Saturday, December 18, 2010

Where Can I Find A Chart For Pokemon Cards?

Presentation of "Between totalitarianism and democracy: the civil service ethics "

Friday, January 7 '11
Rebirth Via Savoia 30, Rome
Presentation of the book e-book
(PhD thesis in Philosophy and Theory of Human Sciences ")
Federico Sollazzo,
between totalitarianism and democracy: the civil service ethics

Introduced, Miriam Iacomini (PhD in Philosophy and Theory of Human Sciences ")
spoke to the author, Frederick Sollazzo

Patronage:" l 'Extrovert'

(From 'Introduction )

The concept of totalitarianism inevitably recalls that of his, at least apparently, the opposite: democracy, so that, reasoning would appear on one crippled without the other. In turn, reflection on democracy opens the field to the most recent ethical arguments, aimed at seeking a peaceful, harmonious and fulfilling human society, to the point that the transition from the analysis of one (democracy) than the other (the new current ethical), appears as the declination of the same speech, one on human society, in its two complementary sides: the political and the moral. This path made up of conceptual categories ringed necessarily to each other, then flows into a philosophical proposal, briefly defined by the formula of "disjunctive synthesis", aimed at identifying a possible path to social peace, based on a "moral minimum acceptable", sinking its roots in human biology and emotions.

(reviewer Miriam Iacomini)

As the author reminds us, the dehumanizing of the totalitarian esprienza requires the recapture of a new dimension of thought required "to transcend the (... ) individual limitations, isolation, loneliness, towards the recognition of the presence of others. "

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Monday, December 13, 2010

Parts Of Ship With Diagram And Explanations

philosophy and advanced technology company

Seminars Philosophy
philosophy and advanced technology company


Anthropology and technical Arnold Gehlen
Tuesday, December 21 '10, 18:30

The issue of technology in Martin Heidegger
Tuesday, December 28 '10, 18:30

Neutrality of technology and (re) orientation of technology in Herbert Marcuse
Tuesday, Jan. 4 '11, 18:30

Rapporteur, Federico Sollazzo
(Curator of "criticality" constructive;
Ph.D. in Philosophy and Theory of Human Sciences, University Roma Tre,
Researcher of Moral Philosophy and Lecturer, University of Szeged - Hungary -)

Library Renaissance Coffee,
Gasperina Street, 161

Free admission

Patronage, "the extrovert"

Frederick Sollazzo

Conscious or not, a certain kind of modernity continues to advance, constantly reshaping so that they can lodge in any space, physical and existential.
Whether you want to accept, is that one may choose to refuse, whether you want to make a selective choice, it is first necessary to understand the nature, now bound in glove with technique, or better, with a certain type of technology, to the point that now the company's history does not will be closer to human history, but as the history of technology, against which man appears as a mere accessory.

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Monday, December 6, 2010

Brent Everentt With Brent

between totalitarianism and democracy

Luigi Carotenuto (

Federico Sollazzo, between totalitarianism and democracy: the civil service ethics , Tesionline, Arcore (MI) 2009

