Tuesday, October 27, 2009

How To Buy A Duckbill Platypus As A Pet

"To denounce the blackmail to the court? No way!"


Machine Mud
's comment Giuseppe D'Avanzo

Berlusconi kitchen alone his troubles. Destroys, by day, the walls that his advisers manufacture, at night, to defend him. And they had just rolled up their sleeves, with good will, to repeat - accomplices, weaknesses Piero Marrazzo - the separateness and inviolability of the private sphere from the civil service (again!).

Egoarca turns out that the time for the governor warned: "There's a video around against you." Fragment proud of our public life. Deserves to be analyzed, and carefully. It is convenient to do so in four paintings.

In the first part, we must rewrite with better word we know. Not Mr. Silvio Berlusconi, but the prime minister - the owner of the largest publishing group in the country - warning the governor "left" that the editor of its journal of gossip (Chi) is holding a video that the compromise. Told you that the daughter (Marina, president of Knopf). At this point, the Prime Minister may advise the other man's government not to lose a minute and to report to the court the blackmail. Not a chance. The President of the Council will give to another who passes through blackmail, or disclose address and phone number: that the government will fix things by just putting hands in their pockets and "pick up the goods from the market", as it seems we say in these cases. It is the practice of men who govern without faith nor law nor the State, either in themselves or in their responsibilities. In a respectable democracy, the argument may be definitive. In the 'hump Italy, "the law is an option, ever having, and then the argument becomes negligible. Trascuriamolo (for a minute) and we imagine that Marrazzo able to buy back that video in the enterprise.

is the second picture. Let's see what happens at this point. Piero Marrazzo has announced his second candidacy for the governorship. The vote took place in March. The candidate "left" is aware that his personal and political fate in the hands of the leader of the coalition "of right". At any time, that can pull the rope and break his neck. At that point, who owns the life of Piero Marrazzo? To himself, to his political decisions, to his private behavior or the willingness and the strategies of the antagonist? It is a condition of political vulnerability that full transparency should be advised unless you want to become a puppet. On the contrary, Marrazzo silent and pulls forward. The scandal broke out and the mind ("It's a hoax," There's no video). The scandal became unsustainable and yet refuses responsibility for the truth does not say the warning di Berlusconi; non dice come si procura il denaro che gli occorre per le sue scapestrate avventure. (Sono buone ragioni per chiedergli di nuovo le dimissioni perché non è sufficiente l'ipocrita impostura dell'autosospensione). Quel che accade al governatore ci mostra in piena luce come funziona "una macchina".

È il terzo quadro. Al centro della scena, i direttori delle testate di proprietà del presidente del Consiglio (o da lui influenzate). In questo caso, Alfonso Signorini, direttore di Chi, già convocato d'urgenza da una vacanza alle Maldive per confondere, con una manipolazione sublunare della realtà, il legame del premier con una minorenne.

Signorini spiega how are things at home dell'Egoarca, prime minister and tycoon. Directly with editors or, indirectly, from external or who wants some easy euro - the directors collect mud suitable for a rite of degradation. Once you have secured the pulp of shame (genuine or phony, it does not matter to them), the director feels the group headquarters, the CEO and president. Who are responsible for informing the Egoarca. At this point, the Prime Minister is master of the game. Thumbs down, and take the attack. Thumbs up, and ends up in an unpopular minority state civil. It happens to the court Mesiano, watched by the cameras of Channel 5.

Berlusconi even announces the ambush: "Soon, we will see some good." It happens to the Director of the Future, Dino Boffo, guilty of giving voice to the embarrassment of the parish life of the premier dishonorable. It happens to the President of the Chamber, Gianfranco Fini, head of a careful and reasoned political dissent. It happens to Veronica Lario, wife of a rebel. So clearly, is happening today to the Minister of Economy who can guess the premier journal of some warning. Reads: "Tremonti in the balance"; "If it Tremonti, Draghi arrives." One wonders how many players in the public discourse are now in a position of submission that Marrazzo was willing to accept?

fourth and last part, then. We do not live in the best worlds. The personalization of politics has changed throughout the game and the deciding factor in any competition is a positive or negative projection of the politician - and its reliability - in the minds of voters. This is the reason that makes the "political killeraggio - Manuel Castells writes (Communication and power) - the most powerful weapon in the media policy." The methods are known. It calls into question the integrity of the adversary, in public life and private life. Remember what happens to McCain and Kerry? We remind the voters, "explicitly or subliminally, the negative stereotypes associated with the personality of the politician, for example, be black and Muslim in America. It is the lesson that addresses Barack Obama. It distorts the statements or policy positions. We denounce corruption, illegality or unethical conduct in the political parties that support. Of course, the destructive information can be collected, if any, distort them, if they appear dubious or controversial; factory if there are. It's a dirty job, which created the United States, for traders. One of them, Stephen Marks, the Republican consultant, told in a book (Confessions of a Political Hitman, Confessions of a killer political) his modus operandi. It is interesting to sum it up: "The Step, the killer picks up the political mud. Step II, the mud is put into the hands of the pollsters who determine what part of the mud causes most political damage. Step III, the pollsters pass the results to those dealing with advertising, spending two or three most damaging elements on TV, radio and newspapers with the intention of cracking open a political opponent. The third step is the most remarkable. Leaves me open-mouthed the incredible talent of the employees to the media ... when everything is finished, the opponent has suffered a serious blow from which he can no longer recover. "Here, what matters is the segmentation of work and especially" the incredible talent of our employees to the media "because they have to be the most able-bodied and more convincing. I mean, the United States, are not available to the common and necessary move "to cause leaks rimanendo al di fuori della mischia", offrire "merce" che regga a una verifica, a un controllo, che sia significativa e in apparenza corretta anche quando è manipolata.

In Italia, non esiste questo scarto. Non c'è questa fatica da fare perché non c'è alcuna segmentazione della politica mediatica. Uno stesso soggetto ordina la raccolta del fango, quando non lo costruisce. Dispone, per la bisogna, di risorse finanziarie illimitate; di direzioni e redazioni; di collaboratori e strutture private; di funzionari disinvolti nelle burocrazie della sicurezza, magari di "paesi amici e non alleati". Non ha bisogno di convincere nessuno a pubblicare quella robaccia. Se la pubblica da sé, sui suoi media, and shall have priority over those that influence political position. This is the "mechanics" who have the eyes and you see - the "machine" - the terrible danger and the absolute failure that goes beyond the amazing and well-known conflicts of interest. What we are is revealed in these hours is a system of domination, a technique of intimidation that makes cold to the bone, which threatens the independence of people, the autonomy of their thoughts and their words. The most honest, wherever they are, they should admit it: we no longer talk of transparency, public accountability, vulnerability, public-private partnerships. More simply, we are discussing today the freedom of those who disagree or opponents. Or those who might feel intimidated to disagree or oppose all'Egoarca.

reserved © Playing: The Republic
(October 27, 2009)


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