Saviano meets Bondi
"That's why we can not remain silent" - Appeal to the Justice: the writer on letter from the Minister of Culture invited him not to take sides
by Roberto Saviano
Dear Minister Sandro Bondi, thank you for your letter and the attention given to my work: I appreciated your respectful tone and dialogue not granted these days, and then in the same tone and attitude to the dialogue I want to answer. As I know, I have often drawn attention to certain issues can not and should not be considered the preserve of a political party. I have also always understood my struggle as something other than a certain idea of \u200b\u200bmilitancy that is recognized in full in a grid.
I have always believed that they should belong to all the principles that you mention - freedom, justice, human dignity and I add also the right to happiness in any society is experiencing. And that is why I always hated the abuse of power, it takes the form of a totalitarian system of any color, or, as I have experienced since adolescence, under the form of the system Camorra.
too I hope to be back in Italy a more civilized atmosphere and I have repeatedly reached out beyond the fences because they are convinced that a political division of each district for which you denigrate and delegitimize the block, is something that hurts.
But today the climate of tension in this country is because everyone knows that, depending on the position that it intends to take against the Government, will see their lives defamed, you'll see every kind of denigration against the future of their loved ones, can see hindered their career opportunities.
Germany few days ago I was honored Scholl Award, in memory of two students organization Christian White Rose, a brother and sister, executed by the Nazis with their peaceful opposition to beheading for having just written leaflets and have invited the Germans not to gag.
All the people I met there at the awards ceremony at the University of Monaco, was concerned about what is happening today in Italy in the field of press freedom and law. It was not an award of dangerous or subversive conspirators who knows what anti-Italian. Quite the contrary. German Bavarian Christian gathering commemorating their martyrs. All seriously concerned about what is happening in Italy and all ready to ask me how do I take the freedom of expression but to continue to work in Italy.
is not a good sign and, as a writer, I can only pick up the embarrassment of being welcomed as a sort of intellectual in a country where freedom of expression undergoes an exception. The program showed she appreciated in the early evening, the terror caused by the Russian Communist regime, and Castro's persecution of the Cuban writers and hell in Iran of Ahmadinejad.
Everything was broadcast in a broadcast as "Che tempo che fa", as RaiTre on a network, so often accused of being partisan, ideological, enslaved to the left or even a boss as Sandokan liked to call "Telekabul" . To demonstrate this, Minister, quanto siano spesso pretestuose e false le accuse che vengono fatte contro chi invece si prefigge il compito di raccontare per bisogno - o dovere - di verità.
Però sono altrettanto convinto che a volte, proprio per semplice senso civile, non si possa stare zitti. Che bisogna prendere posizione al costo di schierarsi. E schierarsi non significa ideologicamente. La paura che questa legge possa colpire il paese sia per i suoi effetti pratici, sia per l'ingiustizia che ratifica, in me è assolutamente reale e per niente pretestuosa.
In questi anni, ossia da quando vivo sotto scorta, ho avuto modo di poter approfondire cosa significhi, tradotto nel funzionamento di uno stato democratico, il concetto di Justice. I understand that it is not only the defense of legality, but what sustains it and makes it more functional is the preservation of law and the rule of law.
I decided to publish this appeal because the law on the process seems like a quick heavy attack - not the first, but what I think is by far the stronger - to the detriment of a good key for all Italian citizens, of right or left, as I wrote and I really like. And I assure you that I'd do it tomorrow, without fear of being ascribed to a part and to be able to pay the consequences.
There is nothing in this act that does not correspond to anything I've done or said. The these are my views and the rest could not act otherwise. What prompts me to tell, in the early evening, the cruel murders of two young women whose only crime was to have been manifested in the square, in a peaceful manner.
What prompts me to recount the crimes of communism in Russia and the abuses of the multinationals in Africa is not a "get the demon to take possession of the politicization of culture and partitizzazione" but another demon. What he intended to tell the truth or at least try. Information for those who are uncomfortable with and who listens, observes, the law. In Italy the drift that is taking the rule of law is dangerous because has all the features of irreversibility. That's why I act this way because it is the only way I know to be a writer, this is the only way I know to be a man.
I greet you with warmth
© 2009 Roberto Saviano. Published by arrangement with Roberto Santachiara Literary Agency
reserved © Playing: The Republic
(November 23, 2009) .... ............................................... ....
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Former President: "I do not use appeals to join, but agree to Saviano"
Concerned about the health of our democracy, "Manipulation rules"
Ciampi: "Enough" ad personam "laws, Berlusconi delegitimize the institutions" of
"We live a sad time. In the final years of my life, really did not imagine having to watch such a barbarity of political action, an assault so brutal and systematic institutions and values \u200b\u200bin which I believed ...». The first thing that strikes you, in the words of Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, is the bitterness. Deep bitterness of the fate of Italy and conditions of our democracy.
Never as much as on this occasion the former head of state, a true "noble father" of the Republic, launches its indictment of those responsible for this "barbarism" and this "aggression": Silvio Berlusconi, his government and his majority, who are tearing down to "pick hits" the principles on which stands the Constitution, that "our civil Bible."
"You see - reasons Ciampi - my bitterness comes from the realization of what is happening everyday now on justice, not only on justice. There has been a real deterioration of collective values, you feel a sense of constant manipulation delle regole, una perdita inesorabile di quelli che sono i punti cardinali del nostro vivere civile". Vale per tutto: non solo i rapporti tra politica e magistratura. Le relazioni tra potere esecutivo e Parlamento, tra governo e presidenza della Repubblica, tra premier e organi di garanzia, a partire dalla Corte costituzionale. L'intero sistema istituzionale, secondo Ciampi, è esposto ad un'opera di progressiva "destrutturazione". "Qui non è più una questione di battaglia politica, che può essere anche aspra, come è naturale in ogni democrazia. Qui si destabilizzano i riferimenti più solidi dell'edificio democratico, cioè le istituzioni, e si umiliano i valori che le istituzioni rappresentano. Questa è la mia amara reflection ...".
Ciampi, perhaps for the first time, speaks bluntly of the Knight, and what has been and is in this "decaying landscape." "I remember a book by Marc Lazar , released a couple of years ago, where I used to come and Berlusconi as recounted details of a pendulum: on the one hand Ciampi, the man who defends the institutions, and across Berlusconi, the man who delegitimize the institutions . Never before today I would say that this picture sums up perfectly what I think. I have lived my whole life in institutions and the institutions that are the heart of democracy. And do not forget the lessons of the Revolution Neapolitan Vincenzo Cuoco 1797: the happiness of the people are no longer necessary orders that the men, the institutions beyond the boundaries of generations. But then, to the viability of the institutions, we need men and their civic passions, their ideals of democracy. And I, today, this is what I see lacking in those who govern us ...".
The last chapter of this nefarious "rewriting" the Constitution of our formal and material justice concerns, of course, and now the Lodo Alfano also the bill on the short process by which the prime minister to clear the two processes that concern him, he scorched earth of the entire judiciary power. On this conviction of Ciampi is without appeal: "The reforms are made by citizens, not for individuals. I always thought, and today I am more convinced than ever: enough with the ad personam" laws, which do not solve people's problems and do not help the country to improve ". Fa more, the former president. It goes to reflect on what might happen if and when this new law is approved, shame: "I do not give advice to anyone, least of all to those who have succeeded at the Quirinale. But the head of state among its powers, has one of the promulgation. If a law is not not signing it. It should not be used as an argument for always so that the promulgation if Parliament rejected the law to re-approve the first time, the president is then forced to sign it. Meanwhile promulgation of the law at first reading: The Constitution expressly provides that presidential prerogative. The use: a way to send a strong message to those who want to alter the rules, the Parliament and the public. "Ciampi Napolitano does not name, but it makes an implicit reference to Francesco Saverio Borrelli:" I think for those who care institutions today, the only rule to be respected is that of "quantum potes": do what you can. In other words: hold on. "
He himself, in his seven years on the Hill, has resisted several times behind the Knight. From the Gasparri law for the tv to the reform of the judiciary of Castles:" You true, but I just did my duty. There is one thing, which I regret to this day: my only message to the Chambers, the pluralism of broadcasting and information. Then it was a crucial issue for the quality of our democracy. The Parliament has not picked it up, and since then has not done anything. Today, just watching TV to realize, that theme is even more serious. A real emergency. "
But so dark, according to Ciampi, there is also some glimmer of light. For example, the call to" Republic "by Roberto Saviano, who asks the prime minister to withdraw the law on 'abbreviated process, the "rule of privilege." "I - says the president emeritus of the Republic - for the role I played I do not use sign calls. But I agree with from beginning to end to Saviano. Responds to one of the principles that have guided me all my life. And the fact I've got so many acceptances represents hope, especially for young people. It's the old motto of the Rosselli brothers: Do not give up. They paid with their lives for faithfulness to this principle. Here and now, in Italy, there is at stake people's lives. But there are values \u200b\u200bfor which we fought and which we believed. At stake is the good democracy: trust me, it is enough to not give up. "
reserved © Reproduction: The Republic
(November 23, 2009)
Monday, November 23, 2009
Period For 2 Weeks Brown
Illustrious William Shakespeare, knows Justice?
For Silvio Berlusconi 18 laissez-passers in 15 years of
Giuseppe D'Avanzo
ALSO William Shakespeare may be useful to understand how Berlusconi defends himself against the humanity, precarious "truth" that the judiciary has the duty to order. In Measure for Measure - "dark comedy" that tells of justice, power, authority, morality, human dignity - the Lord Deputy Angelo met Isabella begs him to save his brother from the death penalty (Scene IV, Act II). The Lord: "He will not die, Isabella, if you give me love." Isabella: "I denunzierò Angelo, mind you! Signature immediately lose my brother or I will proclaim aloud, before all, what kind of man you are." The Lord: "And those who want to believe you, Isabella? My name (...) and the place it occupies in the State will have more weight than your charges. Everything you say will have the taste of slander (.. .) around Tell me everything you know. My lies will have more weight in your truth. "
The way in which Silvio Berlusconi is defended by the judiciary is in those few words, "My lie will have more weight." To put it in a formula Massimo Noble (Immorality necessary, the Mill) is "the force of power against truth." This is the paradigm that has always been the head of government opposed to justice. If you want to have a concrete idea, it is interesting to bring to light the fragment of a story in 1994.
In summer, it runs as follows: Berlusconi has won his first election, is housed in the Palazzo Chigi. In another corner of Italy, Sciacca (Agrigento), the police are frying in the heat of August, the traces left behind by Salvatore Di Ganci, high-ranking mobster. The mafia if you slipped away under their noses. In less than an hour, gave up his desk as director of the Central Savings Fund to become a fugitive and avoid arrest. Now the police seek Him and trust that his friends on the phone sooner or later, can lend a hand with a careless word. Have telephone lines under control. Among others, the number of Massimo Maria Berruti. Nice guy, this Berruti, now three parliamentary terms of office of the Republic (Forza Italy, PDL).
In 1978, as captain of the Guardia di Finanza, check Edilnord (company Fininvest Group, as at the time of Umberto Previti Edilnord S. & C.). Ask Silvio Berlusconi. That, with leather face, telling him to ignore those who were members of the society: "I am just a consultant." Berruti drinks lie. Close control. Shortly after, leaving the body e, come avvocato, prende a curare gli interessi di alcune società della Fininvest.
In quell'estate del 1994, Berruti è attivissimo come il suo telefono. L'uomo ha un problema: sa che i pubblici ministeri di Milano ronzano intorno ai militari del Nucleo tributario della Guardia di Finanza che, nel 1991, si sono messi in tasca 130 milioni di lire per chiudere gli occhi in una verifica fiscale alla Mondadori. L'8 giugno Berruti incontra, a Palazzo Chigi, Berlusconi e, nelle settimane successive, cerca un "contatto" con l'ufficiale corrotto per dirgli di tenere la bocca chiusa sulla Mondadori, se dovesse essere interrogato dai pubblici ministeri. La manovra non sfugge alla procura. Arresta il mediatore (un sottufficiale Guardia di Finanza). Which tells of the pressures. Berruti feels that for him the hours are counted. Will be questioned, perhaps arrested.
Now is August 10, 1994, are 10.29, and the police to intercept the conversation Sciacca Berruti with Berlusconi. The document noise, collected in the investigation of the Mafia Hooks, can not by law be used in other proceedings. However, even today, that conversation between Berruti and keeps its head and reveals the entire catalog of content, in fifteen years, Berlusconi will use to defend herself from her past, convinced that the lie has the power, should have more weight " truth. " For him, it is not convincing Another trick that, nothing else.
So begins Berruti (calling from home, known or presumed to be heard): "I am Maximus, President ... [Prosecutors] I want to talk. It seems that someone has said I am going to ask someone not to speak of things Fininvest.
Berlusconi's up to explain what man must do and say to the prosecutors: "Okay, you say, but you are crazy ... It says, I have nothing to hide. You make something of this kind a Citizen of the Republic, you stand upon ... and she starts screaming: you are crazy, wild animals, you can not put me in jail, this is kidnapping, etc. ... [Man that prosecutors will say]: piece of stoned who understands fireflies for lanterns ... Then make statements to reporters, it can not be more of these crazy people. Make statements before entering into it. [Say] With all this there is nothing to go against the interests of the country because the country needs to work on trust, in peace, we must rebuild! .. They [judges] ... are public enemies. "
If you sort out these sentences - the most sincere liars that Berlusconi has never said - can be found, stripped, the nucleus of the reasons that the more authentic Egoarca opposed to a judiciary that is found between the hands the concrete evidence of a system Economic built through corruption and fraud. Berlusconi did not agree to discuss the habits of his shop or provide evidence that the prosecutors doubt is unfounded, a certainty without evidence, a document - in appearance, opaque - a double reading. Rejects the legitimacy of asking the root account of his behavior. It does not recognize any validity and constitutionality of the work of the judiciary (to determine what happened to responsibility of the person). It 'the only way out that can free him from any disputes which can not address. The men in robes are "crazy."
Before you know what they know or have collected, or want to ask, you just scream against; gridare allo scandalo, alla violenza; denunciarli come eversori che distruggono la "fiducia del Paese". Sono "nemici pubblici" che bisogna allontanare e annichilire. Pur di non rispondere di ciò che è stato, il capo del governo è disposto anche a sopportare il peggiore dei sospetti.
Ancora oggi, nella ricerca di impunità, Berlusconi si muove lungo la via che, quindici anni fa, indica a Massimo Maria Berruti. Si tiene lontano dalle aule. Arringa al "pubblico" la sua innocenza e le cattive intenzioni di quei "matti" in toga nera. Invoca il maglio dell'informazione (che controlla) per intimidirli, umiliarli, screditarli e la manipolazione dei media (che influenza) per distruggere il passato, oscurare lies with the facts, let wither - in public - the memory. It is' the force of power against the truth, "as it better? Berlusconi claims his power to eliminate any charge, any trial, any witness and, together, degrade function subordinate to any other power of the state that could force him to deal with the "truth." The maneuver is even transparent. "If [Silvio] did not enter politics unless he founded Forza Italy, we [Mediaset] today we would be under a bridge or in jail on charges of Mafia," confesses Fedele Confalonieri (Republic, June 25, 2000). Berlusconi, the weapon of improper political power, has tirelessly agitated.
ad personam laws of eighteen who has written eight protect and strengthen its business, the ten protected by law. He rewrote the rules of the process (the time of prescription), codes of procedure (the ban on the prosecution to appeal against acquittals). Has legislated to abolish crimes (false accounting), remove the judges (reasonable suspicion), cancel sources of evidence (letters rogatory). Finally, to make them immune (the laws "Schifani" and "Alfano"). At first, he disguised his conflict of interest poses humble: "The prime minister, who is a primus inter pares and coordinates the work of other ministers, has a moral obligation to abstain on the table when decisions are likely to extend to his interests "(Courier, September 20, 2000).
Today, after the rejection of the" Alfano law ", this mask has fallen, and the head of government claims of be "primus super peers." It may be deduced that "the law is equal for everyone, but it is not always its application, especially for the head of government," in accordance with its role of popular sovereignty "(Nicholas Ghedini the Constitutional Court, October 6, 2009). E 'claim to sovereignty un'indivisibilità that eclipses any power-sharing institutions. There is nothing new under the sun because it is "An eternal" that those in power, if not a limit, nor abusers. As the Lord Deputy of Shakespeare, 1604.
amazing is that this takes place in 2009, the liberal West in Italy. Where the legend of an "aggressive record" (16 processes are not 106, as the head of government), also soi disantes liberals may argue that compliance with the rules is the most nefarious of their violation or, alternatively, that to save Republic should immunize a single citizen of the country. With the outcome - this is what awaits us, if Berlusconi will win the day - even to decriminalize the offense of corruption in a public arena where it abolished all distinctions between potere legislativo, esecutivo e giudiziario con la creazione di uno "stato d'eccezione" che annulla e contraddice ogni aspetto normativo del diritto, anche quello fondamentale di essere eguali davanti alla legge. E' un paradigma di governo che invoca, in nome della sovranità, "pieni poteri" (plein pouvoirs). Come se potessimo trascurare, anche soltanto per un attimo, che l'esercizio sistematico dell'eccezione conduce necessariamente alla liquidazione della democrazia.
