Saturday, November 21, 2009

Cost Of Rolling Machine


'S TALE / From trans conflicting versions on his attendance at Marrazzo. But in the end admits there was a video with two of us and another trans, I destroyed
Life of alcohol, drugs and medicines
the Supertest that shakes Rome

of Carlo Bonini

ROME - When and where to bury it, writing that his last day alive was November 20, 2009. But Wendell Mendez Paes, who would have been 32 years in seven days, Brazil's Belem Para, "Brenda" to friends (a few) and customers (many), began to die at least a month before. On a rainy evening last week of October. When an unmarked carabinieri del Ros began his shuttle between Gradoli via 98 and via two bridges 180. When invested by the impact of the "case Marrazzo, the secrets of a community forced into apartment buildings reduced to trans favelas ceased to be such. When someone spoke, and many began to fear.

They knew tutti "la Brendona". "Quella con due tette così", disse Natalì, la "favorita" di Piero Marrazzo, prima ai cronisti e quindi ai carabinieri, indicandola come la trans che le aveva conteso il Governatore e che prima di tutti lo aveva "ricattato". "Con un video erotico girato insieme a un'altra trans", aggiunse. Simile a quello che i carabinieri della stazione Trionfale avevano rubato la mattina del 3 luglio in via Gradoli. Ma più lungo, articolato. E finito chissà dove.

Provò a nascondersi, Brenda, ma senza fortuna. La sera del 24 ottobre, il falansterio mangiato da ruggine e incuria di via due Ponti 180, dove lei viveva come un topo in un seminterrato soppalcato di scarsi dieci metri quadri, surrendered to their attackers, cops and journalists, showing its prey. A tranny who introduced himself as "China" and that the news will become, without being ever, the partner of Brenda, he pointed to the television cameras and photographers, inviting them to finally let go of his grip. Brenda, swathed in a creamy white shirt, showed up for what it was. A big woman with a meter and 90, the slender body and long arms and muscular, with large hands almost as much as her breasts Manga cartoons that had cost a fortune.

speaks fluent Italian and he opened his "apartment" where, he said, had come at least once to see "Peter". And who would become his tomb. In one corner, two fires and a leaky sink. At the center of a sofa bed covered with a leopard print scarf. A small cabinet with two doors. A loft where huddled slip. That evening, Brenda admitted that this second video of the former governor of the Lazio actually existed. Who had turned in the spring of this year with such a "Michelle", trans she knew now in Paris. But his copy, she had destroyed it. Immediately after the arrest of the policemen of triumphalism. Soon after Piero's face had begun to occupy the TV screen for the scandal that engulfed him.

On 30 October, the carabinieri del Ros tried to do to repeat that history. But there was no way. Brenda did not want to. "I do not know Marrazzo - Says the report issued that day in the offices dell'Anticrimine Carabinieri - It's true, I lived with this Michelle, but she is playing Christmas and accuse us of things that are not true. I have never undergone any robberies or threats by the police. I put my cell phone available, stating that if I had something to hide I would have already destroyed. "It was a simple girl, Brenda. And the police had learned immediately. Chain smoked and drank so excessive, compulsive. Up to three, four bottles of Scotch Whisky "Ballantine's" each day, stretching it when it happened with "Red Bull" or dissolving in the glass drops "Minias" (powerful anti-anxiety and sleeping pills).

pressure Marrazzo for the attacks, if possible, even more to the bottle. But convincing, November 1, to tell the prosecutor Giancarlo Capaldo what has been silent to the police. "It's true - admits on record - the former governor was a client. I shot the video that I portrayed with Michelle. But I destroyed. During our meetings, we made use of cocaine and drug me provided Gianguarino Cafasso (the pimp with the police who organized the trap of being Gradoli July 3, he will try to sell the video of the Governor and will be found dead from an overdose in a hotel on the Via Salaria in mid-September). There are also pictures with Marrazzo. The fire in a house with a pool. " The former governor, questioned even twenty-four hours, will confirm the circumstances. Brenda mangles the name (such Blenda '), minimizing the attendance ("a couple of meetings"), recalls the use of cocaine. And Brenda (which for others, although denied by sources investigators, he claimed also calls on the user's voice in the offices of the governor of the region), of course, begins the end. It has become a problem. For all and also with itself.

Since that day, the police do not seek more. But for all of Brenda is now the "trans-speaking." The "crazy" that supposedly keeps secrets prepared to throw mud in other names that count. If someone feels minacciato, il suo nome è ormai un'ossessione. Lei, in realtà, tace. Non alimenta "l'indovina chi" della sua clientela. Ha bisogno di soldi e si rimette sul marciapiede come sempre. Anche se, nella notte tra l'8 e il 9 novembre, dei romeni la aggrediscono rubandole il cellulare. La reazione è di furore e follia. Aggredisce la pattuglia dei carabinieri che le presta soccorso e prende a battere la testa sul marciapiede. Le sue amiche raccontano che torna a farsi di "Minias" per dormire.

