Apenghe smiled, he suffered in complicity with his brother, with whom he shared the same womb, with whom he had spoken without words when their hearts were formed.
Apenghe, the main character, smiles with his brother that separated at birth because they could see because of diversity of Apenghe. The complicity of the twins is manifested from the first glance though seven years have separated the two.
Apenghe - The son of the Moon is a short novel published by the publishing house Editions Mutable Rupe in 2008, in the series "Atlantis." The author is a poet and writer Rosa Mauro, who with his poetic work has achieved significant results in prestigious awards. Rosa Mauro is the author of several volumes and varied: Bora Bora , magic of a trip , Beyond the desert, Esmeralda Avatar , Katier , Once Upon a Time in Africa , Imperfecta , The tale of life, Singin Mars, between fantasy and reality , Land of the songs , A song for John .
Apenghe - The son of the Moon consists of the foreword by Dr. Carla Mauro, eight chapters and an epilogue for a total of 99 pages. There is no single narrative voice but many voices many characters, each has something to say, everyone sees reality differently, and feels he can tell the reader his life and his impressions on Apenghe.
The short novel is set in Africa and tells of a very special twins. Eve is pregnant and about to give birth, you see the future with a dream but does not speak with women who had to help her give birth to her children. Nzumbu born and Apenghe, twins very different. Nzumbu is now recognized as heir to his father Ndobo, while Apenghe there are qualifications. But why not Apenghe is similar to the twin?
The reason for the oddity that all experience is that the baby has a special feature that few humans have: the son of the Moon.
Being young does not mean the Moon to stand in the sunlight and thus live in a completely different from the rest of the family and village. Ndobo Eve and can not present both children to the community, lead, leaving only the pleasant Nzumbu Apenghe with Eve's sister, Angela. Angele knows the fate of small and decides to adopt him and care for it.
The son of the moon thus becomes the son of Angelo. Apenghe grows knowing the truth, but not interested in seeing his real parents that have so easily let go and have some curiosity about her brother. But the two live hours of the day different Apenghe can not stay under the sun and his life was spent the night, wanders into the forest with the darkness and solitude.
Apenghe still could not forgive her natural mother and did not want him talking Nzumbu. But sometimes Nzumbu stealing thoughts and words of his brother in his memory to be able to report back to her, when he found the courage to listen, especially when accompanied with the source.
from night fishing at night during the meeting the two brothers become inseparable and Nzumbu surrender a few hours of sleep to be with his brother, but the two could not talk about the family situation, past and present with confidence for both blocks Apenghe Nzumbu.
is a classic example of literary outcast who becomes elected: Apenghe that all was not initially want to become close with the passage of time a person useful to society and worthy of deep respect. Apenghe it also had the gift of being able to communicate with Death, also black as night and being able to accompany people dying quietly at the end of this earthly life.
death was wrong, after all. You can not help bring your spirit, but a man can still decide to die inside. She closes the door of his heart and spirit gradually hardens and mummification, as a dry leaf on a tree. I discovered in those days, and I welcomed that as the only way not to suffer.
(remember that books are in the circuit Rupe Mutable Feltrinelli)
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