Sunday, October 26, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
How To Mount Windshield Wiper Fluid Sprayers
To add to my "testimony" ...
I happened to comment after the FOF, the risk of being misunderstood in terms that can be comparable to what was said by Andrea my conviction that the FOF experience itself was what needed to be.
Let me explain: the purpose that brought me in school was to want to live my life in the most consciously "useful" to myself and quello che poteva essere un eventuale progetto generale.
Ho cercato di fare del mio meglio ed in vera buona fede e sincerità... se i miei limiti mi hanno fatto intraprendere determinate strade non posso certo "pentirmene" e credo che tutto faccia parte del viaggio in se..
I vari " avrei potuto...avrei dovuto chissà" non sono contemplabili perché sono ancora più immaginazione e a questo punto se abbiamo qualcosa di utile da trattenere dalla nostra esperienza FOF è arrivato il momento di assumerci la responsabilità di adulti emancipati (se no sarebbe stato inutile lasciare la FOF dicendo ora siamo liberi ... per poi ricominciare dicendo..."sono incapace di.. perché la FOF mi ha fatto perdere tempo".. sembra confuso.. mmm "non I know if I "!?!?.) understand and accept that we have many tools available are useful and we use them now with new awareness and the freedom to experiment ..
Years to be observed to arrive later to say that they no more wasted time and I have a double waste.
I also believe (at least for me it was so) that some tools that have enabled us to see and understand that it was time to go out, paradoxically, we have refined in their "Work".
course, my experience was short enough to allow me to draw some benefits with minimal side effects (5 years). But here, everyone has only his own experience with which to measure.
appreciate l'approccio di Andrea e lo condivido dato che chiunque abbia trascorso l'esperienza FOF sinceramente e con attenzione, nonostante gli errori ha anche costruito qualcosa di reale attorno alla propria vita mentre quelli che ora si trovano seduti a terra nello sconforto, forse in qualsiasi altra esperienza avrebbero accumulato difficoltà.
Ora forse è il momento anche per questi ultimi di accogliere le proprie "responsabilità" (accettate benevolmente il termine nella sua accezione meno pesante) e vedere da dove e come ricominciare senza focalizzarsi troppo su fantastici se... ma... colpa di... colpa mia... colpa di Robert..., etc..
Tutto questo discorso non vuole deresponsabilizzare la FOF o Robert o nessuno per gli errori e i crimini, ma è only one point of view either moved to another focus.
Sorry if the comment appears in a few paragraphs long, perhaps, uneven ... but part of my limits now.
Greetings to all non-formal and a hug. Edson
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Extremely Sore Throat Stiff Neck
by Paola
Boys .... do not worry, I'm sure many of you know him already because his wisdom is great and the energy that emanates belongs to a level I would be at least of 'man no. 20, here it is:
ps. if you want to do a prospective meeting in .... Payment of course!
Check Ontario Plate Availability
by Lisa Simpson
I thought so too these days: it is possible that we have come to the right station. I thought my plants on the terrace looking to rise to new life again, as every year, without the permission of anyone, just because that's how it goes.
But, to endorse the reasoning of Andrew, then we are sure that if we had followed a "pig" for 10-15-20 years we would have done something else miigliore? Maybe, but maybe. Maybe we became used to the mails, or of the bank, or who knows. So, as my friend said "if that was not was another matter ... And today, if all went well, we would have the same age and we might be just the same. And at least, to put it again with Andrew, we have the people around us who love us.
I see a little 'sorry for the friends that remain in spite of all that came to light, but also many who just come out the other way, just as you would always run to new teachers, otherwise you do not live . Okay, if all goes well for them, but I can not remain indifferent. Let me think. As it were, in fact, now back on the train (what a beautiful analogy of this train, it reminds me of something ...). But as you can never turn, is a journey without end. It scares me and I like most train stations in the race.
E poi, c'è qualcuno che sa o che ha capito dove diavolo si dovrebbe arrivare? Non può semplicemente essere una méta anche il vivere la propria vita degnamente?
Se mi chiedono "ti è servita a qualcosa la Fellowship", in fondo non so cosa rispondere. La cosa più sincera sarebbe dire che quegli anni li ho vissuti e quindi non posso dire che non siano serviti a niente, non perché abbia imparato qualcosa di particolare, semplicemente perché sono passati e c'ero anch'io.
