The minutes of the repentant Spatuzza. On December 4, the deposition process Dell'Utri
The "revelation" given to one of the brothers Graviano. That rejected the comparison
"I have a deal with Berlusconi - This revealed to me the boss"
PALERMO - The boss of the Cosa Nostra would have had a relationship "directed" by Silvio Berlusconi e Marcello Dell'Utri. There would be "mediators" in the covenant that would have been caught between the mob and the leaders of the nascent party Forza Italy to put a stop to the massacres started in '92 and '93 with the attacks continued in Florence, Rome and Milan.
was stated is the latest sorry mafia, Gaspare Spatuzza, whose verbal statements made last summer with the magistrates of Florence were filed yesterday in the appeal against the senator Marcello Dell'Utri, accused of collusion with the Mafia.
The interrogation is 18 June. It is there that tells Spatuzza Florentine magistrates has learned directly from the boss Giuseppe Graviano in January '94 at the bar Doney Via Veneto in Rome, who had made "the country in their hands" because - as stated in the minutes - had reached an agreement with Dell'Utri and Berlusconi.
Spatuzza tells pm Horsehair Alexander and Joseph Nicolosi of the DDA in Florence: "I think I can categorically rule out, knowing very well (the brothers Giuseppe and Filippo Graviano ed) that the grave will be moved against Berlusconi and Dell'Utri through other people. I do not take into account the possibility that Graviano has made a political deal with them without having spoken personally. "
Spatuzza was the right arm of the brothers Giuseppe and Filippo Graviano (both in prison with life sentences for murders and massacres, including that of the priest Don Pino Puglisi and of the repentant son of Matthew). When Joseph Graviano revealed the "pact" that would have been close with Berlusconi, was in Rome to prepare for the failed attack at the Olympic Stadium to kill dozens of police.
The penitent then speaks from its privileged relations with the bosses and am Florentine adds: "I can not know what was the connection that Berlusconi and Dell'Utri had in mind tightening this covenant. My experience of these events, but it is my inference is that they (Berlusconi and Dell'Utri ed) that they made the first time the massacres of Cosa Nostra, he then wanted to accredit the outside world as those who were able to stop them. And when I see them go down in politics, participating in elections and winning, I understand that they are directly those on which we (What Our-ed) have staked everything. "
Spatuzza tells the details of the conversation with the boss Giuseppe Graviano when they met in Rome for the preparation of the attack at the Olympic Stadium. On that occasion the boss spoke of ' agreement which he said had been reached with Berlusconi: "Gravity was elated and joyous, bursting with happiness, a person was usually pretty controlled, so it was hard to let it go that way, his words were as follows: 'everything properly closed, we got what we wanted, people who have carried out what they are not like those four Crasti (sheep-ed) the socialists who first asked us for the votes and then we have sold. They are reliable people '. Then he tells me the name of Berlusconi and confirms to me that this is one of Channel 5. Then he says there is also a country and our Dell'Utri me the name and adds that thanks to the seriousness of these people, "we got the country into the hands'."
These statements came in the trial in Palermo Dell'Utri. The repentant Spatuzza probably next December 4 hearing set in Turin for his interrogation, prosecution and may better explain the significance of these defense-heavy statements about Berlusconi and Dell'Utri.
to the acts of the process are also finished comparisons between the same Spatuzza and brothers Philip and Joseph serious events on 20 August and 14 September. Interesting comparisons that can also contain messages that investigators are trying to decipher why the history of the Cosa Nostra has never seen the boss indent a turncoat like a friend. Joseph Gravano, who refused to respond in comparison, however, has said in a recent public hearing of "respect".
Filippo Graviano has instead accepted the comparison confessing to have been inclined to "opt out" of Cosa Nostra in the early 2000s when the then Attorney National Pierlugi Vigna, had launched a series of investigative interviews, but denied Spatuzza have never told that "if you do not get anything from where to get there - would say Graviano referring to the politicians - we begin to talk with the judges." A sign that, according Spatuzza the "negotiation" was still open. But in comparison with Filippo Graviano, Spatuzza staggered by heavy charges, claiming he never received the orders from the boss to commit murders and massacres inviting but to cooperate.
reserved © Playing: The Republic
(November 21, 2009)
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The mafia judges in Palermo talks last act of "negotiation" between gangs and state - In the story of the record in '94 with severe that he spoke to Berlusconi and Dell'Utri
Mafia, the truth of repentance Spatuzza - "The boss I said, the country is in our hands "
PALERMO - There is a mobster who speaks the last act of" negotiation. " And another attack, other bodies, other political protection, the boss of the other agreement that sought to "the new party." So says a repentant, that he did re-open investigations into all killings.