To begin the essay by Federico Sollazzo, I am reminded of a statement by the director Robert Bresson, on the occasion of his penultimate film, perhaps the most extreme Le diable probablement : "He pushed me to make this film the waste that we do everything in this mass civilization where soon the individual will no longer exist. This huge undertaking demolition, where we will perish if we believed to live, you should also incredible indifference to all except the youth of today some of the most lucid. " It was 1977 and the hero of that film, a young man, moved his indictment on a society already deeply influenced by new technology and the socio-political superstructure.
Today, Federico Sollazzo, we propose a highly polished essay, perhaps moved, even unconsciously, for reasons similar to those of the famous filmmaker, of course with the confidence of those who believe in the philosophy not only as a mere tool probing, speculative but as a means to implement tangible and profound social change. Although, "The world has never heard its philosophers, their lamentations," Bauman ADJUDGED, and elsewhere states that 'there are no local solutions to global problems. " In this work, Sollazzo takes the threads of a tight, hot dialogue between ancient and modern thinkers, the leitmotif logos, mistreated, exploited, often used only for man-lust for power (as noted by Jonas quoting Sophocles' Antigone "Life has many tremendous forces, and yet nothing more than man, you see, is tremendous," p. 115). A text (specifically, the PhD in Philosophy and Theory of Human Sciences "), which, as the author points out in the introduction, stems from preliminary research on the concept of totalitarianism, been growing as the magma was opened to other conceptual considerations, however, addressed to all human destiny. Moving in the first part, mainly by considerations of Arendt and the exponents of the Frankfurt School, the text focuses (and is one of the most interesting) on \u200b\u200bthe crisis of individual reason produced by totalitarian governments that leads up to the tragic Nazi genocide. In any totalitarian state, always supported by ideologies enslaved to the system and created just the same, there comes a process of dehumanization and "desublimation" of art, language objectifies and is gradually taking shape that 'man one-dimensional "described by Marcuse in which even" the word becomes a cliché "(p. 44). Main defense shield thought ("The thinking is in itself a sign of strength which indicates the commitment not to be the most deceiving," Horkheimer, p. 47); disturbing questions, such as, for our contemporaries, find it again in a scheme assolutizzante, tyrannical, in addition to the formal vision of the risks involved in democracy, often as a mask that oligarchic system, for there is no guarantee of fairness where political apathy "induced" is a way unscathed . In fact, the city is "educated" to use their vote only as a bargaining chip, the logic of tit for tat already reported in the nineteenth century by Tocqueville (p. 78). Sollazzo insists, this comes as a critical levee, on a practical philosophy and a reconciliation of ethos and logos (p. 83), since, as argued by Habermas, more and more private life is advertised as the public sphere becomes intimate, segregation (and in this connection is cited the beautiful book of Elias Canetti, Crowds and Power , p. 79). In addition, the holders of cultural sites, such as universities, museums, theaters, they should raise their voice, sounding board, ethical and civil consciousness is lost when the collective self-consciousness, for escape to the industrial culture that negates all powers of imagination and stiffens lifestyles (p. 88).
The author, finally, after taking into consideration the concepts of totalitarianism, democracy and the various possible ethical public, in the last chapter considers, without concessions utopian illusions, the prospects of a possible social peace. Here part of the "know thyself" Socratic to emphasize that modern man and contemporary is the focal point is not to reduce the issues previously discussed in banal simplifications. You must include all the problematic of human life today and from here onwards for a decisive attitude that takes into account But in any context (and even of every man, as pointed out by Sollazzo at the conclusion of his work, p. 157) and began in earnest a process of exchange between different cultures, with mutual respect to their peculiarities that make them unique and at the same time universal.

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Zud Cleaner Canada Where To Buy