Se non altro, adesso so che non devo cercare lontano e che non penso mi interessino altri maestri al di là della vita stessa e della natura.
Un grande bacio a tutti,
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Directions On Making A Fishing Rod Organizer
Pensavo stamattina the fact that they went to look for gold in the hills in California and have found only rocks!
The best part was, of course, the dig alongside some other crazy like us. The fact that there was gold becomes almost irrelevant when you realize that everything that you want to find him already '.
mad that I dug with you are your friends, and this can only be happy with it.
We could find something better to do during these years? Not necessarily. If I have to follow a teacher as bad and perverted, drunk under the palms, and said with great seriousness nonsense meetings, well, then I could not find a better deal! I do not think a
carriera o uno stile di vita diverso ci avrebbe resi più felici che non il picconare rocce sotto il sole cocente, pronti a cambiarci in un attimo in eleganti abiti da sera....
Certo è un po' triste vedere gli amici che rimangono a cercare l'oro anche quando è ovvio che non ce ne sia! Ma quelli sono problemi loro, se preferiscono ascoltare Bombolo che suggerisce che devono solo andare più in profondità e che sono sempre più vicini....
Riguardo al rimborso del biglietto, non saprei, intanto, a chi rivolgermi.
Ammesso che ci sia qualcuno a cui rivolgersi, non potremmo essere, per puro caso, alla stazione giusta? (Ammazza quante analogie!)
Torniamo a noi. Cos'è, veramente, che non va in quello we or are we now? The people around us, love us (I speak for you Floria), we are decent human beings (here I do not know who you are), we have adorable children (I'm not talking here just for you), and, most importantly, no longer looking for the gold !
And if we have too many of our responsibilities to the old pig, is it not time to stop, well we got on the wrong train, going the wrong way, absolutely nothing changes, the gold is not found in any of the stations, but in own compartment! (I know it's too good for you .... hahaha)
Kisses to all, hello beautiful Adriana 'see you here' (.... what we say because you think it makes sense?)
with Paola.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Hot To Delete Wonder Cards In Pokemon
da Paola
Ciao A.
volevo solo dirti che hai scritto delle belle cose.
Ti ringrazio
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Caro A. (Andrea?),
e' un piacere partecipare degli onesti movimenti di una mente, dunque grazie! Avrei anche voluto aggiungere qualche mia pensata in proposito, ma di questi tempi alla mia mente non riesce di reggere alcun processo logico per il tempo necessario a formulare qualcosa di sensato. In ogni caso almeno voglio far pervenire a tutti i blogganti (o bloggisti? bloggici? bloggosi?) un sincero grazie per condividere anche con me gli onesti e amichevoli sviluppi della nostra evoluzione/ vita spirituale/ vita e basta. Aggiungo che anche Bruno possiede una scatola piena di cravatte di cui sarebbe ben lieto di sbarazzarsi, delle volte qualcuno ne volesse (magari le offro alla auction!).
Con molto affetto per tutti voi,
Can Plus Size Women Get Wax
da Floria
E certo che questo blog lo trovi "intimo", A, ...scrivi praticamente solo tu!!!!!
Io mi chiedo, pur essendo completamente daccordo con tutto ciò che hai scritto (qui c'è qualcosa che non va...), ma la paura se ne andrà mai?
Mi è abbastanza chiaro, A QUESTO PUNTO, il perchè ho raggiunto la "scuola" (idiozia e paura) , il perchè ci sono rimasta (idiozia, paura e pigrizia) e cosa mi ha permesso di lasciarla (beh, c'è un limite a tutto), ma a dir la verità, sotto molti aspetti sono più spaventata di prima; essere degli inetti a vent'anni lascia comunque più prospettive che esserlo a 40!!!
Pensi che ci aspetti un futuro più brillante (smetti di ridere, scemo) o ci siamo bruciati definitivamente tutte le possibilità?
Mi sento più libera,più equilibrata (e va bene, SCOMPISCIATI se proprio devi...) e"più" tante altre belle cose, ma in questa neo-vita non sò neanche da dove cominciare per poter ricominciare.