(Le prime due puntate sono state pubblicate il 18 e il 20 novembre )
© Riproduzione riservata: La Repubblica
(November 23, 2009)
For Silvio Berlusconi 18 laissez-passers in 15 years of
Giuseppe D'Avanzo
ALSO William Shakespeare may be useful to understand how Berlusconi defends himself against the humanity, precarious "truth" that the judiciary has the duty to order. In Measure for Measure - "dark comedy" that tells of justice, power, authority, morality, human dignity - the Lord Deputy Angelo met Isabella begs him to save his brother from the death penalty (Scene IV, Act II). The Lord: "He will not die, Isabella, if you give me love." Isabella: "I denunzierò Angelo, mind you! Signature immediately lose my brother or I will proclaim aloud, before all, what kind of man you are." The Lord: "And those who want to believe you, Isabella? My name (...) and the place it occupies in the State will have more weight than your charges. Everything you say will have the taste of slander (.. .) around Tell me everything you know. My lies will have more weight in your truth. "
The way in which Silvio Berlusconi is defended by the judiciary is in those few words, "My lie will have more weight." To put it in a formula Massimo Noble (Immorality necessary, the Mill) is "the force of power against truth." This is the paradigm that has always been the head of government opposed to justice. If you want to have a concrete idea, it is interesting to bring to light the fragment of a story in 1994.
In summer, it runs as follows: Berlusconi has won his first election, is housed in the Palazzo Chigi. In another corner of Italy, Sciacca (Agrigento), the police are frying in the heat of August, the traces left behind by Salvatore Di Ganci, high-ranking mobster. The mafia if you slipped away under their noses. In less than an hour, gave up his desk as director of the Central Savings Fund to become a fugitive and avoid arrest. Now the police seek Him and trust that his friends on the phone sooner or later, can lend a hand with a careless word. Have telephone lines under control. Among others, the number of Massimo Maria Berruti. Nice guy, this Berruti, now three parliamentary terms of office of the Republic (Forza Italy, PDL).
In 1978, as captain of the Guardia di Finanza, check Edilnord (company Fininvest Group, as at the time of Umberto Previti Edilnord S. & C.). Ask Silvio Berlusconi. That, with leather face, telling him to ignore those who were members of the society: "I am just a consultant." Berruti drinks lie. Close control. Shortly after, leaving the body e, come avvocato, prende a curare gli interessi di alcune società della Fininvest.
In quell'estate del 1994, Berruti è attivissimo come il suo telefono. L'uomo ha un problema: sa che i pubblici ministeri di Milano ronzano intorno ai militari del Nucleo tributario della Guardia di Finanza che, nel 1991, si sono messi in tasca 130 milioni di lire per chiudere gli occhi in una verifica fiscale alla Mondadori. L'8 giugno Berruti incontra, a Palazzo Chigi, Berlusconi e, nelle settimane successive, cerca un "contatto" con l'ufficiale corrotto per dirgli di tenere la bocca chiusa sulla Mondadori, se dovesse essere interrogato dai pubblici ministeri. La manovra non sfugge alla procura. Arresta il mediatore (un sottufficiale Guardia di Finanza). Which tells of the pressures. Berruti feels that for him the hours are counted. Will be questioned, perhaps arrested.
Now is August 10, 1994, are 10.29, and the police to intercept the conversation Sciacca Berruti with Berlusconi. The document noise, collected in the investigation of the Mafia Hooks, can not by law be used in other proceedings. However, even today, that conversation between Berruti and keeps its head and reveals the entire catalog of content, in fifteen years, Berlusconi will use to defend herself from her past, convinced that the lie has the power, should have more weight " truth. " For him, it is not convincing Another trick that, nothing else.
So begins Berruti (calling from home, known or presumed to be heard): "I am Maximus, President ... [Prosecutors] I want to talk. It seems that someone has said I am going to ask someone not to speak of things Fininvest.
Berlusconi's up to explain what man must do and say to the prosecutors: "Okay, you say, but you are crazy ... It says, I have nothing to hide. You make something of this kind a Citizen of the Republic, you stand upon ... and she starts screaming: you are crazy, wild animals, you can not put me in jail, this is kidnapping, etc. ... [Man that prosecutors will say]: piece of stoned who understands fireflies for lanterns ... Then make statements to reporters, it can not be more of these crazy people. Make statements before entering into it. [Say] With all this there is nothing to go against the interests of the country because the country needs to work on trust, in peace, we must rebuild! .. They [judges] ... are public enemies. "
If you sort out these sentences - the most sincere liars that Berlusconi has never said - can be found, stripped, the nucleus of the reasons that the more authentic Egoarca opposed to a judiciary that is found between the hands the concrete evidence of a system Economic built through corruption and fraud. Berlusconi did not agree to discuss the habits of his shop or provide evidence that the prosecutors doubt is unfounded, a certainty without evidence, a document - in appearance, opaque - a double reading. Rejects the legitimacy of asking the root account of his behavior. It does not recognize any validity and constitutionality of the work of the judiciary (to determine what happened to responsibility of the person). It 'the only way out that can free him from any disputes which can not address. The men in robes are "crazy."
Before you know what they know or have collected, or want to ask, you just scream against; gridare allo scandalo, alla violenza; denunciarli come eversori che distruggono la "fiducia del Paese". Sono "nemici pubblici" che bisogna allontanare e annichilire. Pur di non rispondere di ciò che è stato, il capo del governo è disposto anche a sopportare il peggiore dei sospetti.
Ancora oggi, nella ricerca di impunità, Berlusconi si muove lungo la via che, quindici anni fa, indica a Massimo Maria Berruti. Si tiene lontano dalle aule. Arringa al "pubblico" la sua innocenza e le cattive intenzioni di quei "matti" in toga nera. Invoca il maglio dell'informazione (che controlla) per intimidirli, umiliarli, screditarli e la manipolazione dei media (che influenza) per distruggere il passato, oscurare lies with the facts, let wither - in public - the memory. It is' the force of power against the truth, "as it better? Berlusconi claims his power to eliminate any charge, any trial, any witness and, together, degrade function subordinate to any other power of the state that could force him to deal with the "truth." The maneuver is even transparent. "If [Silvio] did not enter politics unless he founded Forza Italy, we [Mediaset] today we would be under a bridge or in jail on charges of Mafia," confesses Fedele Confalonieri (Republic, June 25, 2000). Berlusconi, the weapon of improper political power, has tirelessly agitated.
ad personam laws of eighteen who has written eight protect and strengthen its business, the ten protected by law. He rewrote the rules of the process (the time of prescription), codes of procedure (the ban on the prosecution to appeal against acquittals). Has legislated to abolish crimes (false accounting), remove the judges (reasonable suspicion), cancel sources of evidence (letters rogatory). Finally, to make them immune (the laws "Schifani" and "Alfano"). At first, he disguised his conflict of interest poses humble: "The prime minister, who is a primus inter pares and coordinates the work of other ministers, has a moral obligation to abstain on the table when decisions are likely to extend to his interests "(Courier, September 20, 2000).
Today, after the rejection of the" Alfano law ", this mask has fallen, and the head of government claims of be "primus super peers." It may be deduced that "the law is equal for everyone, but it is not always its application, especially for the head of government," in accordance with its role of popular sovereignty "(Nicholas Ghedini the Constitutional Court, October 6, 2009). E 'claim to sovereignty un'indivisibilità that eclipses any power-sharing institutions. There is nothing new under the sun because it is "An eternal" that those in power, if not a limit, nor abusers. As the Lord Deputy of Shakespeare, 1604.
amazing is that this takes place in 2009, the liberal West in Italy. Where the legend of an "aggressive record" (16 processes are not 106, as the head of government), also soi disantes liberals may argue that compliance with the rules is the most nefarious of their violation or, alternatively, that to save Republic should immunize a single citizen of the country. With the outcome - this is what awaits us, if Berlusconi will win the day - even to decriminalize the offense of corruption in a public arena where it abolished all distinctions between potere legislativo, esecutivo e giudiziario con la creazione di uno "stato d'eccezione" che annulla e contraddice ogni aspetto normativo del diritto, anche quello fondamentale di essere eguali davanti alla legge. E' un paradigma di governo che invoca, in nome della sovranità, "pieni poteri" (plein pouvoirs). Come se potessimo trascurare, anche soltanto per un attimo, che l'esercizio sistematico dell'eccezione conduce necessariamente alla liquidazione della democrazia.
(Le prime due puntate sono state pubblicate il 18 e il 20 novembre )
© Riproduzione riservata: La Repubblica
(November 23, 2009)
Sunday, November 22, 2009
How To Make A Wet And Wavy Half Wig
Forum "Women of Reality" at the House of Women and Crime
Conference organized by the group "Women of reality" with the collaboration of our newspaper and Fnsi
Conference in Rome: "The risk of return of hostile sexism for all women "
ROME - A passionate debate, concrete, hard. Between generations of women who come together and decide to re-count, to influence the present, while the Italian company seems to walk backwards, removing rights and freedoms that seemed safe and well-established. A continuous and steady dismantling, through media campaigns ever so relentless, that the feminine side show more and more naked bodies, submission or indulgence. This was discussed yesterday in Rome, in a crowded conference organized by the Milan group "Women of Reality", with the cooperation of the Republic Fnsi and that the appeal to the dignity of women has gathered in recent weeks over one hundred thousand signatures. Launched a forum to talk about "other women," those that are beyond the portrait that makes the newspapers, television and advertising, where the only goal of the female gender seems to be "to ingratiate himself with the male more rich and powerful as possible."
to reflect and discuss the House of the women of Rome with an audience "transgenerational", the philosopher Michael Marzano, a signatory along with Nadia Urbinati Barbata Spinelli and the title of "Republic", Chiara Volpato, Professor of Social Psychology at the University "Bicocca" of Milan, Miriam Mafai, the founder of "Women of reality." And in the background, on a white screen, photo galleries sent to our newspaper from readers of the Republic, 350 thousand faces of women's cheerful, humorous, serious, true, "women of reality" in fact, 350 thousand different stories but all "offended by the Premier" . Because what is happening today in the Italian society, said Chiara Volpato, is the return of a "hostile sexism in all women showing skills, who reject the stereotype of "ornament" is on talk shows and in real life. "And when a woman resists, as in the now famous" do not have at its disposal "to Prime Minister Rosy Bindi," here that men attack and insult. "" In many European countries, not to mention the United States, sexism is decreasing, we are increasing. And some politicians are right to be its spokesman. "With a language that elsewhere would be prohibited and Volpato cites the BBC, where there is a handbook of rules with which these issues" sensitive "should be treated. Topic taken up by Miriam Mafai that launched the ' to propose the idea to adapt the rules of the Rai
BBC ...
Much has been done in terms of equal opportunities, but the road seems backwards. A style of life and thought that Michael Marzano has resulted in new dictatorship on women's bodies "that is prohibited to show the limit, illness, aging, and one company" still patriarchal continues to issue rules to control life and female sexuality. "emblematic example the recent debate and hot Italian," on the pill Ru496, where people sought to politicians to decide what was right or wrong for women's health. "
reserved © Reproduction: The Republic - VIDEO
(November 22 2009)
Conference organized by the group "Women of reality" with the collaboration of our newspaper and Fnsi
Conference in Rome: "The risk of return of hostile sexism for all women "
ROME - A passionate debate, concrete, hard. Between generations of women who come together and decide to re-count, to influence the present, while the Italian company seems to walk backwards, removing rights and freedoms that seemed safe and well-established. A continuous and steady dismantling, through media campaigns ever so relentless, that the feminine side show more and more naked bodies, submission or indulgence. This was discussed yesterday in Rome, in a crowded conference organized by the Milan group "Women of Reality", with the cooperation of the Republic Fnsi and that the appeal to the dignity of women has gathered in recent weeks over one hundred thousand signatures. Launched a forum to talk about "other women," those that are beyond the portrait that makes the newspapers, television and advertising, where the only goal of the female gender seems to be "to ingratiate himself with the male more rich and powerful as possible."
to reflect and discuss the House of the women of Rome with an audience "transgenerational", the philosopher Michael Marzano, a signatory along with Nadia Urbinati Barbata Spinelli and the title of "Republic", Chiara Volpato, Professor of Social Psychology at the University "Bicocca" of Milan, Miriam Mafai, the founder of "Women of reality." And in the background, on a white screen, photo galleries sent to our newspaper from readers of the Republic, 350 thousand faces of women's cheerful, humorous, serious, true, "women of reality" in fact, 350 thousand different stories but all "offended by the Premier" . Because what is happening today in the Italian society, said Chiara Volpato, is the return of a "hostile sexism in all women showing skills, who reject the stereotype of "ornament" is on talk shows and in real life. "And when a woman resists, as in the now famous" do not have at its disposal "to Prime Minister Rosy Bindi," here that men attack and insult. "" In many European countries, not to mention the United States, sexism is decreasing, we are increasing. And some politicians are right to be its spokesman. "With a language that elsewhere would be prohibited and Volpato cites the BBC, where there is a handbook of rules with which these issues" sensitive "should be treated. Topic taken up by Miriam Mafai that launched the ' to propose the idea to adapt the rules of the Rai
BBC ...
Much has been done in terms of equal opportunities, but the road seems backwards. A style of life and thought that Michael Marzano has resulted in new dictatorship on women's bodies "that is prohibited to show the limit, illness, aging, and one company" still patriarchal continues to issue rules to control life and female sexuality. "emblematic example the recent debate and hot Italian," on the pill Ru496, where people sought to politicians to decide what was right or wrong for women's health. "
reserved © Reproduction: The Republic - VIDEO
(November 22 2009)
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Denise Milano Natural
Powers: 50'anni of plots that weave from moles underground networks and increasingly dense
The minutes of the repentant Spatuzza. On December 4, the deposition process Dell'Utri
The "revelation" given to one of the brothers Graviano. That rejected the comparison
"I have a deal with Berlusconi - This revealed to me the boss"
PALERMO - The boss of the Cosa Nostra would have had a relationship "directed" by Silvio Berlusconi e Marcello Dell'Utri. There would be "mediators" in the covenant that would have been caught between the mob and the leaders of the nascent party Forza Italy to put a stop to the massacres started in '92 and '93 with the attacks continued in Florence, Rome and Milan.
was stated is the latest sorry mafia, Gaspare Spatuzza, whose verbal statements made last summer with the magistrates of Florence were filed yesterday in the appeal against the senator Marcello Dell'Utri, accused of collusion with the Mafia.
The interrogation is 18 June. It is there that tells Spatuzza Florentine magistrates has learned directly from the boss Giuseppe Graviano in January '94 at the bar Doney Via Veneto in Rome, who had made "the country in their hands" because - as stated in the minutes - had reached an agreement with Dell'Utri and Berlusconi.
Spatuzza tells pm Horsehair Alexander and Joseph Nicolosi of the DDA in Florence: "I think I can categorically rule out, knowing very well (the brothers Giuseppe and Filippo Graviano ed) that the grave will be moved against Berlusconi and Dell'Utri through other people. I do not take into account the possibility that Graviano has made a political deal with them without having spoken personally. "
Spatuzza was the right arm of the brothers Giuseppe and Filippo Graviano (both in prison with life sentences for murders and massacres, including that of the priest Don Pino Puglisi and of the repentant son of Matthew). When Joseph Graviano revealed the "pact" that would have been close with Berlusconi, was in Rome to prepare for the failed attack at the Olympic Stadium to kill dozens of police.
The penitent then speaks from its privileged relations with the bosses and am Florentine adds: "I can not know what was the connection that Berlusconi and Dell'Utri had in mind tightening this covenant. My experience of these events, but it is my inference is that they (Berlusconi and Dell'Utri ed) that they made the first time the massacres of Cosa Nostra, he then wanted to accredit the outside world as those who were able to stop them. And when I see them go down in politics, participating in elections and winning, I understand that they are directly those on which we (What Our-ed) have staked everything. "
Spatuzza tells the details of the conversation with the boss Giuseppe Graviano when they met in Rome for the preparation of the attack at the Olympic Stadium. On that occasion the boss spoke of ' agreement which he said had been reached with Berlusconi: "Gravity was elated and joyous, bursting with happiness, a person was usually pretty controlled, so it was hard to let it go that way, his words were as follows: 'everything properly closed, we got what we wanted, people who have carried out what they are not like those four Crasti (sheep-ed) the socialists who first asked us for the votes and then we have sold. They are reliable people '. Then he tells me the name of Berlusconi and confirms to me that this is one of Channel 5. Then he says there is also a country and our Dell'Utri me the name and adds that thanks to the seriousness of these people, "we got the country into the hands'."