Poetry" pagan "by Yves Bergeret

Francesco Barresi (

words, nature, man: a triad of happy Yves Bergeret, French poet and tireless explorer of the world that has begun with several publications in prose and poetry in recent times, revealing new emerging for his poetic experiments.
His recent publications include works count as the mountains are parle (Voix d'encre, Montélimar 2004), and word Mountains (Gangemi, Roma 2005), La Maison des peintres de Koyo (Voix d ' encre, Montélimar 2007), The sea speaks / La mer parle ("The Notebooks of law," 2007, edited by Biagio Guerrera and John Miraglia), confirming its ability to comparison with the landscape, and especially with the mountain, the mountain is in fact a privileged place of his goals and his Poetry. Often his travels include special performances, using the collaboration of musicians to enhance the evocative meaning of his poetry, which seems a happy communion revive the ancient rituals which were celebrated with primitive forces of nature. A simple reading of his texts at the table because it would be reductive Bergeret's poetry is not meant to be read and consumed in places of the soul but to be performed in large open spaces, to restore an ancient dialogue between nature and man in a endless search of all the primal forces of the world and of man, reinventing a sacred ancient with the vehicle of poetry. He is a poet who has traveled extensively (Mali, Cyprus, Guyana, Martinica, Sahel): la sua professione di fede nella poesia lo pone come ricercatore in vari luoghi del mondo e tra questi la Sicilia, dove ha collaborato con il ceramista di Caltagirone Andrea Branciforti e, a Noto, con gli artisti Pia Scornavacca e Carlo Sapuppo. Il felice incontro con la ricca civiltà siciliana ha prodotto il suo “Poema dell’Etna”, un lungo componimento e insieme una celebrazione del grande vulcano, in cui Bergeret da prova della sua langue espanse , in una ricerca poetica in cui tutti i segni dello spazio appartengono alla lingua, quindi in un approccio teorico e pratico vissuto all’insegna di una forte relazione con il mondo.
La sua è una liturgia atea, contemporanea, pagana, che valorizza la natura come luogo sacrificale per la sua poesia e come unica deità da venerare, affinché le sue parole possano rivelare l’energia intrinseca e dimenticata della natura con l’ausilio della musica e in particolare degli strumenti a percussione. Proprio per questo Bergeret definisce la sua poesia “geologica”, perché la sua ricerca poetica mira a riproporre un’unità originaria tra la terra e il cielo, tra le forze primordiali della natura e la forza evocativa delle sua poesia-liturgia, come ben dimostra l’interpretazione metaforica dell’Etna. «Il vulcano – afferma Bergeret – è la violenza dell’origine, come se il dito di Dio si fosse impresso nella land and the land he had tried to keep him here and was born on Etna, a force of destruction as a peaceful man who lives his foot, to the amazement of its streams of lava and the fear of imminent destruction. " "The person who puts a sign" is defined Bergeret, just like the signs that research and who has impressed on lava stone with a brush dipped in during his "trip", a clear demonstration of its quest for a dialogue between nature and the poetry of the latter and the privileged access key to its itinerarium a poet and man in the world.

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Sunday, November 21, 2010

How Do You Get A Shiny Umbreon?

Frederick Sollazzo (p.sollazzo @

In a recent episode of a TV program ("Annozero"), there was talk of the collapse, just occurred, some of the walls, the so-called home of the gladiators at the ruins of Pompeii.
As usually happens when it comes to cultural issues, has tended to divide between "bad" and "good", those who do not care about what is cultural, symbolically represented by a breeder in the north hoped that the walls of Pompeii were used to build dams and dikes in northern Italy, which recently suffered a flood, and those who care about what is cultural, symbolically represented by the tourists of the excavations of Pompeii, forced to wander into a site that is in miserable conditions.
However, that perspective in such matters is, in my opinion, totally distorted. Those tourists are in fact guilty as quell'allevatore, annihilation of what has cultural value. Both of which arise in the face of what has cultural value, with a view utilitarian, consumerist, and it makes no difference if you want to physically destroy what is culturally valuable, in order to build something useful, or if you want to physically maintain what is culturally valuable, in order to take possession potersene consumerist in both cases, disregarded the meaning of what is cultural.
The essential question then lies not in the destruction or preservation of cultural property: the horizon force "(dis) of values, even when the culture is kept in perfect condition, this perfection is at the service of utilitarian logic, commercial , efficient, productive, consumers, this means the placing of Culture instrumental criteria which are foreign, will determine the genuine annihilation.
the way to go, therefore, is not, as usually it is said, that the choice of political administrators virtuous, but, as usually is silent, that of a re-orientation of our paradigm of values: the liberation from the ideology of Western domination .

know the price of everything, the value of nothing
F. Nietzsche

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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Professional Haircolor Gray Hair

barbarism" against the absolute "

Frederick Sollazzo (p.sollazzo @

Armando Zopolo, against the absolute , Culture Project, Rome 2010 (pp. 234, € 15)

(From the front cover)

accept the absolute is to deny time and, therefore, becoming, together with the value of human work

Chapters: 1) The seasons of philosophy, 2) Places common, 3) The expectation of happiness, 4) Reading ideological happiness, 5) Religion and atheism, 6) Lay, secularism, secularism, clericalism and anticlericalism; 7) on the Truth, the conditional, imperfect, the incomplete, quota

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This work is published under a Creative Commons License .