Spatuzza Gaspare's testimony, uomo d'onore della "famiglia" di Brancaccio: "Giuseppe Graviano mi disse che la persona grazie alla quale avevamo ottenuto tutto era Berlusconi e c'era di mezzo un nostro compaesano, Dell'Utri... mi disse anche che ci eravamo messi il Paese nelle mani".
Era lui, Spatuzza, che avrebbe dovuto uccidere cento carabinieri allo stadio Olimpico di Roma all'inizio del 1994. Dopo Falcone e Borsellino nell'estate del 1992, dopo le bombe di Firenze e Milano e Roma nel 1993, i mafiosi avevano bisogno di "fare morti fuori dalla Sicilia per avere poi benefici per i carcerati e anche altri". L'ultimo massacro prima del patto finale.
Un verbale di 75 pagine riapre uno scenario che sembrava sepolto per sempre e fa scivolare once again - had already happened after the 1994 prosecution of Caltanissetta and Florence, stored procedures in the following years - the names of Silvio Berlusconi and Marcello Dell'Utri "in the massacres." Deposition that was missing was the Palermo prosecutors in their investigation into the "negotiation" to tie each step between the first and second republic, between capacity and the birth of Forza Italy, among the first contacts made by officers of the Carabinieri with Ros Vito Ciancimino in June 1992 to the mediation of Dell'Utri neighbor "of January 1994. A plot - according to prosecutors - who would just "confirmed" in the revelations of Gaspare Spatuzza, Mafia witness of the operations and the games began with the killing Giovanni Falcone. Spatuzza says in its report of 6 October the prosecutor Antonio Ingroia and substitutes Nino Di Matteo and Lia Sava: "I met Joseph Doney Graviano inside the bar in the Via Veneto in Rome. Graviano was very happy, as if he won the Lotto, a Lottery. It tells me that everything was closed and got what we wanted. So I explained that thanks to these persons of trust that led to a successful conclusion this situation ... and that they were not like 'those four Crasti Socialists' .. ".
The Mafia, which this time he met with severe mid-January 1994, recalls the socialist - "Crasti", that horned - who had promised "fair justice" 87 and were voted by Cosa Nostra. Then he speaks again of the agreement reported by Giuseppe Severe: "... All this is thanks to Berlusconi, the person who carried out this thing we say, it makes me (gravity, ed) the name of Berlusconi, I did not know at the time Berlusconi I said then was that if the Channel 5 and told me it was one of the Channel 5 .. ".
The tale of the mafia takes a step back. It lists all the doubts of men of honor on what had happened in the summer of 1992 in Sicily, and above all, doubts that the Strategy stragista Corleonesi did not want to stop: "We were carrying out a bit 'of deaths had nothing to do with our history ... to me it was a dedicated ... tragedia che entra nell'ottica di Cosa Nostra, però quando già andiamo su, su Costanzo (il fallito attentato al giornalista, ndr), su Firenze... su.. ci sono morti che a noi non ci appartengono, perché noi abbiamo commesso delitti atroci, però terrorismo, sti cosi di terrorismo non ne abbiamo mai fatti". E' a quel punto che Gaspare Spatuzza manifesta altre perplessità a Graviano sulla strage che proprio lui - il mafioso di Brancaccio - sta preparando allo stadio Olimpico. Gli risponde il suo capo: "Con altri morti, chi si deve muovere si dà una mossa... significa che c'è una cosa in piedi, che c'è qualcosa che si sta trattando". Gaspare Spatuzza è insieme a Cosimo Lo Nigro, un altro boss. E Graviano chiede to both "policy if they understand something." And then he says "he's good enough, then it is he who is dealing with."
In the final pages of the minutes Gaspare Spatuzza rebuilds his repentance, the first interview with the anti-mafia prosecutor Pietro Grasso: "On the issue of Via D'Amelio ... because they had closed all the processes, so I knew what I was getting But I told myself: I have overwhelming evidence, because if there were only my words would have been crazy to move in this story, because I had some things, objective comparisons, so I was safe.. " E 'in April 2008 that he began to speak: "The subject that I had to show he had won the elections because we talk, April ... I arrive late, April 17 and then the subject that I must acknowledge I find him as head of government ... Beyond this, the Minister of Justice, that little boy so we can say ... the figure of Dell'Utri ... . The minutes of Gaspare Spatuzza on the following pages to the number 61 is full of omission.
reserved © Playing: The Republic
(October 24, 2009)
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21/11/2009 - The investigation - Seasons Of Bombs
Mafia, a turncoat against Premier [from "La Stampa"]
Here are the poisons of the minutes Spatuzza: "Behind the massacres are Berlusconi and Dell'Utri"
PALERMO. Enter new acts in the process of Palermo against Marcello Dell'Utri. They come from Florence, where the investigation of car bombs in Rome, Florence and Milan, is in full swing soon and could lead to sensational developments before the identification of external sponsors to Cosa Nostra.