These statements came in the trial in Palermo Dell'Utri. The repentant Spatuzza probably next December 4 hearing set in Turin for his interrogation, prosecution and may better explain the significance of these defense-heavy statements about Berlusconi and Dell'Utri.
to the acts of the process are also finished comparisons between the same Spatuzza and brothers Philip and Joseph serious events on 20 August and 14 September. Interesting comparisons that can also contain messages that investigators are trying to decipher why the history of the Cosa Nostra has never seen the boss indent a turncoat like a friend. Joseph Gravano, who refused to respond in comparison, however, has said in a recent public hearing of "respect".
Filippo Graviano has instead accepted the comparison confessing to have been inclined to "opt out" of Cosa Nostra in the early 2000s when the then Attorney National Pierlugi Vigna, had launched a series of investigative interviews, but denied Spatuzza have never told that "if you do not get anything from where to get there - would say Graviano referring to the politicians - we begin to talk with the judges." A sign that, according Spatuzza the "negotiation" was still open. But in comparison with Filippo Graviano, Spatuzza staggered by heavy charges, claiming he never received the orders from the boss to commit murders and massacres inviting but to cooperate.
reserved © Playing: The Republic
(November 21, 2009)
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The mafia judges in Palermo talks last act of "negotiation" between gangs and state - In the story of the record in '94 with severe that he spoke to Berlusconi and Dell'Utri
Mafia, the truth of repentance Spatuzza - "The boss I said, the country is in our hands "
PALERMO - There is a mobster who speaks the last act of" negotiation. " And another attack, other bodies, other political protection, the boss of the other agreement that sought to "the new party." So says a repentant, that he did re-open investigations into all killings.
Spatuzza Gaspare's testimony, uomo d'onore della "famiglia" di Brancaccio: "Giuseppe Graviano mi disse che la persona grazie alla quale avevamo ottenuto tutto era Berlusconi e c'era di mezzo un nostro compaesano, Dell'Utri... mi disse anche che ci eravamo messi il Paese nelle mani".
Era lui, Spatuzza, che avrebbe dovuto uccidere cento carabinieri allo stadio Olimpico di Roma all'inizio del 1994. Dopo Falcone e Borsellino nell'estate del 1992, dopo le bombe di Firenze e Milano e Roma nel 1993, i mafiosi avevano bisogno di "fare morti fuori dalla Sicilia per avere poi benefici per i carcerati e anche altri". L'ultimo massacro prima del patto finale.
Un verbale di 75 pagine riapre uno scenario che sembrava sepolto per sempre e fa scivolare once again - had already happened after the 1994 prosecution of Caltanissetta and Florence, stored procedures in the following years - the names of Silvio Berlusconi and Marcello Dell'Utri "in the massacres." Deposition that was missing was the Palermo prosecutors in their investigation into the "negotiation" to tie each step between the first and second republic, between capacity and the birth of Forza Italy, among the first contacts made by officers of the Carabinieri with Ros Vito Ciancimino in June 1992 to the mediation of Dell'Utri neighbor "of January 1994. A plot - according to prosecutors - who would just "confirmed" in the revelations of Gaspare Spatuzza, Mafia witness of the operations and the games began with the killing Giovanni Falcone. Spatuzza says in its report of 6 October the prosecutor Antonio Ingroia and substitutes Nino Di Matteo and Lia Sava: "I met Joseph Doney Graviano inside the bar in the Via Veneto in Rome. Graviano was very happy, as if he won the Lotto, a Lottery. It tells me that everything was closed and got what we wanted. So I explained that thanks to these persons of trust that led to a successful conclusion this situation ... and that they were not like 'those four Crasti Socialists' .. ".
The Mafia, which this time he met with severe mid-January 1994, recalls the socialist - "Crasti", that horned - who had promised "fair justice" 87 and were voted by Cosa Nostra. Then he speaks again of the agreement reported by Giuseppe Severe: "... All this is thanks to Berlusconi, the person who carried out this thing we say, it makes me (gravity, ed) the name of Berlusconi, I did not know at the time Berlusconi I said then was that if the Channel 5 and told me it was one of the Channel 5 .. ".
The tale of the mafia takes a step back. It lists all the doubts of men of honor on what had happened in the summer of 1992 in Sicily, and above all, doubts that the Strategy stragista Corleonesi did not want to stop: "We were carrying out a bit 'of deaths had nothing to do with our history ... to me it was a dedicated ... tragedia che entra nell'ottica di Cosa Nostra, però quando già andiamo su, su Costanzo (il fallito attentato al giornalista, ndr), su Firenze... su.. ci sono morti che a noi non ci appartengono, perché noi abbiamo commesso delitti atroci, però terrorismo, sti cosi di terrorismo non ne abbiamo mai fatti". E' a quel punto che Gaspare Spatuzza manifesta altre perplessità a Graviano sulla strage che proprio lui - il mafioso di Brancaccio - sta preparando allo stadio Olimpico. Gli risponde il suo capo: "Con altri morti, chi si deve muovere si dà una mossa... significa che c'è una cosa in piedi, che c'è qualcosa che si sta trattando". Gaspare Spatuzza è insieme a Cosimo Lo Nigro, un altro boss. E Graviano chiede to both "policy if they understand something." And then he says "he's good enough, then it is he who is dealing with."
In the final pages of the minutes Gaspare Spatuzza rebuilds his repentance, the first interview with the anti-mafia prosecutor Pietro Grasso: "On the issue of Via D'Amelio ... because they had closed all the processes, so I knew what I was getting But I told myself: I have overwhelming evidence, because if there were only my words would have been crazy to move in this story, because I had some things, objective comparisons, so I was safe.. " E 'in April 2008 that he began to speak: "The subject that I had to show he had won the elections because we talk, April ... I arrive late, April 17 and then the subject that I must acknowledge I find him as head of government ... Beyond this, the Minister of Justice, that little boy so we can say ... the figure of Dell'Utri ... . The minutes of Gaspare Spatuzza on the following pages to the number 61 is full of omission.
reserved © Playing: The Republic
(October 24, 2009)
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21/11/2009 - The investigation - Seasons Of Bombs
Mafia, a turncoat against Premier [from "La Stampa"]
Here are the poisons of the minutes Spatuzza: "Behind the massacres are Berlusconi and Dell'Utri"
PALERMO. Enter new acts in the process of Palermo against Marcello Dell'Utri. They come from Florence, where the investigation of car bombs in Rome, Florence and Milan, is in full swing soon and could lead to sensational developments before the identification of external sponsors to Cosa Nostra.
Yesterday, the General Prosecutor of Palermo Nino Gatto has records available to the lawyers of the PDL of Senator Marcello Dell'Utri, accused of involvement in Mafia and already sentenced to nine years in first grade. It is the declaration of repentance Gaspare Spatuzza, long been the focus of voices that stir the Roman policy. Spatuzza will again be heard by the Second Chamber of the Court of Appeal of Palermo, Dec. 4. The questioning will take place, for reasons of safety, away from Sicily to Turin, to the courthouse.
in the paper, the former regent of the Brancaccio district of makes continual reference to patrons, the capicosca Filippo and Giuseppe Graviano, as sources of their information on what, in no uncertain terms, sets out a deal with Dell and Silvio Berlusconi 'Utri, to have some sort of political cover on the massacres still to be made: after the targets already attacked had to strike again, give the boss what he calls "the coup de grace: the devastating attack on the Stadio Olimpico in Rome, against the police. Spatuzza report tells: "The infidels were Berlusconi and Dell'Utri ... Previously, they made the carnage and then shall be credited as those who had the chance to stop them ...».
And the boss, in addressing the current prime minister and his dolphin treated through intermediaries, or directly? "No, no - answers Gaspare Spatuzza -. Knowing the skills and personality of these individuals, severe, do not deal with the cards. They have always had direct contacts in life. " With Prime Minister and the "Country" (countryman) Dell'Utri, "I could also say that something is ours," the contacts were direct. The Tuscan pm, Joseph Nicolosi and Alessandro Horsehair, play all out and compare with the same Spatuzza Giuseppe and Filippo Graviano. And here the surprises are not lacking.
Because more than a confrontation, face to face with Philip is a conversation between old friends. "I love the brothers serious', says Spatuzza. "But I have not spoken with hostility to you," answered one. "You represent me my father. Your brother is my father. " "A brotherhood, okay. There we are. " It is an exchange of pleasantries. Perhaps messages. And the "blessings" is the first registrant, that is, to somehow be endorsed by a boss who did not repent, irreducible. If your serious should say something different, almost embarrassed: "I regret having to contradict Spatuzza ...». But do not get full confirmation, "It is not true, as he claims, I have said that" if one does not arrive has to come from politics, it is good that we talk with the judges. " I do not expect anything from politics ...».
But the door is not completely closed: "I do not remember having said ...». Spatuzza speaks of religious conversion, legality, irreducible speech that the Chief approves, the show la famosissima foto del bimbo ebreo impaurito, a braccia levate del ghetto di Varsavia: «Queste sono le nostre vittime, don Puglisi, il piccolo Di Matteo...». All'altro fratello, Giuseppe, che rifiuta il confronto, consegna invece una lettera, che si conclude con una serie di messaggi e la firma di «tuo fratello in Cristo, Gaspare Spatuzza». Giuseppe Graviano, del resto, era già stato chiamato a esprimersi su Spatuzza in un pubblico dibattimento, contro l’ex senatore Dc Enzo Inzerillo, imputato a Palermo di mafia: in quella occasione Graviano era stato esplicito dicendo a chiare lettere che «io Spatuzza lo rispetto».
Ora Filippo Graviano, che ai pm presenta il suo ottimo curriculum University, a series of 30 and 30 achieved cum laude in exams in prison, launching a series of messages: "Do not say you're lying, I tell you things that I did not say. I'm sorry "may be the next step, striking, those who do not sleep soundly at the premier: the eventual cooperation of one of the brothers boss of Brancaccio.
'S TALE / We live in a country which for years has been in the grip of hidden cliques
In 1983 the band had split the Magliana between two souls ...
Emanuela Orlandi, the Vatican including Italian mystery, blackmail and De Pedis
by Giancarlo De Cataldo
LA (probable) identification of the (alleged) abductor of Emanuela Orlandi, (maybe) related to the boss Renatino De Pedis, a leading figure of the now mythologized "Banda Magliana ". The revelations of the repentant Spatuzza and reconstruction of the (possible) background of the massacres, officially mafia, the '92 / '93. The discovery of charred body of Brenda. There are days when a normal person opens the newspaper and has every right to ask: what kind of country do we live?
For a writer of crime novels, the answer is too easy: live in a country that for years has hidden under the blackmail of cliques that interfere heavily with the orderly progress of democracy. We live in a country troubled by the raids and route of weavers of plots that you can not ever catch them in smart, but sometimes even transparent complexity. We live in a country where, in conjunction with topical moments of economic crisis, political, social, violence, whether terrorist or mafia contract to street crime, bullying burst on the scene. To send messages that only "those responsible" if it is to interpret, for detecting, to influence, to sow fear or to divert public attention from other, the most pressing emergencies. As if we were faced with an endemic, eternal strategy of tension.
A strategy that feeds the crimes of today and cloudy and sticky slime of the ancient mysteries unsolved. Unresolved due to the silence of the protagonists, the protection of highly placed accomplices, and the unwillingness to lie systematically opposed to those police officers, police and magistrates tenaciously committed to rebuild, tile after tile, mosaic. Unresolved, finally, thanks to the lead and dynamite with which the good guys were arrested when their work became too dangerous.
We live, in other words, in a country that has written, over the years, a bloody crime epic. Where, of course, not everything is crime, but crime is one of the variables constant of history itself. The recent history of Italian criminal has features so peculiar that it could even draw a sort of governing law, a hypothetical bitter "constitution of the mysteries." Behind every crime can be found a unique, iron heterogenesis ends. Every single crime refers to another crime, linked to the first one or more common goals. The crime becomes criminal chain.
The word "mystery" surrender everything to the category of the unknown. Is no exception: the human and personal Emanuela Orlandi, who disappeared from home one summer evening twenty-six years ago. A history that is inextricably intertwined, twenty-six years, with the murder (by now we can call it for what it was peaceful: murder) of banker Calvi, trespassing in an international intrigue involving foreign intelligence services and our own, the taciturn, secretive world Vatican, and, for some time, even the Band of the Magliana.
ongoing investigation is expected to provide answers to questions also twenty-six years old. Over time they advanced on this story as dark as harrowing, various theories. In a nutshell, three main scenarios that are presented. Emanuela kidnapped to blackmail the Vatican. Emanuela victim, perhaps accidental, someone inside the world of the Vatican or otherwise linked to it. Emanuela disappeared and the victim of someone who had nothing to do with the Vatican. In the latter two cases, a crime would be used at a later time to hit the Vatican in support of this theory, the statements of some former spies Europe, who deny any involvement in the real case and claim to have ably included in the "game" with a sophisticated screening.
And some say (Pino Nicotra, well documented in his essay on the matter) that were "open sources" to convert the death in abduction, giving a decisive, but unfortunate, the whole story. The same role the Band of the Magliana, shaded by a televised statement the former boss and colleague of Justice, Antonio Mancini, and then taken by the statements, older and more current, Minardi, can not escape this alternative: direct responsibility for the fact Magliana or takeover, in a second step, to help someone or damage someone else?
But other issues raises the evocation of the Magliana. Of inaccuracies in what would have incurred a year ago, the last witness has said and written about extensively. In fact, in the press in recent days, we read of "adjustments." In many years of history of the case, then, during which no claim on various crimes of the time (from the Moro murder case of journalist Pecorelli, Calvi's death ties with neo-Fascism, Masonic lodges and diverted services) had never mentioned the disappearance of Emanuela Orlandi. Or just do not "repent" of the time of this story did not know anything, or have been accortissimi to talk about everything, unless of Emanuela Orlandi.
If the first hypothesis were true, it would conclude that it is improper to speak today to the involvement of Banda Magliana. Apparently, all items are for personal intervention of De Pedis. As found in the processes already in 1983 the band had split between two souls, the most popular street, the Magliana real, and the more skilled, unbiased and well ammanicata, the "Testaccio" De Pedis. Between leaders and followers began the settlement of accounts, which would culminate in February '90, with the murder of that De Pedis.
Distrust reigned supreme. Some operating segments of the organization were acting for their own account, more often without the knowledge of one another. For example, the killing of Danilo Abbruciato during the attack on the deputy director of ragweed, Rose (Milan, April 1982) is an action that implies the involvement of a gangster thick, certainly linked to Banda, in a crime much more complex a robbery or drug trafficking, albeit on a larger scale. The fact is that "those of Magliana" learn the news from the news, and are not a little surprised.
possible that it went so well for Emanuela Orlandi? Italy, once again, we have become accustomed to everything. We know that the Magliana, in its various anime, was a criminal holding contours still unexplored, but it would be dangerous, and misleading, making it a "brand" multi-purpose, sort of a container useful for the attribution of crimes of "inconvenient". The fact is that, pace of revisionists and standardization, and vaudeville dell'imperante narcosis, the Italian mysteries continue to haunt us with their unanswered questions. And the black lump that oppresses our democracy is still alive, well and active. The question is, today, those who represent it as acting, and for what purposes. It is not easy, but not impossible.
reserved © Playing: The Republic
(November 21, 2009)
The minutes of the repentant Spatuzza. On December 4, the deposition process Dell'Utri
The "revelation" given to one of the brothers Graviano. That rejected the comparison
"I have a deal with Berlusconi - This revealed to me the boss"
PALERMO - The boss of the Cosa Nostra would have had a relationship "directed" by Silvio Berlusconi e Marcello Dell'Utri. There would be "mediators" in the covenant that would have been caught between the mob and the leaders of the nascent party Forza Italy to put a stop to the massacres started in '92 and '93 with the attacks continued in Florence, Rome and Milan.
was stated is the latest sorry mafia, Gaspare Spatuzza, whose verbal statements made last summer with the magistrates of Florence were filed yesterday in the appeal against the senator Marcello Dell'Utri, accused of collusion with the Mafia.
The interrogation is 18 June. It is there that tells Spatuzza Florentine magistrates has learned directly from the boss Giuseppe Graviano in January '94 at the bar Doney Via Veneto in Rome, who had made "the country in their hands" because - as stated in the minutes - had reached an agreement with Dell'Utri and Berlusconi.