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Morrowind Rus To English Path

New Page

Saturday, November 13, 2010

How To Hack Someones Computer With Their Ip

Poetry E '* A Royal ConcertoPoesia supporting EMERGENCY

Rome, Saturday 27 Novembre, presso la Biblioteca “Galline Bianche”

a Labaro ( via delle Galline Bianche 105 ), inizio ore 18.00 - Ingresso libero

a ConcertoPoesia with Cony Ray , Marco Orlandi and Gabriele Peritore

for a return Royal Poetry in social communication.

Poetry E 'Royal support the work of Emergency.

Cony Ray, Marco Orlandi and Gabriele Peritore poets are among the protagonists of the documentary POETS (Italy 2009 / 69 '), by Toni D'Angelo. The documentary competition for the "Italian Controcampo " the 66 th Venice International Film Festival - Venice Biennale.

" Poetry E 'Royal " is a project born from the desire of poets Cony Ray, Marco Orlandi and Gabriele Peritore , convinced of the need for poetry gatherings their identity and centrality within the social communication, through the exhibition "live" of the lyrics, with a new approach to the declamation of the same, suggesting that their impact on performance poetry and the dynamics of a musical concert.

The basic objective is the involvement and interaction with the public.

The ConcertoPoesia de " Poetry E 'Royal " in collaboration with the Libraries of Rome, will support the activities of EMERGENCY by selling at a price "special," the latest publications of the three poets promoters and protagonists of the project, donating part of collection Organization Onlus Ong.


Infoline: 349-5529813 / e-mail:

blog: / Facebook: Poetry and 'Royal

Libraries of Rome: / Emergency: www .

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Song Ross Kemp On Gangs Jamaica

The absolute contradiction of capital

Stefano Ulliana (

And because the same parties are the large and small, even so in all things there may be all: it is possible that there separately, but all participate in all
Anaxagoras (DK 59 B 6)

What is rational is real and what is real is rational
GWF Hegel ( Philosophy of law , Preface )

