Saturday, May 10, 2008

High Waisted Skinny Jeans How To Wear

How to tell if you're on the path of enlightenment

How to tell if you're on the path to enlightenment or whether it slowly, you are putting him in $#&%? That is the way
You've found the group and the teacher right? The best way to know if you found the right teacher, is very simple. If you claim to be stupid as it sounds, do not worry too much with your choice, will still be the wrong one. Although the group / teacher wrong, it will be perfect for you. Console yourself with the fact that any kind of teaching will happen, will be what you deserve.
Years later, being in a darkened room with your spiritual guide, your pants around your ankles rolled magically, an unearthly voice asking you to bow, I think I'm to receive a great spiritual lesson?
Yes, you are right. Putacaso there really was an abundance of spiritual lessons available in the universe, do you really think that the would you?
Ask yourself this question often in the coming years, especially when prices begin to rise. Your questions, as stupid (on the other hand have made the ...), you are never given a straight answer and / or understandable (maybe this is your fault .... you see I still have doubts, haaarg) . Meanwhile
will certainly resulted from the tiniest part of your (why?). The answers will have nothing to do with what you have asked, and after having been confused, the only sure thing is that you would have done better not to ask questions (it appears that is the false personality, which is curious). You will feel more stupid than you already have. People around you try to make you feel better by pretending to have understood everything and that you are the solo / AA did not understand at all (this friend has confessed to me and I fear that we have heard so often, I think he deserved it though). They might tell you in private, during one of the first meetings, you may please the Divine / a. Do not think it is good for your character. You will also be stupid, but you are cute! The vanity may make you think that your undoubted spiritual qualities are being recognized, it was also about time someone noticing. Do not want to be considered for long eyelashes! Have you ever thought that people in the group are those which in normal life you would have avoided like the plague (with a few exceptions)? If you were forced to attend, they would have gladly beaten, this prova che è il posto giusto per voi, sia per il lavoro sul vostro ego (giudizio e cose varie), sia per imparare a controllare le vostre tendenze violente (anche se prima non le avevate).
I soldi che avete generosamente donato, vengono usati per opere apparentemente assurde. D'altra parte come dice un caro ex-amico studente "I veri maestri sono misteriosi (si vede che quelli falsi invece sono semplici), non possiamo capirli (infatti io non li capisco)!!". Era serio! Del tipo Anfiteatro Greco nel mezzo delle colline californiane (senza avere i permessi richiesti se possibile, così è inutilizzabile). Altra opera misteriosa... Completi rosa per gli studenti più meritevoli (immaginate quelli che non lo sono). Veramente un mystery ... Travel abroad, so that the Divine / to be able to choose new recruits. Less mysterious than others, at least I understand. It is money well spent if you consider that they probably would have spent on something as stupid, like drugs or apartments.
Being idiots do not understand much of a philosophy. However, although you had to read something before you've made your choice (let's call it that). Probably one of Baci who have rejected (without knowing what it was), contained a sentence to the effect of Gurdjieff. From there to read the fourth way is a short step, and nothing is more dangerous to you a philosophy that promises a quick way to enlightenment (The slow pathway is not for you), especially when your treat you as if you were late, it's time to show who you are!
The fourth way uses the other three routes for an accelerated result. If you're lucky your school to incorporate into his system, and in the blink of an eye (twenty years) will be exactly the point of departure.
But let your Path, which surpasses all understanding, without any: Via dell'idiota.
The only thing that matters in your life is self-remembering. You do not have money because they have data to your master. Have you abandoned your family (or they have left you ..). As part of the inner circle, you are initiated privately by the Divine / or once a settimana. Se qualcuno ancora vi aspetta casa, lo picchiate (non scherzo) per la frustrazione di essere un'idiota (ad agosto volano un sacco di sganassoni!). Tutto questo non significa nulla! Vi ricordate di voi stessi! Magari solo per pochi secondi, ma è sufficiente a riscattare la vostra patetica vita. Siete gli unici al mondo (non so come fate a saperlo, ma ne siete così convinti!). Siete tagliati fuori dal resto del mondo e ne siete contenti. Siete costretti a guardare, inebriati, interminabili balletti russi, sul palco che è costato miliardi, voi vivete di nulla e ricordo di sé. Cosa vi consola? Un pensiero: "Loro saranno anche ballerini di fama mondiale... ma come sono addormentati!". E' la scuola perfetta per voi, e voi siete perfetti per questa scuola....Sì siete perfetti! Dei perfetti idioti!

P.S. A tutti i miei amici curiosi: anche Martha R. è stata abbandonata dall'Inluenza C e sembra abbia completamente perso il lavoro! C.V.S.(scusate l´abbreviazione ma non ho chiesto il permesso di usare il nome) anche sembra sia perduta, ha avuto un pensiero negativo nei confronti del lavoro e sta per perdere le speranze di poter accedere al paradiso. Ha lasciato oggi, o domani. Insomma presto. Notizia ancora più sconvolgente: T. è tornata all'ovile!! Rientra nella scuola dopo un anno di assenza?!? Come dire fuggo -dalla -prigione- e -no stavo -meglio- dentro. Che razza di vita deve aver avuto al di fuori per voler rientrare! Uniamoci in prayer (or whatever you want) for his soul in danger. On the other hand is with H., a student model ... might as well stay in school ...
I can not remember who they are, have mercy.


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