Thursday, November 19, 2009

Clip Milena Velba Jogging

Dignity women today?

L'incontro sabato 21 alla Casa internazionale delle donne
Un'occasione per riflettere sulla molteplicità delle esperienze femminili
Women's Forum
enough of reality to the stereotype of the average

ROME - Where are the women "real", those that live in the reality, and not their counterpart that dominate newspapers and television? Part of this question the next meeting organized by the group "Women of Reality" at the International Women's House in Rome, Via della Lungara 19.

The starting point of the organizers is well summarized by the name the group chose to give themselves: "Women of Reality," in contrast with the false stereotypes suggested by the media system. Italian newspapers and the media, more and more often female model dominant is that of a woman who seems to have only one goal the seduction of the male more rich and powerful as possible. In so doing, lose sight of the women's "real", which have much more in the head with respect to "marry the son of the Premier."

The public forum scheduled for Saturday, November 21 starting at 17, aims to speak of "other women", and examine how the media can give visibility to the multiplicity of women's experiences and take a role of analysis and criticism of the crimes. This is the second meeting of the "Women of Reality," after what took place in Milan on 5 October with the participation of over 200 people.

All'incontro di sabato aderiranno molte giornaliste e personalità del mondo della cultura. Si inizierà con una relazione introduttiva di Chiara Volpato, docente di Psicologia sociale alla Bicocca di Milano, e della filosofa Michela Marzano, firmataria insieme a Nadia Urbinati e Barbara Spinelli dell'appello di Repubblica per la dignità delle donne. Nel corso del forum verranno proiettate anche alcune gallerie fotografiche delle donne "offese dal Premier" che hanno inviato i loro scatti al nostro sito.

Tra le altre, sono invitate all'incontro il direttore del Tg3, Bianca Berlinguer, il presidente del Pd, Rosy Bindi, il segretario confederale della Cgil, Susanna Camusso, il direttore Unit, Conchita De Gregorio, the director of Espresso, Daniela Hamaui, the director of the Century in Italy, Flavia Perina, general secretary of the UGL Renata Polverini, writer Lidia Ravera, President of Cpo Fnsi, Lucia Visca.

(November 19, 2009)


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