The form and substance of hegemony (ideological and practical), supported by capital (financial, productive and speculative) are the current dates, offers and stable yields of the way and the structure of the absolute contradiction. The contradiction is in fact the absolute determination e la definizione della struttura e del modo propri del dominio e del potere esercitati dall'ideologia capitalistica presente.
La ricerca e le volontà comuni all'ideologia capitalistica, tese alla massimizzazione del profitto – nelle opere d'ingegno, nelle produzioni artistiche in senso lato, nelle produzioni tecnico-pratiche – hanno infatti stabilito la necessità irremovibile ed ineliminabile di un forma sintetica a priori , che raccolga interamente, completamente e totalmente il pensiero, l'arte e la prassi dell'infinito (umanamente inteso e rappresentato). Come nel caso della prima filosofia idealistica tedesca – J.G. Fichte – il pensiero, l'arte e la prassi della reazione – il Congresso di Vienna è del 1815 – pretende di bloccare, di negare ed annientare in anticipo qualsiasi apertura di relazione che ricordi l'abissale profondità dell'infinito liberamente creativo, viva ed espressa attraverso la relazione doppiamente dialettica sussistente fra libertà ed eguaglianza.
Nello sviluppo successivo del pensiero idealistico tedesco la posizione fichtiana venne in tal modo superata dalla ripresa schellinghiana dell'infinito creativo e doppiamente dialettico di origine bruniana – Giordano Bruno da Nola – prima di venire di nuovo piegata e trasferita su un piano esistenziale di tipo tradizionalmente neo-assolutistico. Il riorientamento then operated by the Hegelian philosophy was to preserve the abstraction and the separation made by the two predecessors, and will strengthen the position of alienation. Only speculation critical of L. Feuerbach and the dialectic of K. Marx would then be able to reverse the overthrow originally implemented by the abstraction, alienation and separation, restoring the concept, the art and practice of the infinite creative and doubly dialectical.
As then, today carried out the reaction from the capital - in its form and substance dictatorial - wants to block, deny and destroy any opening in advance of the report that restores the concept, and this practice this art. To it crashes and destroys denies - in advance or in the collective post with its repressive activity - any reference to the idea and ideal of equality. In fact, it wants to arrest all the fundamental dialectical relationship - that between freedom and equality - the vertical relationship, which refers to the abyss as creative as open horizon of infinity. The inseparability of freedom and equality made from this horizon is in fact now turned over and upside down in their division, separation and subordination. The concept and practice of the same freedom and individual achievement in itself the category superior quality, leaving a subordinate position and lower the concept and practice of equality and quantitative mass. In this context - the context of the so-called Glocal - the freedom to diversify - activities, goals, products, materials or speculative investments, research works - sort that instead of having to standardize definitions and determinations of subjugation, with the territory. In situations in such ways as to be - where the average worker and the technician or highly skilled they are free to be hired (and are sought) solely in relation to their capabilities and skills, and the precarious-mass (unskilled segmented from their jobs) is forced into slavery pure and simple instrument - the horizon purely formal freedom - of movement of capital and goods and qualification of the ideals and actors - and of establishing a new easement in the area - a review of feudal serfdom - as an expression of freedom and equality original negative.
With this division, separation and subordination of freedom and equality through the two categories of quality and quantity of the Capital established its dictatorship in half. Through that denial - the denial of the creative and doubly infinite dialectic (natural and rational) - Capital asserts itself as infinite immediately, completely and totally positive. Capital is therefore itself an absolute. The Absolute Being, or with respect to which the temporal becoming to be regarded as a form already organized, and prestressed.
abstracting and separating the real time and real capital based on the root and erect, the cause and the principle of violence.
Annihilation - required and desired - the root of creative freedom and rational nature, infinite and universal, moves and converts (tips), then the legitimacy for law Separate violence (state power), as a defense from offense natural and rational. In this way the Capital - completing the process begun by the earliest forms of Western civilization and continued with the emergence of ideology classical (Orphic-Pythagorean, Platonic or Aristotelian) - implementing the final separation from the original.
In this way the peace and natural justice and rational are transformed and reversed in war and oppression in human prehistory in the struggle between classes. Separate the right to use force and make it the monopoly of state power in human history has then meant to isolate the existence of the order and hierarchy social classes, layered and coordinated in accordance with the convergence of sacred and political functions, and the subordination of those production and conservation.
Capital brings to an end and now finally completed the development and evolution of human history, fantasy and the illusion of that fantasy, created and supported by the civilizing mission began with the classical Greek (the replacement image ordered to the chaotic reality). Therefore, while life, existence and freedom came to inhabit the space and time ordered the polis , at the cost of separation and discrimination, life, existence and freedom seem to magnify and globalize existing that separation and discrimination, being the final date of the will to power the entire western civilization.

