Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Dru Unproductive Cough

The heart beats left

In a historical / political / social like the present, my words are carried away by emotions.
I read articles by journalists who can best express what I think and feel. Then copy and paste, without any creativity.
Only an album to carry what I admire. And return it to me because "that item is important. As this analysis
Mario Pirani on the Republic.

Power, sex and lies
indignant because the people left


's resignation Piero Marrazzo have a value, before the political, purifying. Are not the answer to the demands of the majority of concerned government but to despair of the people left.

With this gesture, the politician has been stripped of his public role and from this point of view the story is closed. It remains a private drama, open to human piety of those who have suffered or Marrazzo was shocked at the failings of an individual.

Some reflections, however, are needed. On the day of the primaries had been left to the people to vote with the heart beat of the soul by a disaster, triggered by the case just Marrazzo. The shock can not be exceeded even now comforted with the parallel that comes naturally to all, including how you ended the affair that has engulfed the president of the Lazio Region and the facts, much more damaging to the mix of public and private, that " not "caused the resignation of prime minister. He would, however, abandon any construct ad una valutazione ponderata del grado di accettabilità delle propensioni sessuali dell'uno e dell'altro personaggio. Serve, piuttosto, porsi altri problemi e, in primo luogo, interrogarsi sul perché le reazioni dei due elettorati siano state e siano così divergenti, quasi da delineare una cortina di ferro antropologica tra "popolo di destra" e "popolo di sinistra".

Il primo, quello berlusconiano, tranne qualche frangia cattolica osservante e la ristretta élite finiana, in fondo non solo accetta ma si compiace di ciò che Giuliano Ferrara derubrica a "inviti a cena e in villa e sesso un po' a casaccio, con una instancabilità privata divenuta favola pubblica". Bastava, del resto, fare attenzione what he said in recent months and says today, "people", to capture the similarity between the brave mothers who have it with Veronica because "not washing your dirty linen at home" and "machi" or township of Parioli, proud of the purpose of their leaders, as they too could replicate nominees. All this is topped by the fastidious withdrawal from the trial of the many pseudo-liberals, forgetting the difference between the public role and private life and adontati with "Republic" because he told all these obscenities, without regard to the sacred right to privacy. For still others it was enough turn away, divert attention, said that the one and the other are the same, not to get involved the evidence of public ethics, thrown to the winds. Finally, the bad, if they caught some anguish, blame the left is not there.

In contrast, the "people of the left" in its assembly and individuals, men and women who belong to it have suffered deep sorrow, if not despair. Almost every one of them is considered personally offended by a gesture considered unbearable. Nor can it be said and repeated that Piero Marrazzo has hurt in the first place to himself and his family and sought to cultivate his sexual orientation a secret, without involving the institution that ran with proven dedication. No, these things could not soothe a grief that only moral resignation permettono ora di elaborare. È, infatti, il nucleo più profondo dell'animo collettivo e individuale della sinistra che è stato leso. Dalla caduta del Muro ad oggi quell'animo è stato sottoposto a una cura terapeutica che, se lo ha disintossicato dall'ideologia e dalla sua proiezione pratica più deleteria - lo stalinismo in tutte le sue forme - , lo ha anche spogliato da illusioni, utopie, speranze troppo avanzate di riscatto economico. La globalizzazione ha smantellato le sue strutture sociali di difesa, i suoi partiti si son fatti sempre più fragili, ognor mutevoli, anche di nome. In questa deriva una sola certezza è rimasta come valore di auto identificazione: l'essere dalla parte - ed essere parte - della gente onesta, per well, those who have nothing to hide, to abide by the law, relying on the Constitution, pay taxes, perhaps because they are considered with the pay, they retain some traces of solidarity.

This abhor Berlusconi, by contrast, has legitimized the vices of Italian history, the other Italians, who are perhaps the majority. That fell in the field of Knight have finally found someone who made them ashamed of national vocation to "make do", perhaps with some small or big hoax, evading taxes, working in black, fumbling for a building violation. And above all, living the law, rules, and deep down even some of the 10 Commandments, let alone the Constitution as malicious refusal to explicitly free all you have to do to survive. For this love and identify with Berlusconi, who rang the bell of the "release all" (the other day, even from the obligation to pay fees Rai). What does he care to the conflict of interest, the division of powers, the ridicule thrown on the Judiciary? Indeed, the scandalous conduct, publicly performed, degradation of the corridors of power in places of private pleasure, the promotion of tissue in turn, give to many destitute, the flying buttresses on the waiting list, aspiring to the infinite number "of the famous islands" the Planet "that if all bit 'ago," the plebeian version of "Yes, we can ".

The" people of the left "this feels and suffers. I consoled by the fact that you can tell about himself in a mirror opposite, though no longer able to proudly materializes in" diversity "berlingueriana. Imagine that his party to do precisely this reference value, in fact belies the refrain that offends him but also raises doubts: "At the bottom are all equal." For this "sin" by Piero Marrazzo has suffered as "deadly." Why corroborates doubt, especially towards the top, with only good will but not the charisma that generates confidence.

Hence the need for a frank and deep reflection seno a quello che formalmente si chiama gruppo dirigente. Perché maturi la consapevolezza che il germe velenoso dell'omologazione subliminale con l'avversario può proliferare grazie a comportamenti similari: designando candidati dotati solo di immagine, siano annunciatori televisivi o giovani il cui curriculum si esaurisce nel certificato di nascita, senza più alcuna verifica delle competenze e della coerenza morale tra pensiero e azione; manifestando in mille occasioni un'arroganza del potere e una sicumera che nulla hanno da invidiare ai loro colleghi dell'altra sponda politica; abbandonando, come finora hanno fatto non il "controllo del territorio", secondo la formuletta che amano ripetere, ma il contatto continuo, fraterno, comprensivo col loro elettorato.

Da questo elettorato è venuta una volta di più, con i tre milioni di voti delle primarie, la prova niente affatto scontata che il popolo di sinistra ancora c'è, "ci crede" e ha conservato nel cuore un credito di fiducia, una qualche speranza. Esso seguita ad esprimere una "etica popolare" che si contrappone al cinismo amorale berlusconiano. Non è detto che la dirigenza di centro-sinistra sia capace di leggere in profondità le esigenze di buon governo, sia del partito che del Paese che da questo popolo provengono ancora.

Una prima prova la si avrà con la scelta del candidato destinato a concorrere al posto di Marrazzo, quando si svolgeranno le elezioni regional. God forbid you should start the usual debate between the half cartridges eager to make a career, rather than to win. To this I would conclude with a personal proposal. In recent weeks, a character is revealed, or rather, has risen above the average, for being able to trim down in front of millions of viewers, the vulgarity of insulting prime minister, becoming a symbol of a female collected, Rosy Bindi. It should be allowed to choose it by acclamation.

reserved © Playing: The Republic
(October 28, 2009)


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