Spatuzza tells pm Horsehair Alexander and Joseph Nicolosi of the DDA in Florence: "I think I can categorically rule out, knowing very well (the brothers Giuseppe and Filippo Graviano ed) that the grave will be moved against Berlusconi and Dell'Utri through other people. I do not take into account the possibility that Graviano has made a political deal with them without having spoken personally. "
Spatuzza was the right arm of the brothers Giuseppe and Filippo Graviano (both in prison with life sentences for murders and massacres, including that of the priest Don Pino Puglisi and of the repentant son of Matthew). When Joseph Graviano revealed the "pact" that would have been close with Berlusconi, was in Rome to prepare for the failed attack at the Olympic Stadium to kill dozens of police.
The penitent then speaks from its privileged relations with the bosses and am Florentine adds: "I can not know what was the connection that Berlusconi and Dell'Utri had in mind tightening this covenant. My experience of these events, but it is my inference is that they (Berlusconi and Dell'Utri ed) that they made the first time the massacres of Cosa Nostra, he then wanted to accredit the outside world as those who were able to stop them. And when I see them go down in politics, participating in elections and winning, I understand that they are directly those on which we (What Our-ed) have staked everything. "
Spatuzza tells the details of the conversation with the boss Giuseppe Graviano when they met in Rome for the preparation of the attack at the Olympic Stadium. On that occasion the boss spoke of ' agreement which he said had been reached with Berlusconi: "Gravity was elated and joyous, bursting with happiness, a person was usually pretty controlled, so it was hard to let it go that way, his words were as follows: 'everything properly closed, we got what we wanted, people who have carried out what they are not like those four Crasti (sheep-ed) the socialists who first asked us for the votes and then we have sold. They are reliable people '. Then he tells me the name of Berlusconi and confirms to me that this is one of Channel 5. Then he says there is also a country and our Dell'Utri me the name and adds that thanks to the seriousness of these people, "we got the country into the hands'."
These statements came in the trial in Palermo Dell'Utri. The repentant Spatuzza probably next December 4 hearing set in Turin for his interrogation, prosecution and may better explain the significance of these defense-heavy statements about Berlusconi and Dell'Utri.
to the acts of the process are also finished comparisons between the same Spatuzza and brothers Philip and Joseph serious events on 20 August and 14 September. Interesting comparisons that can also contain messages that investigators are trying to decipher why the history of the Cosa Nostra has never seen the boss indent a turncoat like a friend. Joseph Gravano, who refused to respond in comparison, however, has said in a recent public hearing of "respect".
Filippo Graviano has instead accepted the comparison confessing to have been inclined to "opt out" of Cosa Nostra in the early 2000s when the then Attorney National Pierlugi Vigna, had launched a series of investigative interviews, but denied Spatuzza have never told that "if you do not get anything from where to get there - would say Graviano referring to the politicians - we begin to talk with the judges." A sign that, according Spatuzza the "negotiation" was still open. But in comparison with Filippo Graviano, Spatuzza staggered by heavy charges, claiming he never received the orders from the boss to commit murders and massacres inviting but to cooperate.
reserved © Playing: The Republic
(November 21, 2009)
------------------------- -------------------------------
The mafia judges in Palermo talks last act of "negotiation" between gangs and state - In the story of the record in '94 with severe that he spoke to Berlusconi and Dell'Utri
Mafia, the truth of repentance Spatuzza - "The boss I said, the country is in our hands "
PALERMO - There is a mobster who speaks the last act of" negotiation. " And another attack, other bodies, other political protection, the boss of the other agreement that sought to "the new party." So says a repentant, that he did re-open investigations into all killings.
Spatuzza Gaspare's testimony, uomo d'onore della "famiglia" di Brancaccio: "Giuseppe Graviano mi disse che la persona grazie alla quale avevamo ottenuto tutto era Berlusconi e c'era di mezzo un nostro compaesano, Dell'Utri... mi disse anche che ci eravamo messi il Paese nelle mani".
Era lui, Spatuzza, che avrebbe dovuto uccidere cento carabinieri allo stadio Olimpico di Roma all'inizio del 1994. Dopo Falcone e Borsellino nell'estate del 1992, dopo le bombe di Firenze e Milano e Roma nel 1993, i mafiosi avevano bisogno di "fare morti fuori dalla Sicilia per avere poi benefici per i carcerati e anche altri". L'ultimo massacro prima del patto finale.
Un verbale di 75 pagine riapre uno scenario che sembrava sepolto per sempre e fa scivolare once again - had already happened after the 1994 prosecution of Caltanissetta and Florence, stored procedures in the following years - the names of Silvio Berlusconi and Marcello Dell'Utri "in the massacres." Deposition that was missing was the Palermo prosecutors in their investigation into the "negotiation" to tie each step between the first and second republic, between capacity and the birth of Forza Italy, among the first contacts made by officers of the Carabinieri with Ros Vito Ciancimino in June 1992 to the mediation of Dell'Utri neighbor "of January 1994. A plot - according to prosecutors - who would just "confirmed" in the revelations of Gaspare Spatuzza, Mafia witness of the operations and the games began with the killing Giovanni Falcone. Spatuzza says in its report of 6 October the prosecutor Antonio Ingroia and substitutes Nino Di Matteo and Lia Sava: "I met Joseph Doney Graviano inside the bar in the Via Veneto in Rome. Graviano was very happy, as if he won the Lotto, a Lottery. It tells me that everything was closed and got what we wanted. So I explained that thanks to these persons of trust that led to a successful conclusion this situation ... and that they were not like 'those four Crasti Socialists' .. ".
The Mafia, which this time he met with severe mid-January 1994, recalls the socialist - "Crasti", that horned - who had promised "fair justice" 87 and were voted by Cosa Nostra. Then he speaks again of the agreement reported by Giuseppe Severe: "... All this is thanks to Berlusconi, the person who carried out this thing we say, it makes me (gravity, ed) the name of Berlusconi, I did not know at the time Berlusconi I said then was that if the Channel 5 and told me it was one of the Channel 5 .. ".
The tale of the mafia takes a step back. It lists all the doubts of men of honor on what had happened in the summer of 1992 in Sicily, and above all, doubts that the Strategy stragista Corleonesi did not want to stop: "We were carrying out a bit 'of deaths had nothing to do with our history ... to me it was a dedicated ... tragedia che entra nell'ottica di Cosa Nostra, però quando già andiamo su, su Costanzo (il fallito attentato al giornalista, ndr), su Firenze... su.. ci sono morti che a noi non ci appartengono, perché noi abbiamo commesso delitti atroci, però terrorismo, sti cosi di terrorismo non ne abbiamo mai fatti". E' a quel punto che Gaspare Spatuzza manifesta altre perplessità a Graviano sulla strage che proprio lui - il mafioso di Brancaccio - sta preparando allo stadio Olimpico. Gli risponde il suo capo: "Con altri morti, chi si deve muovere si dà una mossa... significa che c'è una cosa in piedi, che c'è qualcosa che si sta trattando". Gaspare Spatuzza è insieme a Cosimo Lo Nigro, un altro boss. E Graviano chiede to both "policy if they understand something." And then he says "he's good enough, then it is he who is dealing with."
In the final pages of the minutes Gaspare Spatuzza rebuilds his repentance, the first interview with the anti-mafia prosecutor Pietro Grasso: "On the issue of Via D'Amelio ... because they had closed all the processes, so I knew what I was getting But I told myself: I have overwhelming evidence, because if there were only my words would have been crazy to move in this story, because I had some things, objective comparisons, so I was safe.. " E 'in April 2008 that he began to speak: "The subject that I had to show he had won the elections because we talk, April ... I arrive late, April 17 and then the subject that I must acknowledge I find him as head of government ... Beyond this, the Minister of Justice, that little boy so we can say ... the figure of Dell'Utri ... . The minutes of Gaspare Spatuzza on the following pages to the number 61 is full of omission.
reserved © Playing: The Republic
(October 24, 2009)
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21/11/2009 - The investigation - Seasons Of Bombs
Mafia, a turncoat against Premier [from "La Stampa"]
Here are the poisons of the minutes Spatuzza: "Behind the massacres are Berlusconi and Dell'Utri"
PALERMO. Enter new acts in the process of Palermo against Marcello Dell'Utri. They come from Florence, where the investigation of car bombs in Rome, Florence and Milan, is in full swing soon and could lead to sensational developments before the identification of external sponsors to Cosa Nostra.
Yesterday, the General Prosecutor of Palermo Nino Gatto has records available to the lawyers of the PDL of Senator Marcello Dell'Utri, accused of involvement in Mafia and already sentenced to nine years in first grade. It is the declaration of repentance Gaspare Spatuzza, long been the focus of voices that stir the Roman policy. Spatuzza will again be heard by the Second Chamber of the Court of Appeal of Palermo, Dec. 4. The questioning will take place, for reasons of safety, away from Sicily to Turin, to the courthouse.
in the paper, the former regent of the Brancaccio district of makes continual reference to patrons, the capicosca Filippo and Giuseppe Graviano, as sources of their information on what, in no uncertain terms, sets out a deal with Dell and Silvio Berlusconi 'Utri, to have some sort of political cover on the massacres still to be made: after the targets already attacked had to strike again, give the boss what he calls "the coup de grace: the devastating attack on the Stadio Olimpico in Rome, against the police. Spatuzza report tells: "The infidels were Berlusconi and Dell'Utri ... Previously, they made the carnage and then shall be credited as those who had the chance to stop them ...».
And the boss, in addressing the current prime minister and his dolphin treated through intermediaries, or directly? "No, no - answers Gaspare Spatuzza -. Knowing the skills and personality of these individuals, severe, do not deal with the cards. They have always had direct contacts in life. " With Prime Minister and the "Country" (countryman) Dell'Utri, "I could also say that something is ours," the contacts were direct. The Tuscan pm, Joseph Nicolosi and Alessandro Horsehair, play all out and compare with the same Spatuzza Giuseppe and Filippo Graviano. And here the surprises are not lacking.
Because more than a confrontation, face to face with Philip is a conversation between old friends. "I love the brothers serious', says Spatuzza. "But I have not spoken with hostility to you," answered one. "You represent me my father. Your brother is my father. " "A brotherhood, okay. There we are. " It is an exchange of pleasantries. Perhaps messages. And the "blessings" is the first registrant, that is, to somehow be endorsed by a boss who did not repent, irreducible. If your serious should say something different, almost embarrassed: "I regret having to contradict Spatuzza ...». But do not get full confirmation, "It is not true, as he claims, I have said that" if one does not arrive has to come from politics, it is good that we talk with the judges. " I do not expect anything from politics ...».
But the door is not completely closed: "I do not remember having said ...». Spatuzza speaks of religious conversion, legality, irreducible speech that the Chief approves, the show la famosissima foto del bimbo ebreo impaurito, a braccia levate del ghetto di Varsavia: «Queste sono le nostre vittime, don Puglisi, il piccolo Di Matteo...». All'altro fratello, Giuseppe, che rifiuta il confronto, consegna invece una lettera, che si conclude con una serie di messaggi e la firma di «tuo fratello in Cristo, Gaspare Spatuzza». Giuseppe Graviano, del resto, era già stato chiamato a esprimersi su Spatuzza in un pubblico dibattimento, contro l’ex senatore Dc Enzo Inzerillo, imputato a Palermo di mafia: in quella occasione Graviano era stato esplicito dicendo a chiare lettere che «io Spatuzza lo rispetto».
Ora Filippo Graviano, che ai pm presenta il suo ottimo curriculum University, a series of 30 and 30 achieved cum laude in exams in prison, launching a series of messages: "Do not say you're lying, I tell you things that I did not say. I'm sorry "may be the next step, striking, those who do not sleep soundly at the premier: the eventual cooperation of one of the brothers boss of Brancaccio.
'S TALE / We live in a country which for years has been in the grip of hidden cliques
In 1983 the band had split the Magliana between two souls ...
Emanuela Orlandi, the Vatican including Italian mystery, blackmail and De Pedis
by Giancarlo De Cataldo
LA (probable) identification of the (alleged) abductor of Emanuela Orlandi, (maybe) related to the boss Renatino De Pedis, a leading figure of the now mythologized "Banda Magliana ". The revelations of the repentant Spatuzza and reconstruction of the (possible) background of the massacres, officially mafia, the '92 / '93. The discovery of charred body of Brenda. There are days when a normal person opens the newspaper and has every right to ask: what kind of country do we live?
For a writer of crime novels, the answer is too easy: live in a country that for years has hidden under the blackmail of cliques that interfere heavily with the orderly progress of democracy. We live in a country troubled by the raids and route of weavers of plots that you can not ever catch them in smart, but sometimes even transparent complexity. We live in a country where, in conjunction with topical moments of economic crisis, political, social, violence, whether terrorist or mafia contract to street crime, bullying burst on the scene. To send messages that only "those responsible" if it is to interpret, for detecting, to influence, to sow fear or to divert public attention from other, the most pressing emergencies. As if we were faced with an endemic, eternal strategy of tension.
A strategy that feeds the crimes of today and cloudy and sticky slime of the ancient mysteries unsolved. Unresolved due to the silence of the protagonists, the protection of highly placed accomplices, and the unwillingness to lie systematically opposed to those police officers, police and magistrates tenaciously committed to rebuild, tile after tile, mosaic. Unresolved, finally, thanks to the lead and dynamite with which the good guys were arrested when their work became too dangerous.
We live, in other words, in a country that has written, over the years, a bloody crime epic. Where, of course, not everything is crime, but crime is one of the variables constant of history itself. The recent history of Italian criminal has features so peculiar that it could even draw a sort of governing law, a hypothetical bitter "constitution of the mysteries." Behind every crime can be found a unique, iron heterogenesis ends. Every single crime refers to another crime, linked to the first one or more common goals. The crime becomes criminal chain.
The word "mystery" surrender everything to the category of the unknown. Is no exception: the human and personal Emanuela Orlandi, who disappeared from home one summer evening twenty-six years ago. A history that is inextricably intertwined, twenty-six years, with the murder (by now we can call it for what it was peaceful: murder) of banker Calvi, trespassing in an international intrigue involving foreign intelligence services and our own, the taciturn, secretive world Vatican, and, for some time, even the Band of the Magliana.
ongoing investigation is expected to provide answers to questions also twenty-six years old. Over time they advanced on this story as dark as harrowing, various theories. In a nutshell, three main scenarios that are presented. Emanuela kidnapped to blackmail the Vatican. Emanuela victim, perhaps accidental, someone inside the world of the Vatican or otherwise linked to it. Emanuela disappeared and the victim of someone who had nothing to do with the Vatican. In the latter two cases, a crime would be used at a later time to hit the Vatican in support of this theory, the statements of some former spies Europe, who deny any involvement in the real case and claim to have ably included in the "game" with a sophisticated screening.
And some say (Pino Nicotra, well documented in his essay on the matter) that were "open sources" to convert the death in abduction, giving a decisive, but unfortunate, the whole story. The same role the Band of the Magliana, shaded by a televised statement the former boss and colleague of Justice, Antonio Mancini, and then taken by the statements, older and more current, Minardi, can not escape this alternative: direct responsibility for the fact Magliana or takeover, in a second step, to help someone or damage someone else?
But other issues raises the evocation of the Magliana. Of inaccuracies in what would have incurred a year ago, the last witness has said and written about extensively. In fact, in the press in recent days, we read of "adjustments." In many years of history of the case, then, during which no claim on various crimes of the time (from the Moro murder case of journalist Pecorelli, Calvi's death ties with neo-Fascism, Masonic lodges and diverted services) had never mentioned the disappearance of Emanuela Orlandi. Or just do not "repent" of the time of this story did not know anything, or have been accortissimi to talk about everything, unless of Emanuela Orlandi.
If the first hypothesis were true, it would conclude that it is improper to speak today to the involvement of Banda Magliana. Apparently, all items are for personal intervention of De Pedis. As found in the processes already in 1983 the band had split between two souls, the most popular street, the Magliana real, and the more skilled, unbiased and well ammanicata, the "Testaccio" De Pedis. Between leaders and followers began the settlement of accounts, which would culminate in February '90, with the murder of that De Pedis.
Distrust reigned supreme. Some operating segments of the organization were acting for their own account, more often without the knowledge of one another. For example, the killing of Danilo Abbruciato during the attack on the deputy director of ragweed, Rose (Milan, April 1982) is an action that implies the involvement of a gangster thick, certainly linked to Banda, in a crime much more complex a robbery or drug trafficking, albeit on a larger scale. The fact is that "those of Magliana" learn the news from the news, and are not a little surprised.
possible that it went so well for Emanuela Orlandi? Italy, once again, we have become accustomed to everything. We know that the Magliana, in its various anime, was a criminal holding contours still unexplored, but it would be dangerous, and misleading, making it a "brand" multi-purpose, sort of a container useful for the attribution of crimes of "inconvenient". The fact is that, pace of revisionists and standardization, and vaudeville dell'imperante narcosis, the Italian mysteries continue to haunt us with their unanswered questions. And the black lump that oppresses our democracy is still alive, well and active. The question is, today, those who represent it as acting, and for what purposes. It is not easy, but not impossible.
reserved © Playing: The Republic
(November 21, 2009)

Cost Of Rolling Machine
'S TALE / From trans conflicting versions on his attendance at Marrazzo. But in the end admits there was a video with two of us and another trans, I destroyed
Life of alcohol, drugs and medicines
the Supertest that shakes Rome
of Carlo Bonini
ROME - When and where to bury it, writing that his last day alive was November 20, 2009. But Wendell Mendez Paes, who would have been 32 years in seven days, Brazil's Belem Para, "Brenda" to friends (a few) and customers (many), began to die at least a month before. On a rainy evening last week of October. When an unmarked carabinieri del Ros began his shuttle between Gradoli via 98 and via two bridges 180. When invested by the impact of the "case Marrazzo, the secrets of a community forced into apartment buildings reduced to trans favelas ceased to be such. When someone spoke, and many began to fear.