With the separation and abstraction of the concrete, real-time based on capital and thus sets up the root, the cause and the principle of legalized and institutionalized violence. This is the origin of the desire for power that motivated the development of Western civilization ideological. At the same time with this same separation and abstraction Capital establishes the manner and structure of the absolute contradiction.
denying the root of creative and doubly infinite dialectic, the form of reactionary and dictatorial Capital cancels the idea and ideal of equality, while lowering the common framework and collective freedom. In this way, the capitalist ideology not only today denies all forms of radical democracy and total (democracy sic et simpliciter ), but the very principle of liberal ideals in the theory proposed by A. Smith (the balance of trade and global), recovering all its categorical dimension realizzatasi historically in nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Economy that becomes progressively more and more state, gradually assume the powers and the overall power, expropriating the foundation of law, legitimacy, guidance and organization. There is so the disappearance of the state, not to hand the victory of socialist or anarchist revolutions, but because of the reaction induced by the crisis caused by the same processes of capitalist mode of production (depreciation of assets, rights and wages of workers, over-exploitation of goods , particularly financial, reinforcing the absolute command of business). In this way, the business committee of the bourgeoisie has allowed in every state and internationally, its replacement by the direct command and Imperial Capital (WTO, IMF, WB), turning increasingly to the same institutions and coercion in international law (UN) to defending their particular interests (such as imperial wars of peace operations).
For this reason, the mode and structure of the absolute contradiction joins and merges the relationship established by the absolute exploitation.

It is therefore already included the complete coincidence between the will to power and absolute contradiction. The image of one reality and makes the structure of the other: natural and rational action created by the opposition of reality (real power and spontaneous), and it tends to be found around the construction of a absolute polarity, e in defense of his separate right to existence, to life and freedom. Subject infinity that arises in the report and opens acts, it is for freedom that is able to preserve, expand and multiply (in an orderly manner and for himself) in their own world. Each objective and purpose of human action is thus diverted from the root, from the horizon and the ideal that give expression, order and rationality to the nature and composition, to be involved in a kind of reversal and dialectical opposition, where the causality naturally becomes artificial, for submission to the principles established by objective institution, a human power that calls itself a recognition and absolute obedience. In this place the worship of abstract metaphysical Western is the reality of their alienation, subjecting first that is free, spontaneous and creative tool for capturing purposes eterodeterminati, eterodefiniti and other-directed, then subject to Company all those still in the second (second nature) that the horizon and the ideological composition of the capitalist order created as tools privileged organization and early development of capitalism.
In this way the worker-precarious-mass is seen first transformed into its opposite and opposite - free, creative and spontaneous, it becomes forced and coerced tasks and second segments of action predetermined by the economy of effort and cost - then further enslaved to everything by definition is eterodeterminato as a tool, and eterodefinito-directed (the first factory organization, then the location of the same, then the value given to goods and financial speculation).
is in this way so that the worker-mass doubly precarious-violence, a violence that seems to split. And now it seems more pronounced to the extreme of denying the same freedom of life (for himself and the environment in which to live is called).
At the opposite end of the worker-precarious-mass are providers of specialized work, arranged and ordered according to their specific tasks and objectives, integrated in the system, and managerial and administrative elements. With extreme economy financialization the chain of command of capital, however, is elongated and is entered into crisis: the defense and reaction - especially prior (note the extreme similarity between the '20s / '30s of the twentieth century and those '80 / '90) - the natural reaction of the two-and-rational reduced to slave in the first and second place is due to take over a defense and a reaction to the imbalance existing between capital and speculative capital employed and productive. The recovery of this imbalance is that currently paid by a further increase in the level of alienation sets in the magnitude of violence and economic, social, political legal and used. The interconnection between multinational companies and banking groups demonstrates the high level composition of this necessary (and required for the system), finally able to establish definitively the same instrumentality thereof to the capital and state power and international organization.

