Monday, October 26, 2009

How Do You Wash Bandanas

... a way out of the impasse Italian?


A good day for democracy
's comment Curzio Maltese

Three million voters, fifty thousand volunteers in ten thousand seats, tens of millions of euro collected. If anyone still has doubts about the Democratic Party primary is a fool. Are the most identity of the party, the day of birth.

It was a great day for the only party in the world involving many citizens in the selection of the Secretary, but also for democracy. The vote of the electorate has confirmed that the substance of our subscribers. Bersani is the winner, but Franceschini and Marino did not come out losers. The outgoing secretary was yesterday confirmed that he had played well the mission to save the Democratic Party in the worst season and can now deliver to success in good health. Ignazio Marino was the surprise of the popular vote, reflecting the themes of renewal and secularism are much felt by the base.

The real news is participation. Three million he had not expected anyone. Much less after the last devastating case of Piero Marrazzo. The democratic people on the other hand responded with an act of generosity and responsibility, qualities rare at the top. The race in the primaries can mark a turning point in the political stalemate . It is a positive shock to the Democratic Party, in search of an identity for too long. And is a shoulder to Berlusconi government already screwed into a clear decline. A shoulder real and powerful, which comes from the conspiratorial elites and palaces in the fabled demagogues, but by millions of Italians. Ordinary citizens who woke up early on Sunday, lined up, paid a fee, since the results into the night. Not because Bersani, Franceschini Marino or are leaders of overwhelming charisma, or the wave of an exciting conference debate. But in the hope of infusing the main opposition party the strength to send home the worst government in the history of the Republic.

This is the clear mandate that the three million delivery to the winner Bersani, but also Franceschini and Marino, now called to work together as representatives of minorities within a major project. The question is whether the new leadership will be able to interpret it, or shut the gazebo, will come to take refuge in the rooms smoked strategies so subtle as losers. As it has always happened so far. The new Democratic leader is facing difficult tasks and tight deadlines, hence the regional. The first is to revive the Democratic Party at the helm of an opposition serious in tone, but tough in substance. Harder than ever before. As a "truce" to Berlusconi, more or less voluntary, the center has already offered too much in recent years. Another made a Knight of the stop, at least in world, it would be interpreted as a betrayal of the voters and would result in a political disaster.

The second task is to address the renewal within the party that is not the usual white coat of the nomenklatura. Against disturbing cases reported here and there, the basis would expect from Bersani acting with speed and clarity. For the most recent example, that convinces Marrazzo, after the appropriate gesture dell'autosospensione, to carry off the bull and resign immediately resign as governor.

should certainly some 'courage, what it has always fallen short of leaders, not really to the people of the center. But the courage, if one has not, millions of votes could even give it to him. A Prodi and Veltroni were not enough. Bersani has taken a lot less, but at the end of true and fought until the last primary. Now he has the opportunity to demonstrate in practice what was right to criticize his predecessors.

reserved Reproduction © (La Repubblica)
(October 26, 2009)


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