La sensazione che ho, per sfruttare ancora una volta la brillante analogia della propria vita vista come un viaggio, è che mi sia stato dato il mio biglietto, ma io invece di salire sul treno, I spent my time sitting at Bachini, chatting with a bunch of lunatics, one even swore to see Leonardo Da Vinci flying over your head and take a shower with Jesus, and meanwhile time was passing and I would not be realized until now. You say
him to reimburse the ticket?
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Senior Trips To Myrtle Beach
I think the hardest thing for us is not having more certainties.
Having left school, and with it, at least most of us, the confidence in the fourth way, we left behind a castle imaginary certainties and we went to see the naked reality.
Naked as we are, sometimes we cry, we laugh more often. We do not know why of what happens (apart from bad luck).
We have a philosophy that says word for word for everything we do and what others do.
We did not get more body-type, we prefer to see people for who they are and what they do.
Instead of observing the features, I see human beings as such, and I think, I'm so, it will be because I have a long nose?
Many ex-students ... would be nice to say, ex-revolutionaries, eh? Alumni sounds a bit 'as ex-convicts, a bit' of failure in the very word ex.
say neo-normal, we neo-normal (this sounds much better, as the kids 'special'), in short, poor us, we have problems to adapt to normal life (?).
The lack of guidance (blind) of any kind, creates imbalances for those accustomed to, not only to always have someone to tell him how to live and be present with their thumb, but can not see past the weaknesses arising from having twenty years in a room without windows and walls amortized. So
being used to not take too much responsibility, now have them all together creates a problem. Some seem to seek other teachers to fill the void. Others claim to be conscious. Others how they can get by, living day by day and not looking for answers.
Fear kept us in school, afraid to face life on its own terms, the fear of discovering who we are without a form of self-remembering forever stamped on the face, the fear of being like everyone else!
What then is unlucky, that's another story. Of course, just had to meet this cult. With a little 'luck we could all go around singing, dressed in orange. Instead we drank, elegantly gallons of bad white wine, we smile a lot (until it has become a manifestation of evil!), We bought a lot of ties (at least me) we do not know what to do.
Now let's write a little 'everywhere, on the GF, the English blog on this (at least that seems to intimate a thing), a gang of lunatics let loose with a multitude di'opinioni different to the world, various deities, philosophies. Some very angry, some happy.
The only thing I can do is try to maintain balance on the tightrope, without knowing whether there is a net below. In the case of a fall, try to enjoy the flight!
I do not know what I meant, but I hope I have said.
A kiss to all.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
How To Tell If A Hotwheels Car Is Valuable
[I comes to mind] that out of the Fellowship of Friends I had to cross a deep and articulated fear: fear of spiritual death.
This fear does not exist by chance in the FoF: it is deliberately fostered and fed by the master, who says that if you leave school
- you end up down the line to the awakening
- is the greatest tragedy that can befall a human being you become
- simple food for the moon
When you are in the Fellowship of Friends, strange but true, you are not fully aware of this fear. It may have some inkling, and now it is thought that the third force is not the right to stay in school. Then he faces the long and painful process that eventually sees you out. E looking back, you can see how much fear there was, and how much fear there is in those still inside. The fear of spiritual death is the true third force that holds together the Fellowship of Friends.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Where To Find The Mod Shop In Pokemon Emerald
by Lisa S.
" The most useful thing to me in giving up everything he had believed, was not so much dealing with the past as a source of mistakes not to repeat, but to analyze deeply, my way of thinking which led me to certain choices. From this can be born a new way of being and seeing things . "
I feel so in tune with this! And it is why I prefer the solitude and reflection rather that an exchange unnatural and artificial (even among ex-students) where you try to rebuild something that perhaps there has never been ... Maybe, losing a chance to discuss together, honestly what has happened, not in words, as Andrea says, to condemn or vilify them, but in terms of an honest and profound than what we thought, felt and how we got up to there. I feel it is important not to ban the discussion, stop repressing, if required to do a sort of "group therapy", in short, to use this experience. And I also think that if we wanted to find a way to "undress" the falsification of us, it is certain that we found. It must be a bit 'as when one gets out of prison: with a bag of things, a door that closes out towards a new world of which perhaps eluded him the real size ... as thrown into a place where you can finally do what comes to mind, but do not think of anything ... Fear.