Come la notte di giovedì, quando bussa a Veronica, perché le sue di gocce le ha finite. E' l'ultima richiesta. Intorno alle 4, Brenda si infila nel buco di via due Ponti 180 da cui non uscirà più.

reserved © Reproduction / The Republic
(November 21, 2009)
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SURVEYS / After beating the trans was afraid, but was left alone
murderess If the keys had plenty of time to take away the computer and destroy
Those mysteries and the secrets
computer Brenda

of Giuseppe D'Avanzo

There's certain that Brenda is lying dead in the loft, asphyxiated (maybe) from the smoke of a fire that has developed in the winds square feet of his tiny apartment of Cassia. Can be ruled out suicide. Too cumbersome for people like Brenda, it was easy to self-injurious gestures: she cut her arms and veins just a few weeks ago. Two hypotheses that are standing. Murder or accident at home.

Brenda, as always, he drank too much whiskey and threw down too many drugs (he bought Wednesday night and asked around, her friends, Thursday). He sleeps. In the "shack" as it is defined as housing for those who have seen, a fire starts slow. Smoking kills her in her sleep. The hypothesis is supported by some circumstance. The door is double-locked. No sign of a struggle. No trace of violence on the body of viado.

the same circumstances, to hear some voices within in attorney can convince the contrary, for the murder. The murderess, the killers have the house keys and do not need to tamper with the lock. Brenda expect to go to sleep quietly and set fire. They go off the computer after having slipped under the water of the basin to erase the images and text stored. Just pick your computer may be upsetting to the hypothesis.

If the murderess, the killers had the keys - and Brenda is already asleep - have plenty of time to search the apartment, found in order, and take via the computer and then destroy it with calm elsewhere, without leaving the house in assuming that the water will ruin the memory (and not so, the technicians of the police are able to retrieve the content).

Why then abandon it, on display, the scene of the "crime"? Just to find it - a bit 'to give up, it's true - but still able to release all the poisons that contains or may contain?

However, these stories are all clumsy because the Rome prosecutors (two attorneys and two additional deputies on the scene, each with their own opinions and suggestions, each with its own guidelines and directions, to give greater confusion in a case already ambiguissimo) opened an investigation for "manslaughter". A tactical move and customary, it must be said. Allows those investigating charges that other investigative un'invasività not allow it. Yet today, a charge that will speak, quite rightly, of murder in the rental Marrazzo - maybe the second, after the "mysterious death" of Giangavino Cafasso, pusher, pimp, drug dealer to the first release of video in the company of the Governor viado of Natalie, "stoned," perhaps from overdose, perhaps due to diabetes, possibly murderous hand, in a hotel in Rome on September 12.

What will be the outcome of the investigation, murder or home accident, will change little - and scuserà il cinismo - perché non è la morte di Brenda l'essenziale di questo nuovo capitolo dell'affaire Marrazzo.

Brenda era una vita alla deriva, una persona che nessuno ha saputo e voluto sostenere nel più difficile passaggio della sua vita già difficile. In queste settimane, nell'indifferenza di tutti, è stata minacciata, brutalmente picchiata, derubata del suo cellulare. Forse, il vero obiettivo del pestaggio. Brenda aveva paura. Lo diceva, lo gridava. Nessuno l'ha ascoltata o aiutata e chi oggi la piange ha lacrime di coccodrillo.

Quel che, alla fine, conterà in questa storia è quel che Brenda si lascia dietro: il computer. È, appunto, la memoria of that computer, now wet with water, the new center of the story. If there are murders, perhaps, killed not to erase traces and evidence, but to ensure that tracks and tests have found. Computer that contains images and videos that can compromise the congregation of illustrious names who attended the excellent viado? One thing is certain. Brenda, taking advantage of the weakness of his guests or stupidity caused by sniffing cocaine with her, "stealing" images of those meetings.

In the case of Piero Marrazzo, he admitted. Stars of the video: Brenda, another viado, Michelle, and the governor. Brenda says the police in early November: "Sure, I had that video, guards in my pc but I broke because I was afraid. "This is the video -" Marrazzo, with two viado, sniffing cocaine "- of which much is spoken of in the journalistic and political circles of the capital, last week of September. It is a circumstance which, although confusingly, it also confirms Piero Marrazzo, November 2: "I met with another person, a Blend. On the occasion of a meeting with Blenda, I remember that the past is another trans that do not remember the name. It seems to me that I only had two meetings with Blend. Neither Natalie or Blenda I have never asked for money or blackmail in relation to photos or videos that I portrayed. I'm not aware of any video or photos taken by Blenda at these meetings, but my confusion, due to occasional cocaine intake, I put in a position to know. "

You can destroy a person, also did not hurt one hair. It can be" murder "with an image that may be more ominous and deadly than a noose or a bullet. The computer Brenda, died of murder or domestic incident, it could prove in the coming days and weeks a devastating arsenal of moral abuse, fueled by sex and images cataloged on a computer.

Every crime is always a disaster and every disaster that always reveals something happened that we do not understand because what's important to know - To really understand - we are not told and do not know it. But in this history of Piero Marrazzo, and now Brenda, something is already understood or guessed: the private habits of a political class, administrative, professional, business has been, are and can become instruments of blackmail, ruthless and destructive, useful change in balance, resolve conflicts, in some cases, adapted to "move things", do business or make them split. Brenda, whatever the reason for his death, found itself the center of this maelstrom muddy, the plaintiff aware of a tragedy written and directed by others.

reserved © Reproduction / The Republic
(November 21 2009)


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