They knew tutti "la Brendona". "Quella con due tette così", disse Natalì, la "favorita" di Piero Marrazzo, prima ai cronisti e quindi ai carabinieri, indicandola come la trans che le aveva conteso il Governatore e che prima di tutti lo aveva "ricattato". "Con un video erotico girato insieme a un'altra trans", aggiunse. Simile a quello che i carabinieri della stazione Trionfale avevano rubato la mattina del 3 luglio in via Gradoli. Ma più lungo, articolato. E finito chissà dove.
Provò a nascondersi, Brenda, ma senza fortuna. La sera del 24 ottobre, il falansterio mangiato da ruggine e incuria di via due Ponti 180, dove lei viveva come un topo in un seminterrato soppalcato di scarsi dieci metri quadri, surrendered to their attackers, cops and journalists, showing its prey. A tranny who introduced himself as "China" and that the news will become, without being ever, the partner of Brenda, he pointed to the television cameras and photographers, inviting them to finally let go of his grip. Brenda, swathed in a creamy white shirt, showed up for what it was. A big woman with a meter and 90, the slender body and long arms and muscular, with large hands almost as much as her breasts Manga cartoons that had cost a fortune.
speaks fluent Italian and he opened his "apartment" where, he said, had come at least once to see "Peter". And who would become his tomb. In one corner, two fires and a leaky sink. At the center of a sofa bed covered with a leopard print scarf. A small cabinet with two doors. A loft where huddled slip. That evening, Brenda admitted that this second video of the former governor of the Lazio actually existed. Who had turned in the spring of this year with such a "Michelle", trans she knew now in Paris. But his copy, she had destroyed it. Immediately after the arrest of the policemen of triumphalism. Soon after Piero's face had begun to occupy the TV screen for the scandal that engulfed him.
On 30 October, the carabinieri del Ros tried to do to repeat that history. But there was no way. Brenda did not want to. "I do not know Marrazzo - Says the report issued that day in the offices dell'Anticrimine Carabinieri - It's true, I lived with this Michelle, but she is playing Christmas and accuse us of things that are not true. I have never undergone any robberies or threats by the police. I put my cell phone available, stating that if I had something to hide I would have already destroyed. "It was a simple girl, Brenda. And the police had learned immediately. Chain smoked and drank so excessive, compulsive. Up to three, four bottles of Scotch Whisky "Ballantine's" each day, stretching it when it happened with "Red Bull" or dissolving in the glass drops "Minias" (powerful anti-anxiety and sleeping pills).
pressure Marrazzo for the attacks, if possible, even more to the bottle. But convincing, November 1, to tell the prosecutor Giancarlo Capaldo what has been silent to the police. "It's true - admits on record - the former governor was a client. I shot the video that I portrayed with Michelle. But I destroyed. During our meetings, we made use of cocaine and drug me provided Gianguarino Cafasso (the pimp with the police who organized the trap of being Gradoli July 3, he will try to sell the video of the Governor and will be found dead from an overdose in a hotel on the Via Salaria in mid-September). There are also pictures with Marrazzo. The fire in a house with a pool. " The former governor, questioned even twenty-four hours, will confirm the circumstances. Brenda mangles the name (such Blenda '), minimizing the attendance ("a couple of meetings"), recalls the use of cocaine. And Brenda (which for others, although denied by sources investigators, he claimed also calls on the user's voice in the offices of the governor of the region), of course, begins the end. It has become a problem. For all and also with itself.
Since that day, the police do not seek more. But for all of Brenda is now the "trans-speaking." The "crazy" that supposedly keeps secrets prepared to throw mud in other names that count. If someone feels minacciato, il suo nome è ormai un'ossessione. Lei, in realtà, tace. Non alimenta "l'indovina chi" della sua clientela. Ha bisogno di soldi e si rimette sul marciapiede come sempre. Anche se, nella notte tra l'8 e il 9 novembre, dei romeni la aggrediscono rubandole il cellulare. La reazione è di furore e follia. Aggredisce la pattuglia dei carabinieri che le presta soccorso e prende a battere la testa sul marciapiede. Le sue amiche raccontano che torna a farsi di "Minias" per dormire.
Come la notte di giovedì, quando bussa a Veronica, perché le sue di gocce le ha finite. E' l'ultima richiesta. Intorno alle 4, Brenda si infila nel buco di via due Ponti 180 da cui non uscirà più.
reserved © Reproduction / The Republic
(November 21, 2009) .............................. .................................................. ................
SURVEYS / After beating the trans was afraid, but was left alone
murderess If the keys had plenty of time to take away the computer and destroy
Those mysteries and the secrets
computer Brenda
of Giuseppe D'Avanzo
There's certain that Brenda is lying dead in the loft, asphyxiated (maybe) from the smoke of a fire that has developed in the winds square feet of his tiny apartment of Cassia. Can be ruled out suicide. Too cumbersome for people like Brenda, it was easy to self-injurious gestures: she cut her arms and veins just a few weeks ago. Two hypotheses that are standing. Murder or accident at home.
Brenda, as always, he drank too much whiskey and threw down too many drugs (he bought Wednesday night and asked around, her friends, Thursday). He sleeps. In the "shack" as it is defined as housing for those who have seen, a fire starts slow. Smoking kills her in her sleep. The hypothesis is supported by some circumstance. The door is double-locked. No sign of a struggle. No trace of violence on the body of viado.
the same circumstances, to hear some voices within in attorney can convince the contrary, for the murder. The murderess, the killers have the house keys and do not need to tamper with the lock. Brenda expect to go to sleep quietly and set fire. They go off the computer after having slipped under the water of the basin to erase the images and text stored. Just pick your computer may be upsetting to the hypothesis.
If the murderess, the killers had the keys - and Brenda is already asleep - have plenty of time to search the apartment, found in order, and take via the computer and then destroy it with calm elsewhere, without leaving the house in assuming that the water will ruin the memory (and not so, the technicians of the police are able to retrieve the content).
Why then abandon it, on display, the scene of the "crime"? Just to find it - a bit 'to give up, it's true - but still able to release all the poisons that contains or may contain?
However, these stories are all clumsy because the Rome prosecutors (two attorneys and two additional deputies on the scene, each with their own opinions and suggestions, each with its own guidelines and directions, to give greater confusion in a case already ambiguissimo) opened an investigation for "manslaughter". A tactical move and customary, it must be said. Allows those investigating charges that other investigative un'invasività not allow it. Yet today, a charge that will speak, quite rightly, of murder in the rental Marrazzo - maybe the second, after the "mysterious death" of Giangavino Cafasso, pusher, pimp, drug dealer to the first release of video in the company of the Governor viado of Natalie, "stoned," perhaps from overdose, perhaps due to diabetes, possibly murderous hand, in a hotel in Rome on September 12.
What will be the outcome of the investigation, murder or home accident, will change little - and scuserà il cinismo - perché non è la morte di Brenda l'essenziale di questo nuovo capitolo dell'affaire Marrazzo.
Brenda era una vita alla deriva, una persona che nessuno ha saputo e voluto sostenere nel più difficile passaggio della sua vita già difficile. In queste settimane, nell'indifferenza di tutti, è stata minacciata, brutalmente picchiata, derubata del suo cellulare. Forse, il vero obiettivo del pestaggio. Brenda aveva paura. Lo diceva, lo gridava. Nessuno l'ha ascoltata o aiutata e chi oggi la piange ha lacrime di coccodrillo.
Quel che, alla fine, conterà in questa storia è quel che Brenda si lascia dietro: il computer. È, appunto, la memoria of that computer, now wet with water, the new center of the story. If there are murders, perhaps, killed not to erase traces and evidence, but to ensure that tracks and tests have found. Computer that contains images and videos that can compromise the congregation of illustrious names who attended the excellent viado? One thing is certain. Brenda, taking advantage of the weakness of his guests or stupidity caused by sniffing cocaine with her, "stealing" images of those meetings.
In the case of Piero Marrazzo, he admitted. Stars of the video: Brenda, another viado, Michelle, and the governor. Brenda says the police in early November: "Sure, I had that video, guards in my pc but I broke because I was afraid. "This is the video -" Marrazzo, with two viado, sniffing cocaine "- of which much is spoken of in the journalistic and political circles of the capital, last week of September. It is a circumstance which, although confusingly, it also confirms Piero Marrazzo, November 2: "I met with another person, a Blend. On the occasion of a meeting with Blenda, I remember that the past is another trans that do not remember the name. It seems to me that I only had two meetings with Blend. Neither Natalie or Blenda I have never asked for money or blackmail in relation to photos or videos that I portrayed. I'm not aware of any video or photos taken by Blenda at these meetings, but my confusion, due to occasional cocaine intake, I put in a position to know. "
You can destroy a person, also did not hurt one hair. It can be" murder "with an image that may be more ominous and deadly than a noose or a bullet. The computer Brenda, died of murder or domestic incident, it could prove in the coming days and weeks a devastating arsenal of moral abuse, fueled by sex and images cataloged on a computer.
Every crime is always a disaster and every disaster that always reveals something happened that we do not understand because what's important to know - To really understand - we are not told and do not know it. But in this history of Piero Marrazzo, and now Brenda, something is already understood or guessed: the private habits of a political class, administrative, professional, business has been, are and can become instruments of blackmail, ruthless and destructive, useful change in balance, resolve conflicts, in some cases, adapted to "move things", do business or make them split. Brenda, whatever the reason for his death, found itself the center of this maelstrom muddy, the plaintiff aware of a tragedy written and directed by others.
reserved © Reproduction / The Republic
(November 21 2009)
'S TALE / From trans conflicting versions on his attendance at Marrazzo. But in the end admits there was a video with two of us and another trans, I destroyed
Life of alcohol, drugs and medicines
the Supertest that shakes Rome
of Carlo Bonini
ROME - When and where to bury it, writing that his last day alive was November 20, 2009. But Wendell Mendez Paes, who would have been 32 years in seven days, Brazil's Belem Para, "Brenda" to friends (a few) and customers (many), began to die at least a month before. On a rainy evening last week of October. When an unmarked carabinieri del Ros began his shuttle between Gradoli via 98 and via two bridges 180. When invested by the impact of the "case Marrazzo, the secrets of a community forced into apartment buildings reduced to trans favelas ceased to be such. When someone spoke, and many began to fear.
They knew tutti "la Brendona". "Quella con due tette così", disse Natalì, la "favorita" di Piero Marrazzo, prima ai cronisti e quindi ai carabinieri, indicandola come la trans che le aveva conteso il Governatore e che prima di tutti lo aveva "ricattato". "Con un video erotico girato insieme a un'altra trans", aggiunse. Simile a quello che i carabinieri della stazione Trionfale avevano rubato la mattina del 3 luglio in via Gradoli. Ma più lungo, articolato. E finito chissà dove.
Provò a nascondersi, Brenda, ma senza fortuna. La sera del 24 ottobre, il falansterio mangiato da ruggine e incuria di via due Ponti 180, dove lei viveva come un topo in un seminterrato soppalcato di scarsi dieci metri quadri, surrendered to their attackers, cops and journalists, showing its prey. A tranny who introduced himself as "China" and that the news will become, without being ever, the partner of Brenda, he pointed to the television cameras and photographers, inviting them to finally let go of his grip. Brenda, swathed in a creamy white shirt, showed up for what it was. A big woman with a meter and 90, the slender body and long arms and muscular, with large hands almost as much as her breasts Manga cartoons that had cost a fortune.
speaks fluent Italian and he opened his "apartment" where, he said, had come at least once to see "Peter". And who would become his tomb. In one corner, two fires and a leaky sink. At the center of a sofa bed covered with a leopard print scarf. A small cabinet with two doors. A loft where huddled slip. That evening, Brenda admitted that this second video of the former governor of the Lazio actually existed. Who had turned in the spring of this year with such a "Michelle", trans she knew now in Paris. But his copy, she had destroyed it. Immediately after the arrest of the policemen of triumphalism. Soon after Piero's face had begun to occupy the TV screen for the scandal that engulfed him.
On 30 October, the carabinieri del Ros tried to do to repeat that history. But there was no way. Brenda did not want to. "I do not know Marrazzo - Says the report issued that day in the offices dell'Anticrimine Carabinieri - It's true, I lived with this Michelle, but she is playing Christmas and accuse us of things that are not true. I have never undergone any robberies or threats by the police. I put my cell phone available, stating that if I had something to hide I would have already destroyed. "It was a simple girl, Brenda. And the police had learned immediately. Chain smoked and drank so excessive, compulsive. Up to three, four bottles of Scotch Whisky "Ballantine's" each day, stretching it when it happened with "Red Bull" or dissolving in the glass drops "Minias" (powerful anti-anxiety and sleeping pills).
pressure Marrazzo for the attacks, if possible, even more to the bottle. But convincing, November 1, to tell the prosecutor Giancarlo Capaldo what has been silent to the police. "It's true - admits on record - the former governor was a client. I shot the video that I portrayed with Michelle. But I destroyed. During our meetings, we made use of cocaine and drug me provided Gianguarino Cafasso (the pimp with the police who organized the trap of being Gradoli July 3, he will try to sell the video of the Governor and will be found dead from an overdose in a hotel on the Via Salaria in mid-September). There are also pictures with Marrazzo. The fire in a house with a pool. " The former governor, questioned even twenty-four hours, will confirm the circumstances. Brenda mangles the name (such Blenda '), minimizing the attendance ("a couple of meetings"), recalls the use of cocaine. And Brenda (which for others, although denied by sources investigators, he claimed also calls on the user's voice in the offices of the governor of the region), of course, begins the end. It has become a problem. For all and also with itself.
Since that day, the police do not seek more. But for all of Brenda is now the "trans-speaking." The "crazy" that supposedly keeps secrets prepared to throw mud in other names that count. If someone feels minacciato, il suo nome è ormai un'ossessione. Lei, in realtà, tace. Non alimenta "l'indovina chi" della sua clientela. Ha bisogno di soldi e si rimette sul marciapiede come sempre. Anche se, nella notte tra l'8 e il 9 novembre, dei romeni la aggrediscono rubandole il cellulare. La reazione è di furore e follia. Aggredisce la pattuglia dei carabinieri che le presta soccorso e prende a battere la testa sul marciapiede. Le sue amiche raccontano che torna a farsi di "Minias" per dormire.
Come la notte di giovedì, quando bussa a Veronica, perché le sue di gocce le ha finite. E' l'ultima richiesta. Intorno alle 4, Brenda si infila nel buco di via due Ponti 180 da cui non uscirà più.
reserved © Reproduction / The Republic
(November 21, 2009) .............................. .................................................. ................
SURVEYS / After beating the trans was afraid, but was left alone
murderess If the keys had plenty of time to take away the computer and destroy
Those mysteries and the secrets
computer Brenda
of Giuseppe D'Avanzo
There's certain that Brenda is lying dead in the loft, asphyxiated (maybe) from the smoke of a fire that has developed in the winds square feet of his tiny apartment of Cassia. Can be ruled out suicide. Too cumbersome for people like Brenda, it was easy to self-injurious gestures: she cut her arms and veins just a few weeks ago. Two hypotheses that are standing. Murder or accident at home.
Brenda, as always, he drank too much whiskey and threw down too many drugs (he bought Wednesday night and asked around, her friends, Thursday). He sleeps. In the "shack" as it is defined as housing for those who have seen, a fire starts slow. Smoking kills her in her sleep. The hypothesis is supported by some circumstance. The door is double-locked. No sign of a struggle. No trace of violence on the body of viado.
the same circumstances, to hear some voices within in attorney can convince the contrary, for the murder. The murderess, the killers have the house keys and do not need to tamper with the lock. Brenda expect to go to sleep quietly and set fire. They go off the computer after having slipped under the water of the basin to erase the images and text stored. Just pick your computer may be upsetting to the hypothesis.
If the murderess, the killers had the keys - and Brenda is already asleep - have plenty of time to search the apartment, found in order, and take via the computer and then destroy it with calm elsewhere, without leaving the house in assuming that the water will ruin the memory (and not so, the technicians of the police are able to retrieve the content).