Many systems - perhaps all the systems that presume to bring enlightenment - talk about reaching a state where your physicality has more weight. Well, a little 'I feel like that and perhaps because - again as Andrea says - " we do not have no image to defend, We are obviously stupid but at least we should not pretend to be always present (in case this was a concern) , and we can face the new reality of who we really are, in a simple and sincere .
It 's true dear friend, I think it can happen that, to destroy within us the imaginary world we have created, they open doors behind which see what we have always sought, since beginning.
When I tried the "truth" maybe I was wrong to think of having to find myself in something that could given. Perhaps the "truth" has always been here berth. In that imaginary world that we have built, I pretended to know . But I could not pretend, I thought it was true (sorry if it seems complicated, but do not know how else to say). The process of liberation / revelation that, although difficult, may perhaps lead where I always wanted to go: simplicity, harmony, acceptance of themselves.
to Anonymous (last post):
Thank you very much. When you say, " People around you try to make you feel better by pretending to have understood everything and that you are the only / aa did not understand anything" ... Most of this would reveal the true intention of that imaginary world? Nobody understands anything, no proof of anything truly his own, but together we can be convinced to try it (remember phrases like - I said to myself - "there was an energy that seemed to get up the room?") . This is the mechanism by which they live seven. And when one can no longer manage or bear it contraddizione (sto facendo finta?...) è arrivato il momento di andarsene e inizia la liberazione. Strano che si entri in una setta per liberarsi dalla vacuità del mondo e della vita e poi ci si impantani in meccanismi ben più acutamente castranti ! Far sentire colpevoli coloro che nutrono dei dubbi è il meccanismo che tiene in piedi religioni e sistemi rigidi.
Ma io - almeno qui voglio dirlo - vedo questo meccanismo in parte ancora presente in ex-studenti, compresa me. Paura di esprimersi, paura di riconoscere quello che veramente è stato, forse dettata da "dubbi" (incredibile, ma vero) che ancora ci sono e che è assolutamente umano che ci siano ancora. Lo credo bene, dopo 10, 20, 30 anni di imbesuimento collettivo ... Si would in an error claiming that in a flash you can turn the page, forget everything and continue looking beautiful as if nothing had happened. For me it is not, but it will not be born sorpattutto nothing new.
I also tried to "turn the page" but then I realized it was a transparent page ...
A kiss to all, Lisa Simpson
High Waisted Skinny Jeans How To Wear
How to tell if you're on the path to enlightenment or whether it slowly, you are putting him in $#&%? That is the way
You've found the group and the teacher right? The best way to know if you found the right teacher, is very simple. If you claim to be stupid as it sounds, do not worry too much with your choice, will still be the wrong one. Although the group / teacher wrong, it will be perfect for you. Console yourself with the fact that any kind of teaching will happen, will be what you deserve.
Years later, being in a darkened room with your spiritual guide, your pants around your ankles rolled magically, an unearthly voice asking you to bow, I think I'm to receive a great spiritual lesson?
Yes, you are right. Putacaso there really was an abundance of spiritual lessons available in the universe, do you really think that the would you?
Ask yourself this question often in the coming years, especially when prices begin to rise. Your questions, as stupid (on the other hand have made the ...), you are never given a straight answer and / or understandable (maybe this is your fault .... you see I still have doubts, haaarg) . Meanwhile
will certainly resulted from the tiniest part of your (why?). The answers will have nothing to do with what you have asked, and after having been confused, the only sure thing is that you would have done better not to ask questions (it appears that is the false personality, which is curious). You will feel more stupid than you already have. People around you try to make you feel better by pretending to have understood everything and that you are the solo / AA did not understand at all (this friend has confessed to me and I fear that we have heard so often, I think he deserved it though). They might tell you in private, during one of the first meetings, you may please the Divine / a. Do not think it is good for your character. You will also be stupid, but you are cute! The vanity may make you think that your undoubted spiritual qualities are being recognized, it was also about time someone noticing. Do not want to be considered for long eyelashes! Have you ever thought that people in the group are those which in normal life you would have avoided like the plague (with a few exceptions)? If you were forced to attend, they would have gladly beaten, this prova che è il posto giusto per voi, sia per il lavoro sul vostro ego (giudizio e cose varie), sia per imparare a controllare le vostre tendenze violente (anche se prima non le avevate).
