Friday, February 26, 2010

Ideas For Nerf Gun Party

Personal responsibility: the responsibility to know.

The proof of the lies
of Giuseppe D'Avanzo

DAVID MILLS has been corrupted. That's what counts even if the manipulation of the statute of limitations, which Berlusconi has affatturato a running game, save it from condemnation and only forces him to pay compensation for damage done to the image of the state. This is the verdict of the Joint Sections of the Supreme Court. To understand it you need to know that corruption is a crime "on assistance necessary" if Mills is corrupted, the Chairman of the Board and the corruptor.

To appreciate the decision you have to remember what he said, over time, Silvio Berlusconi David Mills and All Iberian, the archipelago of offshore companies created by the Advocate English. "I have stated publicly, in my capacity as a responsible political leader and then in front of the voters, that this All Iberian not even know existed. I defy anyone to prove otherwise" (USA Today, November 23, 1999). "I know David Mills, I swear on my five children. If it were true, I would withdraw from political life, he leaves Italy" (Ansa, June 20, 2008). We need to start by the words - and the public engagements - the head of government to understand the meaning of the Court of Cassation.

Why the public interest the decision is not only in form legal status of acts, but in fact that validation, that reveals the responsibility, the obligation which rests today on the Prime Minister, if he were a man who lives up to its promises.

So, Berlusconi and Mills known as the process has shown and confirmed to the Supreme Court (and the fact there was no offense), All Iberian was always in its availability. These are the two fixed points of fact and the sentence (another is the formal aspect, as stated above). From today, therefore, the most important chapter in the history of the Chairman of the Board so it can be told. With the involvement of "direct and personal" Knight, David Mills gives life to "64 foreign companies offshore of the Fininvest group B very discreet." The handles on behalf of and in the interests of Berlusconi and, on two occasions (trials Craxi and "yellow flames" corrupt), Mills in the classroom to take away from the Knight of the galaxy where the British lawyer who is credited with authorship in return for "sums of money, unrelated to his professional fees" that the witness made up the reward.

This conclusion reveals crucial facts: who Berlusconi is, what are his methods, what has been hidden from the testimony of the lawyer affected English. It definitely includes how it originated, and such practices, l'impero del Biscione; con quali menzogne Berlusconi ha avvelenato il Paese.

Torniamo agli eventi che oggi la Cassazione autentica. Le società offshore che per brevità chiamiamo All Iberian sono state uno strumento voluto e adoperato dal Cavaliere, il canale oscuro del suo successo e della sua avventura imprenditoriale. Anche qui bisogna rianimare qualche ricordo. Lungo i sentieri del "group B very discreet della Fininvest" transitano quasi mille miliardi di lire di fondi neri; i 21 miliardi che ricompensano Bettino Craxi per l'approvazione della legge Mammì; i 91 miliardi (trasformati in Cct) destinati non si sa a chi mentre, in parlamento, è in discussione la legge Mammì. In quelle società è occultata la proprietà abusiva di Tele+ (viola le norme antitrust italiane, per nasconderla furono corrotte le "fiamme gialle"); il controllo illegale dell'86 per cento di Telecinco (in disprezzo delle leggi spagnole); l'acquisto fittizio di azioni per conto del tycoon Leo Kirch contrario alle leggi antitrust tedesche. Da quelle società si muovono le risorse destinate poi da Cesare Previti alla corruzione dei giudici di Roma (assicurano al Cavaliere il controllo della Mondadori); gli acquisti di pacchetti azionari che, in violazione delle regole di mercato, favoriscono le scalate a Standa e Rinascente. Dunque, l'atto conclusivo del processo Mills documenta che, al fondo della fortuna del premier, ci sono evasione fiscale e bilanci taroccati, c'è the corruption of politics, security bureaucracy, judges and witnesses, and the manipulation of the laws governing the market and economy in Italy and Europe.

It confirms not only that Berlusconi was the corrupter of Mills, but that his entrepreneurship, efficiency, mythology homo faber, the whole mystical body Berlusconi's ideology is rooted in dishonesty , illegally, in the cesspool of corruption of the First Republic, of which he is the son lived.

It 's the connection with the worst past of our recent history, during the interminable debates Process Mills, the chief the government must cut. The root of his talent can not stretch magnified in that muddy bottom, because the ideology of the premier, is his personal triumph that gave him the right to govern the country. Its wealth is the guarantee of the covenant with the electorate and the infallibility of its policy, the fee can not be eliminated by the "Society of enchantment" that beatific. For driving a wedge between himself and his past and become bishop of the new anti-political and credible, it must remove itself from the shadow of English that lawyer, the burden of All Iberian. You bet that Berlusconi decides to play in public. So intertwined in a single node of its future political leader, accountable to the voters, and his past as a successful entrepreneur. If that past is opaque because it is linked to All Iberian, which are not known to exist, or David Mills, who has never met him, he is willing to leave politics and even the country. Today really should do it because the decision of the Supreme Court confirmed that Mills has corrupted (I knew) to hide the direct rule on that machine of lawlessness and abuse that has been the All Iberian (the government). The head of government will not, of course, like a drowning man clinging to the wood of the prescription that he himself approved. Do not leave Italy, but the plague with new laws ad personam (short trial, such failure), useful forse a metterlo al sicuro da una sentenza, ma non dal giudizio degli italiani che da oggi potranno giudicarlo corruttore, bugiardo, spergiuro anche quando fa voto della "testa dei suoi figli".

© Riproduzione riservata (26 febbraio 2010)
La Repubblica


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