Why then abandon it, on display, the scene of the "crime"? Just to find it - a bit 'to give up, it's true - but still able to release all the poisons that contains or may contain?
However, these stories are all clumsy because the Rome prosecutors (two attorneys and two additional deputies on the scene, each with their own opinions and suggestions, each with its own guidelines and directions, to give greater confusion in a case already ambiguissimo) opened an investigation for "manslaughter". A tactical move and customary, it must be said. Allows those investigating charges that other investigative un'invasività not allow it. Yet today, a charge that will speak, quite rightly, of murder in the rental Marrazzo - maybe the second, after the "mysterious death" of Giangavino Cafasso, pusher, pimp, drug dealer to the first release of video in the company of the Governor viado of Natalie, "stoned," perhaps from overdose, perhaps due to diabetes, possibly murderous hand, in a hotel in Rome on September 12.
What will be the outcome of the investigation, murder or home accident, will change little - and scuserà il cinismo - perché non è la morte di Brenda l'essenziale di questo nuovo capitolo dell'affaire Marrazzo.
Brenda era una vita alla deriva, una persona che nessuno ha saputo e voluto sostenere nel più difficile passaggio della sua vita già difficile. In queste settimane, nell'indifferenza di tutti, è stata minacciata, brutalmente picchiata, derubata del suo cellulare. Forse, il vero obiettivo del pestaggio. Brenda aveva paura. Lo diceva, lo gridava. Nessuno l'ha ascoltata o aiutata e chi oggi la piange ha lacrime di coccodrillo.
Quel che, alla fine, conterà in questa storia è quel che Brenda si lascia dietro: il computer. È, appunto, la memoria of that computer, now wet with water, the new center of the story. If there are murders, perhaps, killed not to erase traces and evidence, but to ensure that tracks and tests have found. Computer that contains images and videos that can compromise the congregation of illustrious names who attended the excellent viado? One thing is certain. Brenda, taking advantage of the weakness of his guests or stupidity caused by sniffing cocaine with her, "stealing" images of those meetings.
In the case of Piero Marrazzo, he admitted. Stars of the video: Brenda, another viado, Michelle, and the governor. Brenda says the police in early November: "Sure, I had that video, guards in my pc but I broke because I was afraid. "This is the video -" Marrazzo, with two viado, sniffing cocaine "- of which much is spoken of in the journalistic and political circles of the capital, last week of September. It is a circumstance which, although confusingly, it also confirms Piero Marrazzo, November 2: "I met with another person, a Blend. On the occasion of a meeting with Blenda, I remember that the past is another trans that do not remember the name. It seems to me that I only had two meetings with Blend. Neither Natalie or Blenda I have never asked for money or blackmail in relation to photos or videos that I portrayed. I'm not aware of any video or photos taken by Blenda at these meetings, but my confusion, due to occasional cocaine intake, I put in a position to know. "
You can destroy a person, also did not hurt one hair. It can be" murder "with an image that may be more ominous and deadly than a noose or a bullet. The computer Brenda, died of murder or domestic incident, it could prove in the coming days and weeks a devastating arsenal of moral abuse, fueled by sex and images cataloged on a computer.
Every crime is always a disaster and every disaster that always reveals something happened that we do not understand because what's important to know - To really understand - we are not told and do not know it. But in this history of Piero Marrazzo, and now Brenda, something is already understood or guessed: the private habits of a political class, administrative, professional, business has been, are and can become instruments of blackmail, ruthless and destructive, useful change in balance, resolve conflicts, in some cases, adapted to "move things", do business or make them split. Brenda, whatever the reason for his death, found itself the center of this maelstrom muddy, the plaintiff aware of a tragedy written and directed by others.
reserved © Reproduction / The Republic
(November 21 2009)
Friday, November 20, 2009
Places In Sf To Cruise Gay
How do you build a financial empire: Lesson Number One
The Knight and the fable of the 106 jobs
of Giuseppe D'Avanzo
SI says the process is "short" and if this speed remove processes Silvio Berlusconi is welcome because it was against that poor man, after he has chosen the policy (1994), has unleashed a fury record "with hundreds of processes.
At the end of the eighteenth Law ad personam, in favor of the prime minister there is only a common, imaginative, so lacking any connection with reality. It is indisputable that a case should avere una ragionevole durata per non diventare giustizia negata (per l'imputato innocente, per la vittima del reato). "Processo breve", però, è soltanto un'efficace formula di marketing politico-commerciale. Nulla di più. Per credere che dia davvero dinamismo ai dibattimenti, bisogna dimenticare che le nuove regole (durata di sei anni o morte del processo) sono un imbroglio, se non si migliorano prima codice, procedura, organizzazione giudiziaria. Sono una rovina per la credibilità del "sistema Italia", se definiscono "non gravi" i reati economici come la corruzione. Con il tempo, la ragione privatissima del disegno di legge è diventata limpida anche per i creduloni, e i corifei del sovrano ora ammettono in pubblico che la catastrophic reform was only meant to free Berlusconi from his personal legal troubles. The burglary of each abstract and general condition of the law must be backed up - bring to mind the "public" - a second soundbite, that formuletta quick and convincing that, as a chant, must be recited on television, according to experts, at a rate of 6.5 syllables per second, in not more than 12/15 seconds. Widespread, repeated and disseminated by the guardians Minzolini wasps and communication flows, runs as follows: Silvio Berlusconi has the right to protect themselves - yes, even with a law on a personal basis - because he had to endure hundreds of jobs after his "descent into the field" , Spy play a leading role political abuse of the judiciary and all that Italian democracy weakens.
Well, is it true that Berlusconi was "attacked" by the robes only after choosing the policy? And what has been "attacked"? Really it was with "hundreds of jobs" all of which ended with a stalemate? Questions that deserve factual words, if you want to have an opinion on this subject also correct long heralded and accepted unconditionally by the minds even more furnished.
The number of jobs is a mystery Berlusconi merciful if you listen to the Prime Minister. Says Knight: "Absolutely [are] the most persecuted by the judiciary in all ages, throughout the history of mankind throughout the world. [I was] subjected to 106 jobs, all ended in acquittals and two prescriptions "(October 10, 2009). On the same day, Marina Berlusconi resize the hyperbole father:" My father between processes and investigations has been called into question 26 times. But there is a dependent one, say one, sentence. And if, as they say, only three clues to do a test, do not you think that 26 allegations are nothing falls in the proof of persecution? "(Courier, October 10). A few days later, Paolo Bonaiuti, spokesman for Prime Minister , pump the task even more upward: "The trials against Berlusconi are 109" (Door to Door, October 15). The blunt Bruno Vespa even endorsing the numbers of Marina: "Do not exaggerate, the processes are 26".
Twenty-six, one hundred and six or one hundred and nine, and the number of acquittals? In reality, the processes discussed by Knight as a defendant is sixteen. Four are still ongoing: corruption in judicial proceedings for the deal Mills, incitement to bribery of a pair of senators (the Rome prosecutors asked archiving); funds Mediaset TV rights for blacks (in the trial in Milan); Mediatrade embezzlement in the business (the prosecutor is preparing to close the investigation). In the twelve
process has been completed, in only three cases were the sentences of acquittal. On one occasion with full formula for the "deal" Sme-Ariosto / 1 "(corruption of the courts of Rome). Twice with the formula of paragraph 2 of Article doubtful. 530 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, which absorbs the old lack of evidence: the funds blacks "Medusa" and bribes to the Guardia di Finanza, where Knight was convicted of first degree of corruption, pleaded guilty but required an appeal due to extenuating circumstances , the Supreme Court acquitted for "lack of evidence." Reformed decriminalized and false accounting by the Berlusconi government, the accused is acquitted Berlusconi in two trials (All Iberian / 2 and Sme-Ariosto / 2) because "the fact is no longer required by law as a crime." Two amnesties extinguish the offense and delete the sentence imposed for perjury (he had rigged the dates of your subscription to P2) and false accounting (the land of Macherio). Five times is subject to the "extenuating circumstances" that (attention) are assigned to those who are held responsible for the crime. In addition to the "extenuating circumstances" allow him to qualify in three cases, half of the prescription that was manufactured as head of government: "All Iberian / 1" (illicit financing to Craxi), "Lentini case," "budgets Fininvest 1988-'92, "" blacks funds in the consolidated Fininvest "(1500 billion), Mondadori (Berlusconi's lawyer, Cesare Previti, a" buy "the judge Metta, both are convicted).
È vero, l'inventario annoia ma qualcosa ci racconta. Ci spiega che senza amnistie, riforme del codice (falso in bilancio) e della procedura (prescrizione) affatturate dal suo governo, Berlusconi sarebbe considerato un "delinquente abituale". Anche perché, se non avesse corrotto un testimone (David Mills, già condannato in appello, lo protegge dalla condanna in due processi), non avrebbe potuto godere delle "attenuanti generiche" che lo hanno reso "meritevole" della prescrizione che egli stesso, da presidente del consiglio, s'è riscritto e accorciato.
L'imbarazzante bilancio giudiziario non liquida un lamento che nella "narrativa" di Berlusconi è vitale: until in 1994 did not run the country's government, the judiciary did not suspect me. If you leave the perishing, but was this obsessive soundbite is nothing but the alchemy of a magician, advertising. Berlusconi is under investigation for drug trafficking, eleven years before the birth of Forza Italy. In 1983 (the charge is stored). Is sentenced on appeal (and amnesty) for perjury in 1989, twenty years ago. In 1993 - a year before his first job in government - the prosecutor in Turin and Milan already investigating the prosecutors in Milan on the budgets of Publitalia. Beyond these dates, it is documented by court documents that Silvio Berlusconi and Fininvest group get into trouble do not worry for a "political" of prosecutors, but the confessions of a corrupt official of the core regional tax police in Milan. He admitted that the "yellow flames" have pocketed 230 million pounds to turn a blind eye to tax audits in Videotime (in 1985), Mondadori (1991), Mediolanum Vita (1992), all checks prior to the policy of adventure ' Egoarca. Is the accidental discovery of foreign funds of Fininvest. It is worth remembering. One of the dummy of Craxi, Giorgio Tradati, delivery Di Pietro printouts of the account "Northern Holding." Manages them on behalf of Craxi. Account flows, without any precaution, the money that the national entrepreneurial elite shall pay to the socialist leader.
There is one exception. A triple payment has no name and signature. There are three tranches of five billion pounds a sender, generous and unknown, sent in October 1991 to Craxi. "It was Bettino to announce the arrival of that payment," says Tradati. Requests for assistance possible to ascertain that the billions, "supported" to "Northern Holding" are from the account "All Iberian" SBS Lugano. Who is "All Iberian"? For months, prosecutors water pounding in a mortar until a young practitioner of the study Carnelutti, a prestigious law firm in Milan, confessed to the pool of nominees have done for years on behalf of Fininvest companies created in dall'avvocato londinese David Mackenzie Mills.
Così hanno inizio le rogne che ancora oggi Berlusconi deve grattarsi. Il caso, la fortuna, la sfortuna, fate voi. Tirando quell'esile filo, saltano fuori 64 società off-shore del "gruppo B di Fininvest very secret", create venti anni fa e alimentate prevalentemente con fondi provenienti dalla "Silvio Berlusconi Finanziaria". È in quell'arcipelago che si muovono le transazioni strategiche della Fininvest che, come documenterà la Kpmg, consentono a Berlusconi e al suo gruppo di "alterare le rappresentazioni di bilancio"; "esercitare un controllo con fiduciari in emittenti tv che le normative italiane estere non avrebbero permesso"; "detenere quote di partecipazione in listed companies without informing the Consob and unlisted companies through a third party, "" provide funding, "" payments "," between group companies the acquisition of television rights, "" receiving funds from third parties to fund operations Fininvest made on behalf of others. "It is the revelation of an episode not illegal, but a method of illegal working, illegal business scheme which is the foundation of the fortunes of Silvio Berlusconi. To put it bluntly, and with hindsight, sixteen processes to cope with that lump of illegality even today are a small number. In the "very discreet of the Fininvest group B" funds because they are blacks (nearly a thousand billion lire). Passing the 21 billion who earn a Craxi for approval of the law Mama 91 billion in treasury bonds for the corruption of the Parliament approving the law, misuse of property Tele + (violates antitrust Italian, were corrupt to hide the "flames yellow "); control 86 percent of illegal Telecinco (in defiance of English law), the fictitious purchase of shares on behalf of the tycoon Leo Kirch contrary to the German antitrust laws, then the resources allocated by the corruption of Cesare Previti Judges in Rome (or produce the Mondadori); purchases of blocks of shares that, in violation of market rules, favored climbing stands, Mondadori, Rinascente. And there is much we do not know and do not know?
All processes that Berlusconi has faced and still faces not just happen for a deliberate purpose. A financier who confesses, a young lawyer who gets rid of the weight that darkens his days allow you to put together survey after survey, for the inevitable mandatory prosecution, a truth that the head of government can never admit its success has been built with tax evasion, budgets rigged, corruption in politics, the financial police, judges and witnesses, and the manipulation of the laws governing the market and economy in Italy and Europe. For Berlusconi, la banalizzazione della sua storia giudiziaria, che egli traduce e confonde in guerra alla (o della) magistratura, non è il conflitto della politica contro l'esercizio abusivo del potere giudiziario, ma il disperato e personale tentativo di cancellare per sempre le tracce del passato e di un metodo inconfessabile. Con quali tecniche Berlusconi ha combattuto, e ancora affronterà, questa contesa è un'altra storia.
© Riproduzione riservata: La Repubblica
(20 novembre 2009)
The Knight and the fable of the 106 jobs
of Giuseppe D'Avanzo
SI says the process is "short" and if this speed remove processes Silvio Berlusconi is welcome because it was against that poor man, after he has chosen the policy (1994), has unleashed a fury record "with hundreds of processes.
At the end of the eighteenth Law ad personam, in favor of the prime minister there is only a common, imaginative, so lacking any connection with reality. It is indisputable that a case should avere una ragionevole durata per non diventare giustizia negata (per l'imputato innocente, per la vittima del reato). "Processo breve", però, è soltanto un'efficace formula di marketing politico-commerciale. Nulla di più. Per credere che dia davvero dinamismo ai dibattimenti, bisogna dimenticare che le nuove regole (durata di sei anni o morte del processo) sono un imbroglio, se non si migliorano prima codice, procedura, organizzazione giudiziaria. Sono una rovina per la credibilità del "sistema Italia", se definiscono "non gravi" i reati economici come la corruzione. Con il tempo, la ragione privatissima del disegno di legge è diventata limpida anche per i creduloni, e i corifei del sovrano ora ammettono in pubblico che la catastrophic reform was only meant to free Berlusconi from his personal legal troubles. The burglary of each abstract and general condition of the law must be backed up - bring to mind the "public" - a second soundbite, that formuletta quick and convincing that, as a chant, must be recited on television, according to experts, at a rate of 6.5 syllables per second, in not more than 12/15 seconds. Widespread, repeated and disseminated by the guardians Minzolini wasps and communication flows, runs as follows: Silvio Berlusconi has the right to protect themselves - yes, even with a law on a personal basis - because he had to endure hundreds of jobs after his "descent into the field" , Spy play a leading role political abuse of the judiciary and all that Italian democracy weakens.
Well, is it true that Berlusconi was "attacked" by the robes only after choosing the policy? And what has been "attacked"? Really it was with "hundreds of jobs" all of which ended with a stalemate? Questions that deserve factual words, if you want to have an opinion on this subject also correct long heralded and accepted unconditionally by the minds even more furnished.
The number of jobs is a mystery Berlusconi merciful if you listen to the Prime Minister. Says Knight: "Absolutely [are] the most persecuted by the judiciary in all ages, throughout the history of mankind throughout the world. [I was] subjected to 106 jobs, all ended in acquittals and two prescriptions "(October 10, 2009). On the same day, Marina Berlusconi resize the hyperbole father:" My father between processes and investigations has been called into question 26 times. But there is a dependent one, say one, sentence. And if, as they say, only three clues to do a test, do not you think that 26 allegations are nothing falls in the proof of persecution? "(Courier, October 10). A few days later, Paolo Bonaiuti, spokesman for Prime Minister , pump the task even more upward: "The trials against Berlusconi are 109" (Door to Door, October 15). The blunt Bruno Vespa even endorsing the numbers of Marina: "Do not exaggerate, the processes are 26".