I soldi che avete generosamente donato, vengono usati per opere apparentemente assurde. D'altra parte come dice un caro ex-amico studente "I veri maestri sono misteriosi (si vede che quelli falsi invece sono semplici), non possiamo capirli (infatti io non li capisco)!!". Era serio! Del tipo Anfiteatro Greco nel mezzo delle colline californiane (senza avere i permessi richiesti se possibile, così è inutilizzabile). Altra opera misteriosa... Completi rosa per gli studenti più meritevoli (immaginate quelli che non lo sono). Veramente un mystery ... Travel abroad, so that the Divine / to be able to choose new recruits. Less mysterious than others, at least I understand. It is money well spent if you consider that they probably would have spent on something as stupid, like drugs or apartments.
Being idiots do not understand much of a philosophy. However, although you had to read something before you've made your choice (let's call it that). Probably one of Baci who have rejected (without knowing what it was), contained a sentence to the effect of Gurdjieff. From there to read the fourth way is a short step, and nothing is more dangerous to you a philosophy that promises a quick way to enlightenment (The slow pathway is not for you), especially when your treat you as if you were late, it's time to show who you are!
The fourth way uses the other three routes for an accelerated result. If you're lucky your school to incorporate into his system, and in the blink of an eye (twenty years) will be exactly the point of departure.
But let your Path, which surpasses all understanding, without any: Via dell'idiota.
The only thing that matters in your life is self-remembering. You do not have money because they have data to your master. Have you abandoned your family (or they have left you ..). As part of the inner circle, you are initiated privately by the Divine / or once a settimana. Se qualcuno ancora vi aspetta casa, lo picchiate (non scherzo) per la frustrazione di essere un'idiota (ad agosto volano un sacco di sganassoni!). Tutto questo non significa nulla! Vi ricordate di voi stessi! Magari solo per pochi secondi, ma è sufficiente a riscattare la vostra patetica vita. Siete gli unici al mondo (non so come fate a saperlo, ma ne siete così convinti!). Siete tagliati fuori dal resto del mondo e ne siete contenti. Siete costretti a guardare, inebriati, interminabili balletti russi, sul palco che è costato miliardi, voi vivete di nulla e ricordo di sé. Cosa vi consola? Un pensiero: "Loro saranno anche ballerini di fama mondiale... ma come sono addormentati!". E' la scuola perfetta per voi, e voi siete perfetti per questa scuola....Sì siete perfetti! Dei perfetti idioti!
P.S. A tutti i miei amici curiosi: anche Martha R. è stata abbandonata dall'Inluenza C e sembra abbia completamente perso il lavoro! C.V.S.(scusate l´abbreviazione ma non ho chiesto il permesso di usare il nome) anche sembra sia perduta, ha avuto un pensiero negativo nei confronti del lavoro e sta per perdere le speranze di poter accedere al paradiso. Ha lasciato oggi, o domani. Insomma presto. Notizia ancora più sconvolgente: T. è tornata all'ovile!! Rientra nella scuola dopo un anno di assenza?!? Come dire fuggo -dalla -prigione- e -no stavo -meglio- dentro. Che razza di vita deve aver avuto al di fuori per voler rientrare! Uniamoci in prayer (or whatever you want) for his soul in danger. On the other hand is with H., a student model ... might as well stay in school ...
I can not remember who they are, have mercy.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Red Dot And Laser Bow Sight
by Andrea
Continuing the argument started by Lisa in "We have been ...".
I do not think there is nothing to feel guilty or stupid for being in Fof or any other sect or cult. It 'was what it was and the fact that they were stupid in the past, does not mean that you will always be! The pain at some point must give way to something new, what is now in the process of posting. If we can be (brutally) honest with ourselves all the experience may even be positive!
The most useful thing to me in giving up everything he had believed, was not so much dealing with the past as a source of mistakes not to repeat, but to analyze deeply, my way of thinking that led me to certain choices. From this can be born a new way of being and seeing things. Of course we must first go through all the stages of grief-denial-anger-acceptance before they can investigate honestly who we are. But the beauty is just that. Having done all this nonsense possible, we do not have no image to defend! We are obviously stupid but at least we should not pretend to be always present (If this was a concern), and we can face the new reality of who we really are so simple and sincere.