It is therefore evident that there has been an absolute increase of the potential for violence and how violence has moved from awareness-organized system of exploitation in the factory or enterprise capitalist, to raise awareness of ' radical act of violence, natural and man-made (well understood and faced by the movements of the '77 / '78), when the opposition class conflict has become a general ideological orientation and gender. Now it seems to see a third and final level of violence: the dialectic of class conflict and ideological confrontation generally able to recover the root of creative and doubly infinite dialectic, there has been a violence that it aims to compel herself the same freedom of life. Before mechanized and tidy, now it should be totally denied and turned over - once and forever - in the speculative and the mechanism of global unification of capital (globalization).
why the two series of dialectical oppositions is now expanding and potenziando in modo assoluto in una sorta di contraddizione assoluta del Capitale, dove l'iper-astratto della speculazione borsistica pompa inesauribilmente ed inesorabilmente la necessità ed il fato della violenza totale, dell'espropriazione naturale ed antropica, ridisegnando territori, riorganizzando inter-comunità umane con lo strumento degli spostamenti di massa ed i genocidi mascherati, pianificando la separazione e la contrapposizione fra un livello superiore di movimento e d'ordine ed uno inferiore e territoriale di immobilità, immodificabilità e feroce subordinazione ai progetti di continua trasformazione che piovono dall'alto, secondo le decisioni interessate e complici degli investitori economici mondiali e dei rappresentanti politici locali (National, regional, provincial).

The absolute contradiction of capital is preserved through a push intrinsic introflex that every expression of life and freedom of nature, like any sensible and imaginative expression of reason. For her creative and dialects - the unity and opposing the movement, transformation and revolution of nature and reason - is folded and coerced according to a logic and abstract metafisicizzante completely opposite. The division, separation and division that is abstract and alienated the power of human power (religious order or class) seek the support and consent - their power - in a spirit of reactionary mass, solicited and raised, organized, established and shared, informed and socially infected through the ownership, control and address the means of mass communication and education (radio, television, schools and universities) . In this way, every positive extroversion is folded and enclosed in a logic of negation and negative (the distinction and discrimination).
The positive is then immediately and spontaneously channeled folded and overturned by a real logic (abstract), in which and for which the principle of selection for affinity denies - of freedom and spontaneous vital pulse natural and rational - becomes operational criterion orderly and organized community of EU actors. In this way, the horizon and the fact openly shared and vital subject in collective action (and mutually creative dialectic), for research and implementation of a good ideal, and flips down in the final determination of identity and that very well absolutely, totally, completely and totally deprived of the original action and mutually creative dialectic (territorialism induced by globalization).
With this philosophy, sociology reactive and reactionary Capital Therefore you away, so basically constant, any possible revolutionary impulse, diverting the sensitivity, imagination and reasoning to the opposite forms of individual and collective determination. Building up a new nature and a new name, which together can give comfort and reassurance, offering comfort and satisfaction, fighting fear and danger of those determinations, which are grafted from the system in crisis, its causes in people objectively or subjectively unavailable at this jack reactionary . With this separation and mass separation of the system can therefore make the community of actors (and actually inhumanly) inaffettiva and anaffective, organization and governance as well as a genuine mass previously (unknowingly and / or knowingly) counter-revolutionary and reactionary. The human feelings of mutual recognition, mutual help and mutual construction of their own lives are so repressed, so immediately and gradually (up to full) replaced by the authoritarian education distinction, discrimination and selection ordered (new institutional racism, addressed to the conduct of races, nations or political factions of society).
The obvious result of this reversal, and reversal is the consideration and evaluation of violence as a normal exercise of civil power and authority and normality of the original twice as creative and dialectical violence knowingly exerted against the natural order of things and rational. In this desire to eradicate the original - its reality, its movement and its ideals - the system of rhetoric, pedagogical and cultural (ideological) Capital expects to hit and sink the first affection of general and special subject in the their humanity, individual and collective. So - especially for those who work with the younger generation, in the public schools of all levels - it becomes easy to see how this denial aside the sensitivity of the individual and in relationships and his sense of rational (and creative productivity dialectically imaginative). Hence the dramatic and widespread impoverishment of skills and operational capabilities and knowledge of learners, with the establishment of patterns of behavior and self-learning and idioms.
The identity assertion holds then the same can not cancel affectivity, handing resulted in a kind of detachment and repulsion anaffective, present and effective in the generation of young people and young adults. The inaffettività anaffettività and then become the main engine of the progressive dismantling (quite unwittingly) the sensitivities of working adults, intended to increase progressivamente tutti gli errori vitali, definiti dal reciproco rispetto delle relazioni esistenziali (in ogni ambito della sicurezza, individuale e collettiva).