Twenty-six, one hundred and six or one hundred and nine, and the number of acquittals? In reality, the processes discussed by Knight as a defendant is sixteen. Four are still ongoing: corruption in judicial proceedings for the deal Mills, incitement to bribery of a pair of senators (the Rome prosecutors asked archiving); funds Mediaset TV rights for blacks (in the trial in Milan); Mediatrade embezzlement in the business (the prosecutor is preparing to close the investigation). In the twelve
process has been completed, in only three cases were the sentences of acquittal. On one occasion with full formula for the "deal" Sme-Ariosto / 1 "(corruption of the courts of Rome). Twice with the formula of paragraph 2 of Article doubtful. 530 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, which absorbs the old lack of evidence: the funds blacks "Medusa" and bribes to the Guardia di Finanza, where Knight was convicted of first degree of corruption, pleaded guilty but required an appeal due to extenuating circumstances , the Supreme Court acquitted for "lack of evidence." Reformed decriminalized and false accounting by the Berlusconi government, the accused is acquitted Berlusconi in two trials (All Iberian / 2 and Sme-Ariosto / 2) because "the fact is no longer required by law as a crime." Two amnesties extinguish the offense and delete the sentence imposed for perjury (he had rigged the dates of your subscription to P2) and false accounting (the land of Macherio). Five times is subject to the "extenuating circumstances" that (attention) are assigned to those who are held responsible for the crime. In addition to the "extenuating circumstances" allow him to qualify in three cases, half of the prescription that was manufactured as head of government: "All Iberian / 1" (illicit financing to Craxi), "Lentini case," "budgets Fininvest 1988-'92, "" blacks funds in the consolidated Fininvest "(1500 billion), Mondadori (Berlusconi's lawyer, Cesare Previti, a" buy "the judge Metta, both are convicted).
È vero, l'inventario annoia ma qualcosa ci racconta. Ci spiega che senza amnistie, riforme del codice (falso in bilancio) e della procedura (prescrizione) affatturate dal suo governo, Berlusconi sarebbe considerato un "delinquente abituale". Anche perché, se non avesse corrotto un testimone (David Mills, già condannato in appello, lo protegge dalla condanna in due processi), non avrebbe potuto godere delle "attenuanti generiche" che lo hanno reso "meritevole" della prescrizione che egli stesso, da presidente del consiglio, s'è riscritto e accorciato.
L'imbarazzante bilancio giudiziario non liquida un lamento che nella "narrativa" di Berlusconi è vitale: until in 1994 did not run the country's government, the judiciary did not suspect me. If you leave the perishing, but was this obsessive soundbite is nothing but the alchemy of a magician, advertising. Berlusconi is under investigation for drug trafficking, eleven years before the birth of Forza Italy. In 1983 (the charge is stored). Is sentenced on appeal (and amnesty) for perjury in 1989, twenty years ago. In 1993 - a year before his first job in government - the prosecutor in Turin and Milan already investigating the prosecutors in Milan on the budgets of Publitalia. Beyond these dates, it is documented by court documents that Silvio Berlusconi and Fininvest group get into trouble do not worry for a "political" of prosecutors, but the confessions of a corrupt official of the core regional tax police in Milan. He admitted that the "yellow flames" have pocketed 230 million pounds to turn a blind eye to tax audits in Videotime (in 1985), Mondadori (1991), Mediolanum Vita (1992), all checks prior to the policy of adventure ' Egoarca. Is the accidental discovery of foreign funds of Fininvest. It is worth remembering. One of the dummy of Craxi, Giorgio Tradati, delivery Di Pietro printouts of the account "Northern Holding." Manages them on behalf of Craxi. Account flows, without any precaution, the money that the national entrepreneurial elite shall pay to the socialist leader.
There is one exception. A triple payment has no name and signature. There are three tranches of five billion pounds a sender, generous and unknown, sent in October 1991 to Craxi. "It was Bettino to announce the arrival of that payment," says Tradati. Requests for assistance possible to ascertain that the billions, "supported" to "Northern Holding" are from the account "All Iberian" SBS Lugano. Who is "All Iberian"? For months, prosecutors water pounding in a mortar until a young practitioner of the study Carnelutti, a prestigious law firm in Milan, confessed to the pool of nominees have done for years on behalf of Fininvest companies created in dall'avvocato londinese David Mackenzie Mills.
Così hanno inizio le rogne che ancora oggi Berlusconi deve grattarsi. Il caso, la fortuna, la sfortuna, fate voi. Tirando quell'esile filo, saltano fuori 64 società off-shore del "gruppo B di Fininvest very secret", create venti anni fa e alimentate prevalentemente con fondi provenienti dalla "Silvio Berlusconi Finanziaria". È in quell'arcipelago che si muovono le transazioni strategiche della Fininvest che, come documenterà la Kpmg, consentono a Berlusconi e al suo gruppo di "alterare le rappresentazioni di bilancio"; "esercitare un controllo con fiduciari in emittenti tv che le normative italiane estere non avrebbero permesso"; "detenere quote di partecipazione in listed companies without informing the Consob and unlisted companies through a third party, "" provide funding, "" payments "," between group companies the acquisition of television rights, "" receiving funds from third parties to fund operations Fininvest made on behalf of others. "It is the revelation of an episode not illegal, but a method of illegal working, illegal business scheme which is the foundation of the fortunes of Silvio Berlusconi. To put it bluntly, and with hindsight, sixteen processes to cope with that lump of illegality even today are a small number. In the "very discreet of the Fininvest group B" funds because they are blacks (nearly a thousand billion lire). Passing the 21 billion who earn a Craxi for approval of the law Mama 91 billion in treasury bonds for the corruption of the Parliament approving the law, misuse of property Tele + (violates antitrust Italian, were corrupt to hide the "flames yellow "); control 86 percent of illegal Telecinco (in defiance of English law), the fictitious purchase of shares on behalf of the tycoon Leo Kirch contrary to the German antitrust laws, then the resources allocated by the corruption of Cesare Previti Judges in Rome (or produce the Mondadori); purchases of blocks of shares that, in violation of market rules, favored climbing stands, Mondadori, Rinascente. And there is much we do not know and do not know?
All processes that Berlusconi has faced and still faces not just happen for a deliberate purpose. A financier who confesses, a young lawyer who gets rid of the weight that darkens his days allow you to put together survey after survey, for the inevitable mandatory prosecution, a truth that the head of government can never admit its success has been built with tax evasion, budgets rigged, corruption in politics, the financial police, judges and witnesses, and the manipulation of the laws governing the market and economy in Italy and Europe. For Berlusconi, la banalizzazione della sua storia giudiziaria, che egli traduce e confonde in guerra alla (o della) magistratura, non è il conflitto della politica contro l'esercizio abusivo del potere giudiziario, ma il disperato e personale tentativo di cancellare per sempre le tracce del passato e di un metodo inconfessabile. Con quali tecniche Berlusconi ha combattuto, e ancora affronterà, questa contesa è un'altra storia.
© Riproduzione riservata: La Repubblica
(20 novembre 2009)
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Clip Milena Velba Jogging
Dignity women today?
L'incontro sabato 21 alla Casa internazionale delle donne
Un'occasione per riflettere sulla molteplicità delle esperienze femminili
Women's Forum
enough of reality to the stereotype of the average
ROME - Where are the women "real", those that live in the reality, and not their counterpart that dominate newspapers and television? Part of this question the next meeting organized by the group "Women of Reality" at the International Women's House in Rome, Via della Lungara 19.
The starting point of the organizers is well summarized by the name the group chose to give themselves: "Women of Reality," in contrast with the false stereotypes suggested by the media system. Italian newspapers and the media, more and more often female model dominant is that of a woman who seems to have only one goal the seduction of the male more rich and powerful as possible. In so doing, lose sight of the women's "real", which have much more in the head with respect to "marry the son of the Premier."
The public forum scheduled for Saturday, November 21 starting at 17, aims to speak of "other women", and examine how the media can give visibility to the multiplicity of women's experiences and take a role of analysis and criticism of the crimes. This is the second meeting of the "Women of Reality," after what took place in Milan on 5 October with the participation of over 200 people.
All'incontro di sabato aderiranno molte giornaliste e personalità del mondo della cultura. Si inizierà con una relazione introduttiva di Chiara Volpato, docente di Psicologia sociale alla Bicocca di Milano, e della filosofa Michela Marzano, firmataria insieme a Nadia Urbinati e Barbara Spinelli dell'appello di Repubblica per la dignità delle donne. Nel corso del forum verranno proiettate anche alcune gallerie fotografiche delle donne "offese dal Premier" che hanno inviato i loro scatti al nostro sito.
Tra le altre, sono invitate all'incontro il direttore del Tg3, Bianca Berlinguer, il presidente del Pd, Rosy Bindi, il segretario confederale della Cgil, Susanna Camusso, il direttore Unit, Conchita De Gregorio, the director of Espresso, Daniela Hamaui, the director of the Century in Italy, Flavia Perina, general secretary of the UGL Renata Polverini, writer Lidia Ravera, President of Cpo Fnsi, Lucia Visca.
(November 19, 2009)
L'incontro sabato 21 alla Casa internazionale delle donne
Un'occasione per riflettere sulla molteplicità delle esperienze femminili
Women's Forum
enough of reality to the stereotype of the average
ROME - Where are the women "real", those that live in the reality, and not their counterpart that dominate newspapers and television? Part of this question the next meeting organized by the group "Women of Reality" at the International Women's House in Rome, Via della Lungara 19.
The starting point of the organizers is well summarized by the name the group chose to give themselves: "Women of Reality," in contrast with the false stereotypes suggested by the media system. Italian newspapers and the media, more and more often female model dominant is that of a woman who seems to have only one goal the seduction of the male more rich and powerful as possible. In so doing, lose sight of the women's "real", which have much more in the head with respect to "marry the son of the Premier."
The public forum scheduled for Saturday, November 21 starting at 17, aims to speak of "other women", and examine how the media can give visibility to the multiplicity of women's experiences and take a role of analysis and criticism of the crimes. This is the second meeting of the "Women of Reality," after what took place in Milan on 5 October with the participation of over 200 people.
All'incontro di sabato aderiranno molte giornaliste e personalità del mondo della cultura. Si inizierà con una relazione introduttiva di Chiara Volpato, docente di Psicologia sociale alla Bicocca di Milano, e della filosofa Michela Marzano, firmataria insieme a Nadia Urbinati e Barbara Spinelli dell'appello di Repubblica per la dignità delle donne. Nel corso del forum verranno proiettate anche alcune gallerie fotografiche delle donne "offese dal Premier" che hanno inviato i loro scatti al nostro sito.
Tra le altre, sono invitate all'incontro il direttore del Tg3, Bianca Berlinguer, il presidente del Pd, Rosy Bindi, il segretario confederale della Cgil, Susanna Camusso, il direttore Unit, Conchita De Gregorio, the director of Espresso, Daniela Hamaui, the director of the Century in Italy, Flavia Perina, general secretary of the UGL Renata Polverini, writer Lidia Ravera, President of Cpo Fnsi, Lucia Visca.
(November 19, 2009)
Phot Of Enlarged Uterus
December 5: No B day
No B-day, no assistance from the leader. Bloggers: with the Constitution and Napolitano
ROME - The politicians off stage. Voice in constitutional and students, immigrants, intellectuals, redundant and precarious, the children of Corleone. In the background, the defense of the Constitution and the President of the Republic. Besides music, street performers and floats. The secretariats of the parties participating in the "NoBerlusconiday" have tried to "impose" the intervention of their leader. But in the organizational meeting yesterday afternoon they checked the young bloggers of the committee promoting the event on 5 December in Piazza del Popolo, designed and programmed.
"Given that the theme will be the no-Berlusconi, the stage presence of Antonio Di Pietro seemed natural and obvious, beyond its role as a politician," says Paola Calorenne, responsible young IDV and trait of union with the organizers. "In the end it was decided that no politician will go up on stage. But they will be allowed flags and gazebo. Us with our water to collect signatures on public, not the process quick and nuclear power. "Spokesperson" Noberlusconiday, Massimo Malerba, can claim victory: "We would never have made the presence of politicians on the stage, have characterized the event and we do not want. The Constitution and the President of the Republic are our only defense. It is in defense of both of them that we are mobilizing.
The lineup decided to December 5 sets are "emergencies" to address: the environment, law and justice, ethics, politics, work / training / research rights of individuals and finally information and network. For each topic, an intervention and a witness. Among others, father and young Alex Zanotelli "No Bridge" (in a month the hypothetical first stone). Invitations to the constitutional Domenico Gallo and Tania Groppi and the El Pais journalist Miguel Mora. And then, Antonio Tabucchi dell'Eutelia and a worker, a student anti-Gelmini reform. But the event is still a construction site. Growing by the hour the artists for. Ascanio Celestini, Andrea Rivera, Antonio Troy and then some of the groups will perform: Sabina Ratti, Skiantos, Adriano Bono, Killer sound and many others. Fifty coaches dall'Idv booked so far, in addition to the hundreds by the promoters, the PRC plans to bring at least a thousand people behind the banner "Against Berlusconi and Punishment" curato da Italo Di Sabato: "Già più di duemila iscritti al gruppo su Facebook". E il segretario Paolo Ferrero: "Ci saremo anche contro lo scempio della vendita dei beni confiscati alla mafia". In piazza anche i Verdi, annuncia il neopresidente Angelo Bonelli, per dire no al nucleare, alla privatizzazione dell'acqua e ai processi brevi, raccoglieremo anche noi le firme per i referendum".
"Basta esitazioni, tutti in piazza", è l'appello che dal sito MicroMega rivolgono al Pd Lidia Ravera, Moni Ovadia e Furio Colombo: "È in gioco la democrazia". La segreteria Bersani resta ferma sul no. Di certo, tra i democratici parteciperanno Ignazio Marino e Debora Serracchiani: "Legittimo manifestare, I'll be there, personally, but I would go away if criticism emerged the head of state, "says Marino. is skeptical about the lawyer Gustavo Zagrebelsky participation, freedom and justice." So far, we have always spoken about problems, the key word ' order instead of the event is an attack on person B. Then, I sense a danger. It will be an obsession, but the risk of some provocation organized to take advantage of it seems to me closer to art, especially since the prospect of early elections is made concrete.
reserved © Playing: The Republic
(November 19 2009)
No B-day, no assistance from the leader. Bloggers: with the Constitution and Napolitano
ROME - The politicians off stage. Voice in constitutional and students, immigrants, intellectuals, redundant and precarious, the children of Corleone. In the background, the defense of the Constitution and the President of the Republic. Besides music, street performers and floats. The secretariats of the parties participating in the "NoBerlusconiday" have tried to "impose" the intervention of their leader. But in the organizational meeting yesterday afternoon they checked the young bloggers of the committee promoting the event on 5 December in Piazza del Popolo, designed and programmed.
"Given that the theme will be the no-Berlusconi, the stage presence of Antonio Di Pietro seemed natural and obvious, beyond its role as a politician," says Paola Calorenne, responsible young IDV and trait of union with the organizers. "In the end it was decided that no politician will go up on stage. But they will be allowed flags and gazebo. Us with our water to collect signatures on public, not the process quick and nuclear power. "Spokesperson" Noberlusconiday, Massimo Malerba, can claim victory: "We would never have made the presence of politicians on the stage, have characterized the event and we do not want. The Constitution and the President of the Republic are our only defense. It is in defense of both of them that we are mobilizing.
The lineup decided to December 5 sets are "emergencies" to address: the environment, law and justice, ethics, politics, work / training / research rights of individuals and finally information and network. For each topic, an intervention and a witness. Among others, father and young Alex Zanotelli "No Bridge" (in a month the hypothetical first stone). Invitations to the constitutional Domenico Gallo and Tania Groppi and the El Pais journalist Miguel Mora. And then, Antonio Tabucchi dell'Eutelia and a worker, a student anti-Gelmini reform. But the event is still a construction site. Growing by the hour the artists for. Ascanio Celestini, Andrea Rivera, Antonio Troy and then some of the groups will perform: Sabina Ratti, Skiantos, Adriano Bono, Killer sound and many others. Fifty coaches dall'Idv booked so far, in addition to the hundreds by the promoters, the PRC plans to bring at least a thousand people behind the banner "Against Berlusconi and Punishment" curato da Italo Di Sabato: "Già più di duemila iscritti al gruppo su Facebook". E il segretario Paolo Ferrero: "Ci saremo anche contro lo scempio della vendita dei beni confiscati alla mafia". In piazza anche i Verdi, annuncia il neopresidente Angelo Bonelli, per dire no al nucleare, alla privatizzazione dell'acqua e ai processi brevi, raccoglieremo anche noi le firme per i referendum".
"Basta esitazioni, tutti in piazza", è l'appello che dal sito MicroMega rivolgono al Pd Lidia Ravera, Moni Ovadia e Furio Colombo: "È in gioco la democrazia". La segreteria Bersani resta ferma sul no. Di certo, tra i democratici parteciperanno Ignazio Marino e Debora Serracchiani: "Legittimo manifestare, I'll be there, personally, but I would go away if criticism emerged the head of state, "says Marino. is skeptical about the lawyer Gustavo Zagrebelsky participation, freedom and justice." So far, we have always spoken about problems, the key word ' order instead of the event is an attack on person B. Then, I sense a danger. It will be an obsession, but the risk of some provocation organized to take advantage of it seems to me closer to art, especially since the prospect of early elections is made concrete.
reserved © Playing: The Republic
(November 19 2009)
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Transporting Drywall On Truck
If you pay ... your life to travel light. Justice is only a hindrance to freedom!
