Tuesday, February 16, 2010

σπασιμο Windowblinds

rest assured, we think "HE" ...

Ma adesso Bertolaso deve lasciare

COMMENTANDO ieri la lettera con la quale Guido Bertolaso rispondeva alle mie dieci domande ricostruendo a suo modo la verità dei fatti e la loro sostanza politica, ho volutamente tralasciato di approfondire la questione dell'atteggiamento del Quirinale di fronte all'ampliamento dei compiti della Protezione civile, alle normative che l'hanno resa possibile e alla loro costituzionalità. È una questione delicatissima poiché chiama in causa il Capo dello Stato, cioè la più alta istituzione della Repubblica.

Bertolaso non si è fatto carico di questa delicatezza ed ha tentato di coprire l'operato suo e del governo sostenendo che il Quirinale ha sempre appoggiato il suo fare e non ha opposto alcun limite al sistema delle ordinanze e alla creazione della Protezione civile Spa, che ne rappresenta il coronamento e l'esternalizzazione.

L'ho tralasciato perché su quell'aspetto della vicenda non si può andare a tentoni e per approssimazioni successive. Perciò I gathered my notes about it, I asked qualified sources, and I found dates, documents and eyewitness accounts. As I suspected at first sight, the reconstruction of Bertolaso \u200b\u200bis arbitrary and does not correspond to reality. And that's why.

1. The 1992 law, which in fact is setting up the Civil Defence as a permanent service of the public administration, that service limited to natural disasters.

2. It was innovated by the decree of 2001, enacted into law. There was already a law in the first enlargement of the powers of civil protection in major events dropped from natural disasters, provided that the features that extraordinary administration may be necessary for reasons of necessity and urgency are clearly indicated in the grounds. The President of the Republic launched the era of the reasons for insisting on the law as a prerequisite.

3. From that moment the Quirinale has not had the opportunity to "intercept" the law of the ordinances and decrees of the Presidency of the Council because it was a production of an administrative nature. Production, as we have already pointed out yesterday, which has grown on itself at a pace fast passing from one or two orders of the Prodi government in the period to an average of 80-100 during Berlusconi.

4. Il presidente Napolitano ha assistito con crescente preoccupazione all'estendersi del sistema delle ordinanze emesse dalla Protezione civile e l'ha detto in diverse occasioni. L'ha detto direttamente allo stesso Bertolaso in occasione d'una sua visita a L'Aquila subito dopo il terremoto. Si compiacque con lui per l'efficienza con cui la Protezione civile aveva fronteggiato l'emergenza post-terremoto ma elevò dubbi sul lavoro che quella stessa struttura avrebbe dovuto mandare avanti per completare le infrastrutture della Maddalena ed altre incombenze nel frattempo maturate.

5. Intanto gli impegni del sistema Bertolaso si moltiplicavano e l'albero della Protezione civile stava diventando una foresta. We read together as the Head of State said in the New Year greetings ceremony held last December at the Quirinal Palace in the Hall Cuirassier before the High Courts of the State: "The continuous succession of by-laws - 47 since the beginning of this Legislature - and their becoming increasingly overloaded and heterogeneous during the parliamentary conversion, continued to produce strong distortions in the institutional balance. All of this ends up weigh negatively on the quality of legislative work. no coincidence that scholars are asking whether it eventually implemented, including through the increasing use and expansion of emergency ordinances, a real parallel system of lawmaking. " The alarm of the President is clear and explicit and the assembly before which it was made makes it even more solemn and disturbing.

6. This brings us to the last decree, the one currently being debated in the Chamber, which is promoted the creation of civil protection Spa
From my very reliable information that Napolitano did not notice the requirements of necessity and urgency, at least for the part devoted to the Spa, and inclined rather to the presentation of a bill. He found, however, in the face (so say my sources) to an unbreakable resistance opposed by Gianni Letta who have proposed to the Head State the hypothesis that Bertolaso \u200b\u200bcould give up his position if the decree had not been authorized. Hypothesis that would create a vacuum operating of considerable gravity.

7. It happened, however, that the Senate during the parliamentary decree was subverted from its original draft approved by the Quirinale. A dozen new articles and sixty paragraphs were added on the basis of many amendments proposed by the parliamentary majority, widening even further the range of skills, production orders, a sort of stepping over the bodies of control and jurisdiction. Unofficial but reliable sources report that the Quirinale follows very attention to the passage of the decree. It is said (even if it is a voice) that the Head of State was sent to the President of the Council on his alarm for this situation. It is known that the Quirinale silent when Parliament is at work, reserving the right to judge the constitutionality of the law when the parliamentary process is concluded.
This is the state of the facts, at least before he got the news of the excerpt. Undersecretary Gianni Letta had informed us the other day that the Civil Protection Department is a government, and the spa was only a technical body. This we knew.

It is the spa that is being discussed since its establishment in fact would deprive the Department of a large part of his duties. The specification of the air bed was therefore want to interpose a smoke screen that can cloud only fools and can serve various Minzolini information to celebrate the wisdom of the government when the government is close to major difficulties facing procurement scandal and the worms that has been uncovered.

As the Undersecretary Bertolaso \u200b\u200b- whose good faith until yesterday but I had hoped that by now has become a case of third degree - a few days ago he lost the post of Commissioner of Naples waste.
It is based on of the position he had obtained to become a member of the government even if it was in clear contradiction with the executive office of commissioner. Not having the executive power, came hours meant that there was reason for his secretary. Therefore, his resignation is no longer a discretionary act, but its a requirement that is becoming more and more delayed with every passing day.

reserved © Reproduction (February 16, 2010) The Republic


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