Questa sorta di fenomenologia patologica indotta dal Capitale trova la propria spiegazione strutturale in una serie di scelte ideologiche fondamentali, che hanno a che vedere con le dimensioni umane dello spazio e del tempo.
Lo spazio può infatti essere determinato e definito come il sorgere ed emergere della dimensione creativa, specificandosi poi come la sua propria apertura di relazione (in congiunzione con la tensione temporale, da essa stessa evolutivamente predisposta); oppure può essere al contrario regarded as a principle of stabilization and homogenization, where the root of creative advance is annihilated and the opening of the report and denied upside down in priority order and hierarchical layout. It is here that the human dimension of time is shortened and finally alienated in a Concentric, concentration (via a continuous integration and next, which is nothing but the same transmission power and power alienated in the history of long life Western civilization). Or, conversely, the human dimension of time may accompany the rise, the emergence and the opening of the space as its ideal realization voltage. Able to stretch out a variety inexhaustible and infinite goals and objectives, along with natural and rational. Where time can - unlike the previous example - have expanded to become again repossess the time of the human, of human autonomy and freedom (the establishment of eternity or eternal preservation of the ideal).

In the context established by the premise that connects, combines and expresses the two human dimensions and original time and space, then a recalibration reached, it also ordered the different categories and theory and practice of quantity, quality, and providing report .
While assuming strongly desired the polar concentration of financial capital is the amount subject as blob (the social body) and limiting the negative reality - the quality - of academic and technical arrangements aimed at the exploitation of commodities and capital itself, assuming that holds them together so radical freedom and equality and the ideal amount ridiviene how infinitely open quality, continuous production and transformation (revolution) of the free and democratic ways of creative position and dialectical relationship.
Similarly, while assuming this position capitalist creative and dialectical relationship is reversed and inverted the substance of a productive relationship (causal), which absorbs on the side of the principle of accumulation and profit maximization of the integral whole of humanity on this planet, through ensuring the predisposizone ideological exploitation and sale of power not only human but rather universally natural and rational (the environmental crisis, social and global politics), assuming the opposite, a real possibility and necessity of perfect order and reunite again, to play again the tension of space and time, which is the layout and the ' living human image of unity between Nature and Reason. Thus, the doubly infinite creative and dialectical finally reopened the size of absolute democracy (existential, economic, social, political and environmental) planetary.
Given this irreducible opposition, which will be the place and the reason for the ideological clash between the ideal and in this new century (XXI), it is therefore easier to see the irreconcilable conflict that will exist between the two opposing attitudes (and I might almost say the two opposing anthropological).
capitalist mentality in its final phase it accumulates on itself all the leading ideological and hegemonic traditions of separation of powers present in the entire history of Western civilization (according to the principle of One necessary and in order): it absorbs, selects and refines, enhances and disseminates sensitivity, feelings and passions suitable for their purposes of alienation and denial (of the original creative and dialectical). Enhances the aggressive behavior, destructive and authoritarian ricompositivi (however, because a functional reconstruction authoritarian).
the contrary, the radical democratic mentality and ideal reopen the breath of the spirit of space and time, location, creative expression and dialectic, the ideal continuous movement.
Both the first extrinsic, extends and controls, a space of alienation from the real power and the same, progressive, enjoyment basic human rights, as opposed to the second includes immediately and completely all of humanity and love of nature within the rational enjoyment of their rights.
is and so this will be the real clash of civilizations to which we will see in this century and that will tell if this planet is rid of the human species or whether, on the contrary, humanity, nature and rationality will meet and together enjoy the common, universal and infinite happiness.

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