Yesterday, the General Prosecutor of Palermo Nino Gatto has records available to the lawyers of the PDL of Senator Marcello Dell'Utri, accused of involvement in Mafia and already sentenced to nine years in first grade. It is the declaration of repentance Gaspare Spatuzza, long been the focus of voices that stir the Roman policy. Spatuzza will again be heard by the Second Chamber of the Court of Appeal of Palermo, Dec. 4. The questioning will take place, for reasons of safety, away from Sicily to Turin, to the courthouse.
in the paper, the former regent of the Brancaccio district of makes continual reference to patrons, the capicosca Filippo and Giuseppe Graviano, as sources of their information on what, in no uncertain terms, sets out a deal with Dell and Silvio Berlusconi 'Utri, to have some sort of political cover on the massacres still to be made: after the targets already attacked had to strike again, give the boss what he calls "the coup de grace: the devastating attack on the Stadio Olimpico in Rome, against the police. Spatuzza report tells: "The infidels were Berlusconi and Dell'Utri ... Previously, they made the carnage and then shall be credited as those who had the chance to stop them ...».
And the boss, in addressing the current prime minister and his dolphin treated through intermediaries, or directly? "No, no - answers Gaspare Spatuzza -. Knowing the skills and personality of these individuals, severe, do not deal with the cards. They have always had direct contacts in life. " With Prime Minister and the "Country" (countryman) Dell'Utri, "I could also say that something is ours," the contacts were direct. The Tuscan pm, Joseph Nicolosi and Alessandro Horsehair, play all out and compare with the same Spatuzza Giuseppe and Filippo Graviano. And here the surprises are not lacking.
Because more than a confrontation, face to face with Philip is a conversation between old friends. "I love the brothers serious', says Spatuzza. "But I have not spoken with hostility to you," answered one. "You represent me my father. Your brother is my father. " "A brotherhood, okay. There we are. " It is an exchange of pleasantries. Perhaps messages. And the "blessings" is the first registrant, that is, to somehow be endorsed by a boss who did not repent, irreducible. If your serious should say something different, almost embarrassed: "I regret having to contradict Spatuzza ...». But do not get full confirmation, "It is not true, as he claims, I have said that" if one does not arrive has to come from politics, it is good that we talk with the judges. " I do not expect anything from politics ...».
But the door is not completely closed: "I do not remember having said ...». Spatuzza speaks of religious conversion, legality, irreducible speech that the Chief approves, the show la famosissima foto del bimbo ebreo impaurito, a braccia levate del ghetto di Varsavia: «Queste sono le nostre vittime, don Puglisi, il piccolo Di Matteo...». All'altro fratello, Giuseppe, che rifiuta il confronto, consegna invece una lettera, che si conclude con una serie di messaggi e la firma di «tuo fratello in Cristo, Gaspare Spatuzza». Giuseppe Graviano, del resto, era già stato chiamato a esprimersi su Spatuzza in un pubblico dibattimento, contro l’ex senatore Dc Enzo Inzerillo, imputato a Palermo di mafia: in quella occasione Graviano era stato esplicito dicendo a chiare lettere che «io Spatuzza lo rispetto».
Ora Filippo Graviano, che ai pm presenta il suo ottimo curriculum University, a series of 30 and 30 achieved cum laude in exams in prison, launching a series of messages: "Do not say you're lying, I tell you things that I did not say. I'm sorry "may be the next step, striking, those who do not sleep soundly at the premier: the eventual cooperation of one of the brothers boss of Brancaccio.
'S TALE / We live in a country which for years has been in the grip of hidden cliques
In 1983 the band had split the Magliana between two souls ...
Emanuela Orlandi, the Vatican including Italian mystery, blackmail and De Pedis
by Giancarlo De Cataldo
LA (probable) identification of the (alleged) abductor of Emanuela Orlandi, (maybe) related to the boss Renatino De Pedis, a leading figure of the now mythologized "Banda Magliana ". The revelations of the repentant Spatuzza and reconstruction of the (possible) background of the massacres, officially mafia, the '92 / '93. The discovery of charred body of Brenda. There are days when a normal person opens the newspaper and has every right to ask: what kind of country do we live?
