripped of every word.
Run comes the wind
magnanimous alter ego dreams blown
taken away by a couple of thoughts distraught.
Run still tremble
that burns and burns in his breast the flame of the burning feeling
seasons of crackling blue
on the threshold of my sheet.
Quench gestures mature
collected ahead of time.
Hurry closing the doors of dreams
and will not be there if i want to sleep
with his head resting on a cushion of empty words.
Hug in this silence.
Every second is a caress of lips wet
with the salt of your skin.
Run, which still tremble!

Confessions shipwrecked

You are the sum of words spoken and those who are still in your soul.
You're a distant hum of the memories that I loved so much.
There is nothing today, where you once lived
and still surf the confessions castaways of your storm.
I'm afraid I know you is not real
and entrapment of a pain in my skin that I can not stand.
like the scent of your presence,
feeling velvety whispers tattooed in my mind,
but the geography of my desires is embroidered by distant dreams.
s cold in this warm humid tropical notes lost in distant thoughts,
but in the end of the calendar a kiss is still awaiting its dawn.
wait for the future that has dragged in the lazy days of
and once again confuses reality and dream.

vowels of your name

I do not know to pronounce your name
a ravenous force sharp
mi aggredisce
ogni volta che una semplice vocale
cerca di disegnarti.
Ho rubato tre consonanti e giocato con loro
tra la sabbia di spiagge infinite.
Tre lettere mi hanno giurato eterno amore ed io nel sentirle,
impaurita e vigliacca,
le ho offerto un sorriso consapevole;
amavo loro perché mi riportavano a te.

Ferita da una stella

Brutali i giorni nel silenzio.
Freccia che agonizza nella carne tremante.
Freddo sulla punta dell’ago
che punge il dolore acceso nel cuore.
Impaziente attesa riversata in ore tristi
dove il sogno, più in là della vita,
fa spazio all'ardore di una stella ferita.
Immacolato taglio che pulsa nel profondo.
Se stanotte non passano gli anni
né le parole chiuse nel tuo heart
dreams will be born at least
nell'imbrunire of your mouth.

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This work is published under a Creative Commons License .

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Maytag Squeal On Spin

Viterbo, La Poesia E’ Reale * Un ConcertoPoesia a sostegno di EMERGENCY

Sunday, February 6, 2011 at 18,30 Gallery Artegiro, Corso Cavour 119, Montefiascone (VT). At the Little Winter Festival, the first edition. Free admission

Poetry E 'Royal support the work of Emergency.
Cony Ray, Marco Orlandi and Gabriele Peritore poets are among the protagonists of the documentary POETS (Italy 2009 / 69 '), by Toni D'Angelo. The documentary competition for the "Italian Controcampo " the 66 th Venice International Film Festival - Venice Biennale. "Poetry is 'Real' is a project born from the desire of poets Cony Ray, Marco Orlandi and Gabriele Peritore , convinced of the need for poetry find their identity and centrality within the social communication through the show "live" of the lyrics, with a new approach to the declamation of the same, suggesting that their impact on performance poetry and the dynamics of a musical concert. The basic objective is the involvement and interaction with the public. The Concerto de Poetry "Poetry is 'Real' in collaboration with the Libraries of Rome has already 'EMERGENCY supported the activities by selling at a price "special," poets of the last publications of the three promoters and protagonists of the project, donating part of collection Organization Onlus Ong.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Two Players Cubefield

"Between totalitarianism and democracy: the civil service ethics" (photo)

Photos of the presentation (the 7/I/2011 in Rome), with an introduction by Miriam Iacomini, volume e-book:

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This work is published under a Creative Commons License .