23 year old wankers? almost ..
WIKIPEDIA: A twenty-four COMMUNITY deceive users'
ROME - More than a 'nom de plume' was created as a new Fernando Pessoa, a heteronym. Under the austere and professorial guise of Essjay, Ph.D. an expert in the history of religions, especially Catholicism, an enterprising young man of 24 years has mocked the community of users and supporters Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia multilingual and accessible to all via the Internet.
The alias of Essjay was Ryan Jordan chose to make a profit or loss as an administrator and Editor, by Wikia, a company related multimedia encyclopedia. Case of Jordan, who had presented to users as lecturer in canon law at a private university, he is entrusted with the International Herald Tribune and, last week, has written the weekly New Yorker. For the leaders of the Commons was not easy to go back to his true identity, since the person concerned had avoided for months to respond to emails in which they were trying to get in touch with him.
His explanation was that the alias he used to escape the 'ambush' of hundreds of readers, who would have flooded with messages and requests for further study, something that would have taken excessive time and energy. But if this explanation was found to have initially by a number of players at the end did not convince the majority of users, who have felt cheated and have put into question the transparency that should be the basic computer system which is based on Wikipedia.
For the company instead, said the IHT, the fact that at the end of all editorial interventions traces remain available to users is just a test of the system of transparency and good faith of those who manage it. Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia co-founder and driving force behind its growth, had initially said he had received an apology from Jordan for the possible reputational damage caused to the encyclopedia, adding that they have accepted, in recognition of the fact that the boy had correctness of content made with thousands of operations as editor-reviewer.
But for the majority degli utenti la frode é rimasta e in sostanza si riassume in 'abuso di titolo' e nell'aver carpito la buona fede del pubblico. Wales, che nel frattempo ha cambiato opinione e indurito la sua posizione nei confronti del collaboratore, sabato scorso ne ha chiesto le dimissioni. Stavolta Jordan non ha giocato sull'equivoco e le ha prontamente presentate. E forse, con lui, è uscito di scena anche il suo eteronimo.
da: http://www.ansa.it/opencms/export/site/visualizza_fdg.html_2110913441.html
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