The investigation / 1. Sbalorditivo il silenzio di chi si batte per il Sistema Italia: dagli imprenditori ai sindacati, alle associazioni di risparmiatori e consumatori
La corruzione costa 25mila euro a testa ma in Italia non è un reato grave
Paese meraviglioso l'Italia. Quando non si acceca da solo, chiude gli occhi. Il frastuono politico assorda e il rumore mediatico lascia nascosta qualche verità e - in un canto - fatti che, al contrario, meritano molta luce e l'attenzione dell'opinione pubblica.
La disciplina del "processo breve" ce l'abbiamo sotto gli occhi e vale la pena di farci i conti, senza lasciarci distract from naive and hucksters. Some fixed point.
The bill pro star Berlusconi does not make rapid processes (it is a crystalline nonsense). That measure manufactures a prescription fast and sudden as lightning that kills.
Usually, compared with more serious crimes, a state responsible - and fair with its citizens - is allowed adequate time to establish the crime and punish those responsible (the requirement is no more). The more serious the crime, its most problematic and laborious investigation, the more time that the State recognizes extinct before considering the crime. The rules of prescription and fast killer (processes) reversed this policy efficiency and common sense.
The more serious the crime, the less time to judge. The magistrates will have plenty of time to process a mugger and times quota to get to grips with, say, abuse of office, Community fraud, tax fraud, bankruptcy preference, simple or aggravated fraud: that scoundrel Bernard Madoff, who has stolen $ 50 billion to its investors, will be rejoicing cursing was not born Italian.
Now the bill will be corrected and filed, but - make no mistake - it can never leave the road for its corruption and improper because Silvio Berlusconi, accused of corruption in judicial acts and the corrupt convicted in appello (David Mills), ha bisogno di quel "salvacondotto" per levarsi dai guai. Un primo risultato si può allora scolpire nella pietra: l'Italia è il solo Paese dell'Occidente che considera la corruzione un reato non grave e dunque, se le parole e le intenzioni hanno un senso, una pratica penalmente lieve, socialmente risibile, economicamente tranquilla.
Nessuno pare chiedersi se ce lo possiamo permettere; quali ne saranno i frutti; quali i costi economici e immateriali; quale il futuro di un Paese dove "corrotto" e "corruttore" sono considerati attori sociali infinitamente meno pericolosi di "scippatore", "immigrato clandestino", "automobilista distratto", e la corruzione così inoffensiva da meritare una definitiva decriminalization or a permanent amnesty.
The silence on this key aspect of "prescription fast", inaugurated by the "law of Berlusconi", is amazing. It's amazing that the public debate on the menacing mess, cooked by the premier lawyers in his interest, not see the protagonists Confindustria, who cherish the small and medium enterprises, trade unions, economists, market surveillance authorities and competition, groups of investors and consumers, government ministers who still condemn the soul to give competition to the "Italian system".
As if the news chain and "advertising" the President of the council had managed to taxes for the real story of yet another conflict between politics and justice, and therefore only deal for lawyers, journalists and robes. As if this project criminofilo not talk about development and underdevelopment, of past and future of civil society, social organization, institutional legitimacy, transparency of policy makers; competitiveness and international credibility of the country.
this silence is amazing because everyone is still paying today and pay tomorrow, with the mortgage on the future of children and grandchildren, the price of corruption in the past, nearly seven points of gross domestic product each year, 25 thousand euro of debt for every citizen of the Republic, including infants.
Seventy billion euro in interest payments, deducted each year for infrastructure, welfare, training and research.
is a condition that the Princes and turiferari, wasps and Minzolini, conceal the public.
You need some time to remember those who believe in "judicial coup", the purpose of the whole policy of the prosecutors, fable still in vogue in these hours in talk-show influenced by Knight.
Clean Hands When he took his first steps, the turnover of the Italian corruption is ten thousand billion lire a year, with a public debt between 150 and 250 mila miliardi più 15/25 miliardi di interessi passivi.
L'abitudine alla corruzione cancella ogni sensibilità del ceto politico per i conti pubblici. Inesistente negli anni sessanta, il debito cresce fino al 60 per cento del prodotto interno lordo negli anni ottanta. Sale al 70 per cento nel 1983. Tocca il 92 per cento nei quattro anni (1983/1987) di governo Craxi, per chiudere alla vigilia di Mani Pulite, nel 1992, al 118 per cento.
Non c'è dubbio che, in quegli anni, una maggiore attenzione della magistratura alla corruzione, e la consapevolezza sociale del danno che produce, favorisce il parziale rientro dal debito, utile per adeguarsi ai parametri di Maastricht. Di quegli anni - 1993/1994 - è infatti il picco complaints of crimes of corruption. Over time, the tension is released. slowly decreasing curve of crimes reported in 2000 and returned to the levels of 1991, those prior to the emergence of Tangentopoli.
In the years following the law ad personam (cutting the time limitation for economic crimes, from corruption to accounting fraud), tax amnesties, the difficulties of the law on "saving" (actually on governance) and close the loop a season.
Here, then, must move in order to understand and judge a project that can push Italy, in the interest of a , near a condition to be "country emerging.
Why the difficulty of our recent history born in the dark background of corruption. lift ourselves out of a necessity as there - is not a secret, even if it is neglected by the public discourse and by the singers dell'Egoarca - a perfect symmetry between corruption and critical issues for society and country.
market dominated by distortions and "immoral taxes" (60 billion euro each year for the Court of Auditors) provide benefits only to the clique of corrupt insiders . addition to loss of competitiveness, markets do not attract corrupt investment of foreign capital and are marked by low growth (too many barriers entry, too many investment risks).
There is no study or analysis that confirms the relationship between the degree of corruption and economic growth, especially as regards small and medium enterprises are the core of our real economy. fact, small and medium-sized enterprises - says the parliamentary report that accompanied the ratification of the UN Convention against Corruption became law on August 14, 2009 - "in addition to not having the means of structural and financial large companies (which allow their direct intervention and distortion) appear to have less political clout and financial resources for children to meet the demands for bribes. "
Corruption becomes a fixed cost for businesses and a burden that weighs heavily in investment decisions. are costs for small and medium enterprises, which may be decisive for the entry into the market, so how can they cause their exit from the market . And in any case costs are having significant impacts on other fronts: research, technological innovations, maintenance, safety, environmental protection.
For these reasons, corruption should find its highest priority on the political agenda and the Italians realize this even though you may not know, as written by the minister Renato Brunetta, that the heavy tax hidden corruption "is equivalent to a fee di mille euro l'anno per ogni italiano, neonati inclusi".
Secondo Trasparency International, un organismo "no profit" che studia il fenomeno della corruzione a livello globale, il 44 per cento degli italiani crede che la corruzione "incide in modo significativo" sulla sua vita personale e familiare; per il 92 per cento nel sistema economico; per il 95 nella vita politica; per il 85 sulla cultura e i valori della società. Più del 70 per cento della società ritiene che nei prossimi anni la corruzione sia destinata a non diminuire.
Il disastroso quadro nazionale è noto agli organismi internazionali. È di questi giorni il rapporto del Consiglio d'Europa sulla corruzione in Italia.
Il Consiglio rileva che in Italia i casi di malversazione sono in aumento; che le condanne sono diminuite; i processi non si concludono per le tattiche dilatorie che ritardano i dibattimenti e favoriscono la prescrizione; la normativa è disorganica; la pubblica amministrazione ha una discrezionalità che confina con l'arbitrarietà.
Il gruppo di Stati contro la corruzione del Consiglio d'Europa (Greco) ha inviato all'Italia 22 raccomandazioni di stampo amministrativo (introduzione di standard etici, per dire), procedurali (per evitare l'interruzione dei processi) normative (nuove figure di reato).
La risposta alle preoccupazioni della comunità internazionale - Shortly after the G8 Eagle has signed a global legal dodecalogo OECD standard (also strongly endorsed by Tremonti) - is now in the bill of "prescription quickly." Corruption is negligible. is not the lead on the wings of the Italian economy. It is the toxin that poisons the metabolism of Italian society. It is not the wall that prevents us from seeing the future.
headache is a head of government. Delete it even at the cost of not having a future for the whole of Italy.
Where is this slippery slope "of men to" believe in their company, on its merits in the market, in competition? Why silent?
reserved © Play - The Republic
(November 18, 2009)
The investigation / 1. Sbalorditivo il silenzio di chi si batte per il Sistema Italia: dagli imprenditori ai sindacati, alle associazioni di risparmiatori e consumatori
La corruzione costa 25mila euro a testa ma in Italia non è un reato grave
Paese meraviglioso l'Italia. Quando non si acceca da solo, chiude gli occhi. Il frastuono politico assorda e il rumore mediatico lascia nascosta qualche verità e - in un canto - fatti che, al contrario, meritano molta luce e l'attenzione dell'opinione pubblica.
La disciplina del "processo breve" ce l'abbiamo sotto gli occhi e vale la pena di farci i conti, senza lasciarci distract from naive and hucksters. Some fixed point.
The bill pro star Berlusconi does not make rapid processes (it is a crystalline nonsense). That measure manufactures a prescription fast and sudden as lightning that kills.
Usually, compared with more serious crimes, a state responsible - and fair with its citizens - is allowed adequate time to establish the crime and punish those responsible (the requirement is no more). The more serious the crime, its most problematic and laborious investigation, the more time that the State recognizes extinct before considering the crime. The rules of prescription and fast killer (processes) reversed this policy efficiency and common sense.
The more serious the crime, the less time to judge. The magistrates will have plenty of time to process a mugger and times quota to get to grips with, say, abuse of office, Community fraud, tax fraud, bankruptcy preference, simple or aggravated fraud: that scoundrel Bernard Madoff, who has stolen $ 50 billion to its investors, will be rejoicing cursing was not born Italian.
Now the bill will be corrected and filed, but - make no mistake - it can never leave the road for its corruption and improper because Silvio Berlusconi, accused of corruption in judicial acts and the corrupt convicted in appello (David Mills), ha bisogno di quel "salvacondotto" per levarsi dai guai. Un primo risultato si può allora scolpire nella pietra: l'Italia è il solo Paese dell'Occidente che considera la corruzione un reato non grave e dunque, se le parole e le intenzioni hanno un senso, una pratica penalmente lieve, socialmente risibile, economicamente tranquilla.
Nessuno pare chiedersi se ce lo possiamo permettere; quali ne saranno i frutti; quali i costi economici e immateriali; quale il futuro di un Paese dove "corrotto" e "corruttore" sono considerati attori sociali infinitamente meno pericolosi di "scippatore", "immigrato clandestino", "automobilista distratto", e la corruzione così inoffensiva da meritare una definitiva decriminalization or a permanent amnesty.
The silence on this key aspect of "prescription fast", inaugurated by the "law of Berlusconi", is amazing. It's amazing that the public debate on the menacing mess, cooked by the premier lawyers in his interest, not see the protagonists Confindustria, who cherish the small and medium enterprises, trade unions, economists, market surveillance authorities and competition, groups of investors and consumers, government ministers who still condemn the soul to give competition to the "Italian system".
As if the news chain and "advertising" the President of the council had managed to taxes for the real story of yet another conflict between politics and justice, and therefore only deal for lawyers, journalists and robes. As if this project criminofilo not talk about development and underdevelopment, of past and future of civil society, social organization, institutional legitimacy, transparency of policy makers; competitiveness and international credibility of the country.
this silence is amazing because everyone is still paying today and pay tomorrow, with the mortgage on the future of children and grandchildren, the price of corruption in the past, nearly seven points of gross domestic product each year, 25 thousand euro of debt for every citizen of the Republic, including infants.
Seventy billion euro in interest payments, deducted each year for infrastructure, welfare, training and research.
is a condition that the Princes and turiferari, wasps and Minzolini, conceal the public.
You need some time to remember those who believe in "judicial coup", the purpose of the whole policy of the prosecutors, fable still in vogue in these hours in talk-show influenced by Knight.
Clean Hands When he took his first steps, the turnover of the Italian corruption is ten thousand billion lire a year, with a public debt between 150 and 250 mila miliardi più 15/25 miliardi di interessi passivi.
L'abitudine alla corruzione cancella ogni sensibilità del ceto politico per i conti pubblici. Inesistente negli anni sessanta, il debito cresce fino al 60 per cento del prodotto interno lordo negli anni ottanta. Sale al 70 per cento nel 1983. Tocca il 92 per cento nei quattro anni (1983/1987) di governo Craxi, per chiudere alla vigilia di Mani Pulite, nel 1992, al 118 per cento.
Non c'è dubbio che, in quegli anni, una maggiore attenzione della magistratura alla corruzione, e la consapevolezza sociale del danno che produce, favorisce il parziale rientro dal debito, utile per adeguarsi ai parametri di Maastricht. Di quegli anni - 1993/1994 - è infatti il picco complaints of crimes of corruption. Over time, the tension is released. slowly decreasing curve of crimes reported in 2000 and returned to the levels of 1991, those prior to the emergence of Tangentopoli.
In the years following the law ad personam (cutting the time limitation for economic crimes, from corruption to accounting fraud), tax amnesties, the difficulties of the law on "saving" (actually on governance) and close the loop a season.
Here, then, must move in order to understand and judge a project that can push Italy, in the interest of a , near a condition to be "country emerging.
Why the difficulty of our recent history born in the dark background of corruption. lift ourselves out of a necessity as there - is not a secret, even if it is neglected by the public discourse and by the singers dell'Egoarca - a perfect symmetry between corruption and critical issues for society and country.
market dominated by distortions and "immoral taxes" (60 billion euro each year for the Court of Auditors) provide benefits only to the clique of corrupt insiders . addition to loss of competitiveness, markets do not attract corrupt investment of foreign capital and are marked by low growth (too many barriers entry, too many investment risks).
There is no study or analysis that confirms the relationship between the degree of corruption and economic growth, especially as regards small and medium enterprises are the core of our real economy. fact, small and medium-sized enterprises - says the parliamentary report that accompanied the ratification of the UN Convention against Corruption became law on August 14, 2009 - "in addition to not having the means of structural and financial large companies (which allow their direct intervention and distortion) appear to have less political clout and financial resources for children to meet the demands for bribes. "
Corruption becomes a fixed cost for businesses and a burden that weighs heavily in investment decisions. are costs for small and medium enterprises, which may be decisive for the entry into the market, so how can they cause their exit from the market . And in any case costs are having significant impacts on other fronts: research, technological innovations, maintenance, safety, environmental protection.
For these reasons, corruption should find its highest priority on the political agenda and the Italians realize this even though you may not know, as written by the minister Renato Brunetta, that the heavy tax hidden corruption "is equivalent to a fee di mille euro l'anno per ogni italiano, neonati inclusi".
Secondo Trasparency International, un organismo "no profit" che studia il fenomeno della corruzione a livello globale, il 44 per cento degli italiani crede che la corruzione "incide in modo significativo" sulla sua vita personale e familiare; per il 92 per cento nel sistema economico; per il 95 nella vita politica; per il 85 sulla cultura e i valori della società. Più del 70 per cento della società ritiene che nei prossimi anni la corruzione sia destinata a non diminuire.
Il disastroso quadro nazionale è noto agli organismi internazionali. È di questi giorni il rapporto del Consiglio d'Europa sulla corruzione in Italia.
Il Consiglio rileva che in Italia i casi di malversazione sono in aumento; che le condanne sono diminuite; i processi non si concludono per le tattiche dilatorie che ritardano i dibattimenti e favoriscono la prescrizione; la normativa è disorganica; la pubblica amministrazione ha una discrezionalità che confina con l'arbitrarietà.
Il gruppo di Stati contro la corruzione del Consiglio d'Europa (Greco) ha inviato all'Italia 22 raccomandazioni di stampo amministrativo (introduzione di standard etici, per dire), procedurali (per evitare l'interruzione dei processi) normative (nuove figure di reato).
La risposta alle preoccupazioni della comunità internazionale - Shortly after the G8 Eagle has signed a global legal dodecalogo OECD standard (also strongly endorsed by Tremonti) - is now in the bill of "prescription quickly." Corruption is negligible. is not the lead on the wings of the Italian economy. It is the toxin that poisons the metabolism of Italian society. It is not the wall that prevents us from seeing the future.
headache is a head of government. Delete it even at the cost of not having a future for the whole of Italy.
Where is this slippery slope "of men to" believe in their company, on its merits in the market, in competition? Why silent?
reserved © Play - The Republic
(November 18, 2009)
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