Where you would get?
by Lisa Simpson
I thought so too these days: it is possible that we have come to the right station. I thought my plants on the terrace looking to rise to new life again, as every year, without the permission of anyone, just because that's how it goes.
But, to endorse the reasoning of Andrew, then we are sure that if we had followed a "pig" for 10-15-20 years we would have done something else miigliore? Maybe, but maybe. Maybe we became used to the mails, or of the bank, or who knows. So, as my friend said "if that was not was another matter ... And today, if all went well, we would have the same age and we might be just the same. And at least, to put it again with Andrew, we have the people around us who love us.
I see a little 'sorry for the friends that remain in spite of all that came to light, but also many who just come out the other way, just as you would always run to new teachers, otherwise you do not live . Okay, if all goes well for them, but I can not remain indifferent. Let me think. As it were, in fact, now back on the train (what a beautiful analogy of this train, it reminds me of something ...). But as you can never turn, is a journey without end. It scares me and I like most train stations in the race.
E poi, c'è qualcuno che sa o che ha capito dove diavolo si dovrebbe arrivare? Non può semplicemente essere una méta anche il vivere la propria vita degnamente?
Se mi chiedono "ti è servita a qualcosa la Fellowship", in fondo non so cosa rispondere. La cosa più sincera sarebbe dire che quegli anni li ho vissuti e quindi non posso dire che non siano serviti a niente, non perché abbia imparato qualcosa di particolare, semplicemente perché sono passati e c'ero anch'io.
Se non altro, adesso so che non devo cercare lontano e che non penso mi interessino altri maestri al di là della vita stessa e della natura.
Un grande bacio a tutti,
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