For a writer of crime novels, the answer is too easy: live in a country that for years has hidden under the blackmail of cliques that interfere heavily with the orderly progress of democracy. We live in a country troubled by the raids and route of weavers of plots that you can not ever catch them in smart, but sometimes even transparent complexity. We live in a country where, in conjunction with topical moments of economic crisis, political, social, violence, whether terrorist or mafia contract to street crime, bullying burst on the scene. To send messages that only "those responsible" if it is to interpret, for detecting, to influence, to sow fear or to divert public attention from other, the most pressing emergencies. As if we were faced with an endemic, eternal strategy of tension.
A strategy that feeds the crimes of today and cloudy and sticky slime of the ancient mysteries unsolved. Unresolved due to the silence of the protagonists, the protection of highly placed accomplices, and the unwillingness to lie systematically opposed to those police officers, police and magistrates tenaciously committed to rebuild, tile after tile, mosaic. Unresolved, finally, thanks to the lead and dynamite with which the good guys were arrested when their work became too dangerous.
We live, in other words, in a country that has written, over the years, a bloody crime epic. Where, of course, not everything is crime, but crime is one of the variables constant of history itself. The recent history of Italian criminal has features so peculiar that it could even draw a sort of governing law, a hypothetical bitter "constitution of the mysteries." Behind every crime can be found a unique, iron heterogenesis ends. Every single crime refers to another crime, linked to the first one or more common goals. The crime becomes criminal chain.
The word "mystery" surrender everything to the category of the unknown. Is no exception: the human and personal Emanuela Orlandi, who disappeared from home one summer evening twenty-six years ago. A history that is inextricably intertwined, twenty-six years, with the murder (by now we can call it for what it was peaceful: murder) of banker Calvi, trespassing in an international intrigue involving foreign intelligence services and our own, the taciturn, secretive world Vatican, and, for some time, even the Band of the Magliana.
ongoing investigation is expected to provide answers to questions also twenty-six years old. Over time they advanced on this story as dark as harrowing, various theories. In a nutshell, three main scenarios that are presented. Emanuela kidnapped to blackmail the Vatican. Emanuela victim, perhaps accidental, someone inside the world of the Vatican or otherwise linked to it. Emanuela disappeared and the victim of someone who had nothing to do with the Vatican. In the latter two cases, a crime would be used at a later time to hit the Vatican in support of this theory, the statements of some former spies Europe, who deny any involvement in the real case and claim to have ably included in the "game" with a sophisticated screening.
And some say (Pino Nicotra, well documented in his essay on the matter) that were "open sources" to convert the death in abduction, giving a decisive, but unfortunate, the whole story. The same role the Band of the Magliana, shaded by a televised statement the former boss and colleague of Justice, Antonio Mancini, and then taken by the statements, older and more current, Minardi, can not escape this alternative: direct responsibility for the fact Magliana or takeover, in a second step, to help someone or damage someone else?
But other issues raises the evocation of the Magliana. Of inaccuracies in what would have incurred a year ago, the last witness has said and written about extensively. In fact, in the press in recent days, we read of "adjustments." In many years of history of the case, then, during which no claim on various crimes of the time (from the Moro murder case of journalist Pecorelli, Calvi's death ties with neo-Fascism, Masonic lodges and diverted services) had never mentioned the disappearance of Emanuela Orlandi. Or just do not "repent" of the time of this story did not know anything, or have been accortissimi to talk about everything, unless of Emanuela Orlandi.
If the first hypothesis were true, it would conclude that it is improper to speak today to the involvement of Banda Magliana. Apparently, all items are for personal intervention of De Pedis. As found in the processes already in 1983 the band had split between two souls, the most popular street, the Magliana real, and the more skilled, unbiased and well ammanicata, the "Testaccio" De Pedis. Between leaders and followers began the settlement of accounts, which would culminate in February '90, with the murder of that De Pedis.
Distrust reigned supreme. Some operating segments of the organization were acting for their own account, more often without the knowledge of one another. For example, the killing of Danilo Abbruciato during the attack on the deputy director of ragweed, Rose (Milan, April 1982) is an action that implies the involvement of a gangster thick, certainly linked to Banda, in a crime much more complex a robbery or drug trafficking, albeit on a larger scale. The fact is that "those of Magliana" learn the news from the news, and are not a little surprised.
possible that it went so well for Emanuela Orlandi? Italy, once again, we have become accustomed to everything. We know that the Magliana, in its various anime, was a criminal holding contours still unexplored, but it would be dangerous, and misleading, making it a "brand" multi-purpose, sort of a container useful for the attribution of crimes of "inconvenient". The fact is that, pace of revisionists and standardization, and vaudeville dell'imperante narcosis, the Italian mysteries continue to haunt us with their unanswered questions. And the black lump that oppresses our democracy is still alive, well and active. The question is, today, those who represent it as acting, and for what purposes. It is not easy, but not impossible.
reserved © Playing: The Republic
(November 21, 2009)

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