Friday, October 30, 2009

How Many Calories In Chinese Takeaway Curry Sauce

A fairytale was not to fight

The new novel by Silvana De Mari, surgeon and writer
"As long as there is no genital mutilation can take care of other"
The golden-eyed cat fighting female circumcision
Silvana Mazzocchi

'WAS surgeon and now deals with psychotherapy, but it is also the author of the popular fantasy literature dedicated to children, to face (lightly) the evil of the world and talk to them about love, hope and positive values. Silvana De Mari, won prestigious awards in the past and is now returning with a new novel that tells the horrors of female adolescents still imposed on many girls and many women in homage to religion or culture, but for the purpose of depriving them of all pleasure.

A written history because, said de Mari, "until there is infibulation, we can not occupy the other." So fight such atrocities is his battle and writing his weapon. To her, who was a volunteer doctor in Ethiopia, you've had to treat women defaced, destroyed by grief and the golden-eyed cat, dedicated to Ayaan, "tortured child, warrior queen," is a tribute with which the writer -doctor intends to preserve the memory and open a new era of commitment against sexual mutilation.

Paper sull'infibiluazione, but not limited to, the cat by golden eyes, a few days in library Fanucci, is a novel that is surprisingly "light", magic, almost a perfect fairy tale for children, but also for adults because it tells the reality without any discounts, and does so through the fantastic lens, opening a door to hope.

's the story of Leila, Italian girl, poor, cheerful and intelligent, curious, ironic, and even cheerfully, she lives her daily life. He lives with his mother in a shack near a swamp, but attends a school where middle-class, from day one, is marginalized and humiliated. But she wants to learn, is optimistic and does not bend: a welcome cane trovatello che si rivelerà la sua fortuna e legge tutti i libri che le passa Fiamma, la prima della classe a cui è legata da sincera simpatia, per poi girarli ai suoi amici delle paludi, soprattutto a Maryam, la sua amica del cuore, musulmana e povera come lei.

Ed è proprio Maryam che un giorno la madre e le sorelle immobilizzano, per sottoporla allo sciagurato rito dell'infibulazione.... finché, come favola insegna, l'amicizia e la solidarietà avranno la meglio e salveranno la piccola musulmana dal suo destino, rendendo migliore la vita di tutti. Un libro da regalare ai figli, ai fratelli, ma anche una buona lettura per gli adulti perché Il gatto dagli occhi d'oro tocca il cuore e parla d'integrazione, d'amore e di solidarietà con una semplicità che incanta. Il che, di questi tempi, non è poco.

Lei è medico chirurgo, ha lavorato in Etiopia, e scrive libri per ragazzi. Perché?
"Perché la narrativa per ragazzi è appunto per ragazzi e i ragazzi sono straordinari. Gli adulti non sempre, non tutti, qualcuno si è un po' ammaccato lungo la via, ha perso lo smalto o si è dimenticato di averne. E' una narrativa epica, l'unica che vada per i massimi sistemi, l'unica che osi porsi interrogativi su Dio e sulla Morte, e osi addirittura dare risposte. È in realtà, sempre, narrativa "anche" per ragazzi, perché un libro che è buono a dodici is also good to sixty years, while the reverse is not always valid. Why are children's books must have two mandatory features, speed, rhythm and faith in life, the consciousness that whatever happens, life is amazing and being alive and a gift. Not everyone can be a writer of children's books, not everyone can do as a gardener or baker. And then there are a couple of advantages in being an author for the very young. The book we've read in ten years, we are left in, is part of the foundations of the cognitive system and the foundations are what remains, we remember all my life and, finally, there is a quantity of affection and tenderness huge that we have only us. I have a closet full of drawings with the characters in my books that I have been given away, and someone came halfway around the world. Every now and then throw them out and look at them. They are perfect in those days a bit 'suspended, when a cold or imprison me for 38 of fever at home. A writer for adults, "or, rather, only for adults, the cabinet of drawings, if the dreams of fever and 38 had only aspirin.

The golden-eyed cat says the atrocity of female ...
"How do we deal with another until there is female circumcision? The Phantom of The Last of infibulation was already there spells, hidden in the spell dell'idrargirio. Ho visto per la prima volta un'infibulazione all'ospedale di Bushulo, in Etiopia, un posto bellissimo sulle rive di un lago circondato da canneti. Le sale operatorie erano sale operatorie african style, vale a dire un unico stanzone con quattro lettini e grandi finestre chiuse da zanzariere. A causa della infibulazione rifatta dopo il parto, una giovane donna non riusciva più ad espellere il sangue mestruale. Era stato lasciato un orifizio, ma la suppurazione che era seguita aveva causato un edema, in altre parole un gonfiore ai tessuti, e l'edema aveva chiuso l'orifizio. Il sangue mestruale non potendo defluire era rimasto a stagnare trasformando la vagina in una sacca piena di sangue, che a causa della presenza di batteri era "marcito", the vagina had become a ball that kept her from pressing on the puffball and empty the bladder had become enormous. I had to empty the vagina, reopening for the umpteenth time that poor woman's vulva. He had left the blood, blackened, infected with a nauseating smell and then the vultures attracted by the smell of death had come crashing into the nets. The woman would have died shortly thereafter for recurrent urinary tract infections and kidney failure. While trying to evacuate as much as possible of that stuff blackish, while the vultures behind me break out against the mosquito, crazy for the smell of dead, rotting, but that was alive from the belly of a woman, I swore that I would fought for women and girls. My battle begins today with this book, and will not stop until the sexual mutilation exist. It is a battle for the smile to every woman should be guaranteed the inalienable right to smile. "

What kind of literature is useful to know your child the dark side of the world?
" The fantastic narrative, always , always, forever is the one containing the monsters. When something is too horrible to look at him, put him in fantastic fiction. A characteristic of great literature is to contain fairy-tale elements, some spark of magic. In reality, the magic, is not childish. The magic replaces campo letterario un'altra parola che comincia per m, cioè miracolo, e altro non esprime che il nostro struggente desiderio di poter contare su una provvidenza che vegli su di noi, e che di tanto in tanto violi le leggi della natura per darci una mano. Questo ci permette di parlare di qualsiasi argomento, qualsiasi, con un tono di leggerezza, parola incantevole, che non ha niente a che vedere con superficialità. L'incantevole fiaba di Pelle d'Asino parla dell'incesto, Hansel e Gretel e Pollicino del cannibalismo: durante le grandi carestie, nella guerra dei trent'anni i Germania, in Ucraina nel 32 sotto Stalin, prima di morire di fame, la gente , mangiava i cadaveri. Il cannibalismo è un tabù assoluto, non è stato raccontato, was denied, but remained embedded in fairy tales. The great classic fairy tales contain the persecution of the child, the unspeakable, in The Little Prince and Peter Pan, is the unbearable, the baby's death, his son's death. The Fantasy contains a recenteissima fear, fear of the end of the world due to the never-before-seen form of totalitarianism. In fantasy literature we put the monsters that dare not face, because once covered with gold powder and color, they stop terrorizing and we learn to cope with them. That is why mother nature (God?) He brought it to a specific area of \u200b\u200bthe brain this curious ability to feel pleasure, a pleasure based on endorphins, in listening to a story that has never happened. We have to believe in fairy tales because they tell the truth and say that the orcs do exist and can be beaten. They say that the devils exist and can be saved. "

Silvana De Mari
The cat-eyed golden
Fanucci publisher

reserved © Playing: The Republic
( October 30, 2009)


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