Denying the past does not help, nor worry about it too. It was an imaginary world that we created together, as we have created we can destroy in the process can also happen to learn what they really wanted from the beginning.
This is only my interpretation at the time, and having a history of stupidity 'professional, it would be presumptuous to think forward to give advice to anyone ....
Kisses to all, Andrea
Purchase Multiplier Of Fast Food Restaurants
by Lisa S.
I took the time to watch this documentary that was made dal National Geographic e che parla di una setta ... Mi ha veramente impressionato la similitudine con Robert e la FoF. È un po' lungo, ma si può anche guardare a pezzi, volendo, e assicuro che vale la pena. Credo che possa essere impressionante e rivelatore per un attuale membro della FoF vedere questo video, ancor più che sentire (e automaticamente respingere) le verità che sappiamo di Robert. Ma non vi sembrano tutte uguali le sette?
Perciò, ecco il link:
P.S. Il sedicente Dio è stato arrestato qualche giorno fa.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Sample Invitations For Death Anniversary
Ecco una storia cui non è stata fatta molta attenzione e che mi è stata raccontata l'anno scorso da un medico professionista. Uno studente della Fellowship andò da un altro studente che esercita la professione medica e gli descrisse il suo problema. Gli disse di essere un pedofilo e di essere attratto dalle bambine (non ho idea fino a che punto ciò venisse messo in pratica, ma insomma era un suo problema).
A un certo punto era andato da Robert, gli aveva detto tutto e gli aveva chiesto consiglio. Il solo consiglio di Robert era di aspettare fino al 2006 (quando sarebbe dovuto avvenire l'Armageddon) e dopo non ci sarebbero più state restrizioni riguardo ai comportamenti sessuali ...
Ma che bell'insegnamento da parte di Robert!
(estratto dal post Draco 261 of the April 29, 2008)
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Multiple Sclerosis Purple Bracrlet
by Lisa S.
The following are excerpts from post of Rear View Mirror Blog English appeared in the last days
It amazes me that there are still many who feel the need to defend their past in the FOF, or their past student of the ideas of Fourth Way. This is typical of ex-members of a sect (including myself) who do not want to face the pain of having made a mistake. This indicates that we are still mired in the same thought patterns that we learned in Fof and that we are not yet healed. We did a mistake to go in that sect, as well as to stay, realizing it takes time.
way: it is a cult, a sect, a sect. The fact that you question it shows that we have not freed from the "sectarian thinking." It is not a group. It is not an organization. It is a cult. And you and I've been there.
However, I want to say that I'm gradually realizing that the most serious mistake of my life has been 1) to enter the sect, 2) stay there so long, but 3) the most important and positive step in my activity was left.
cha think is right not to look at anything in our lives as a "waste", but I think it's interesting that most of us who have been in FoF - as well as those who entered in the other seven - are extremely difficult to use words like WASTE or error, as well as many, many other words. The word cult, for example, falls into this series. No words can describe this better than the nature of the FOF. It is simply too painful for us to admit - or rather, sometimes it is.
For the most part, we realize, but we do not want to admit it either to ourselves or others, to be entered into a cult. And you know what? - This is a deep, profound reason for which is been so difficult to leave, and a deep reason why it is difficult for our friends leave.
There are words that are powerful. The omission of certain words can be even more powerful
from the waste, and the big mistake we all made to follow that person, something can possibly arise. (And probably, I should add a big question mark in this statement). I believe in transformation - and I learned mostly on it out here in the real world, not in Fof .
In total agreement, I just want to add my opinion: I think that they should recognize that it was in a cult, I do not reduce, not rob me experience, do not hurt me. I will not be so afraid to experience what we have learned to label as "negative", to the point of suppressing all thought "divergent" in us. I consider these feelings rather like a bee, or an insect that has its function in the universe. I try to live without pain dismiss this intimate, we are strong enough. I prefer to feel sad or negative, rather than extinguish any fire within me. And rather than force me still to think that FoF was a "wonderful experience". And who cares anyway.
admitting they had been in a cult, it can free (as well as help altri a farlo) e, per parafrasare la conoscenza della Quarta Via, ci permette di chiudere qualcosa per poter passare a qualcosa d’altro, per lo meno dentro di noi. Ma sul serio, non per finta.
Aver ancora paura dimostra che non siamo ancora liberi.
Baci da Lisa Simpson