Cony Ray, Marco Orlandi,
Gabriele Peritore

Cony Ray has long lived in the district of San Lorenzo in Rome.
He debuted in 1997 with the publication of some poems on the magazine "Poetry," The Year n.8.
E ' present in some anthologies and participated in public readings of poetry.
has organized poetry readings in order to disclose unpublished authors or their first publication.
In 2006 he published the monthly magazine "Aut" Circle of homosexual culture "Mario Mieli," in the "Poems" by Vincenzo Errico.
The issue highlights the XIX World Day to combat AIDS. In 2008 he published Inside
4, his first feature, independent and self-produced, of which he has also
the graphic design. Inside
4 is a poem in a modern, in which the author, through the interior monologues of each character, no excluded, gave voice to those on the edge of the so-called "civil society" and among us, living in a state of social inadequacy and constant in life, in contemporary times and brightness of a film to see and read between the lines.
Marco Orlandi was born in Rome, Abruzzo mother (Guardiagrele) and Roman father . degree in Letters ( with a thesis on the religious historian Ernesto de Martino), teaching and social work.
protagonist of cultural events and poetry readings in the capital and Frascati, began artistically in 2006 with the story other lane, Ed Flowers of the Good.
He recently published the poetry collection for The Diver Ed Universitalia,
with a preface by Blaise propane.
Gabriele Peritore: Sicilian poet and writer, has lived for several years in Rome where he organized and participated in numerous cultural events. In particular, in the field of poetry and theater. A multifaceted artist and underground has made several publications: "A breath pierced, now Cagi Editore, 2004. "The conspiracy of poets", Ed Cross, 2005. "Venial sins", an anthology of short stories, Rabbit Publisher, 2005. "The rest is poetry," Letters Cafe Lazio Region, 2005. "I am the true vine, the symbolism of plants and herbal medicine of the Gospels," essay, published by Cross, 2007. "100 poems by hatred and invective", an anthology, Coniglio Editore. He has edited a monograph of the painter Giorgio Pirrotta, 2009, and the publication of new works by Louis-Philippe Peritore, "The Charm of an island and its contradictions," Ca.Gi. publisher, "National Book Award for 2008 for retrospective work."
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