Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Transporting Drywall On Truck

If you pay ... your life to travel light. Justice is only a hindrance to freedom!

The investigation / 1. Sbalorditivo il silenzio di chi si batte per il Sistema Italia: dagli imprenditori ai sindacati, alle associazioni di risparmiatori e consumatori
La corruzione costa 25mila euro a testa ma in Italia non è un reato grave

Paese meraviglioso l'Italia. Quando non si acceca da solo, chiude gli occhi. Il frastuono politico assorda e il rumore mediatico lascia nascosta qualche verità e - in un canto - fatti che, al contrario, meritano molta luce e l'attenzione dell'opinione pubblica.
La disciplina del "processo breve" ce l'abbiamo sotto gli occhi e vale la pena di farci i conti, senza lasciarci distract from naive and hucksters. Some fixed point.
The bill pro star Berlusconi does not make rapid processes (it is a crystalline nonsense). That measure manufactures a prescription fast and sudden as lightning that kills.
Usually, compared with more serious crimes, a state responsible - and fair with its citizens - is allowed adequate time to establish the crime and punish those responsible (the requirement is no more). The more serious the crime, its most problematic and laborious investigation, the more time that the State recognizes extinct before considering the crime. The rules of prescription and fast killer (processes) reversed this policy efficiency and common sense.

The more serious the crime, the less time to judge. The magistrates will have plenty of time to process a mugger and times quota to get to grips with, say, abuse of office, Community fraud, tax fraud, bankruptcy preference, simple or aggravated fraud: that scoundrel Bernard Madoff, who has stolen $ 50 billion to its investors, will be rejoicing cursing was not born Italian.

Now the bill will be corrected and filed, but - make no mistake - it can never leave the road for its corruption and improper because Silvio Berlusconi, accused of corruption in judicial acts and the corrupt convicted in appello (David Mills), ha bisogno di quel "salvacondotto" per levarsi dai guai. Un primo risultato si può allora scolpire nella pietra: l'Italia è il solo Paese dell'Occidente che considera la corruzione un reato non grave e dunque, se le parole e le intenzioni hanno un senso, una pratica penalmente lieve, socialmente risibile, economicamente tranquilla.
Nessuno pare chiedersi se ce lo possiamo permettere; quali ne saranno i frutti; quali i costi economici e immateriali; quale il futuro di un Paese dove "corrotto" e "corruttore" sono considerati attori sociali infinitamente meno pericolosi di "scippatore", "immigrato clandestino", "automobilista distratto", e la corruzione così inoffensiva da meritare una definitiva decriminalization or a permanent amnesty.

The silence on this key aspect of "prescription fast", inaugurated by the "law of Berlusconi", is amazing. It's amazing that the public debate on the menacing mess, cooked by the premier lawyers in his interest, not see the protagonists Confindustria, who cherish the small and medium enterprises, trade unions, economists, market surveillance authorities and competition, groups of investors and consumers, government ministers who still condemn the soul to give competition to the "Italian system".
As if the news chain and "advertising" the President of the council had managed to taxes for the real story of yet another conflict between politics and justice, and therefore only deal for lawyers, journalists and robes. As if this project criminofilo not talk about development and underdevelopment, of past and future of civil society, social organization, institutional legitimacy, transparency of policy makers; competitiveness and international credibility of the country.

this silence is amazing because everyone is still paying today and pay tomorrow, with the mortgage on the future of children and grandchildren, the price of corruption in the past, nearly seven points of gross domestic product each year, 25 thousand euro of debt for every citizen of the Republic, including infants.
Seventy billion euro in interest payments, deducted each year for infrastructure, welfare, training and research.
is a condition that the Princes and turiferari, wasps and Minzolini, conceal the public.
You need some time to remember those who believe in "judicial coup", the purpose of the whole policy of the prosecutors, fable still in vogue in these hours in talk-show influenced by Knight.

Clean Hands When he took his first steps, the turnover of the Italian corruption is ten thousand billion lire a year, with a public debt between 150 and 250 mila miliardi più 15/25 miliardi di interessi passivi.
L'abitudine alla corruzione cancella ogni sensibilità del ceto politico per i conti pubblici. Inesistente negli anni sessanta, il debito cresce fino al 60 per cento del prodotto interno lordo negli anni ottanta. Sale al 70 per cento nel 1983. Tocca il 92 per cento nei quattro anni (1983/1987) di governo Craxi, per chiudere alla vigilia di Mani Pulite, nel 1992, al 118 per cento.

Non c'è dubbio che, in quegli anni, una maggiore attenzione della magistratura alla corruzione, e la consapevolezza sociale del danno che produce, favorisce il parziale rientro dal debito, utile per adeguarsi ai parametri di Maastricht. Di quegli anni - 1993/1994 - è infatti il picco complaints of crimes of corruption. Over time, the tension is released. slowly decreasing curve of crimes reported in 2000 and returned to the levels of 1991, those prior to the emergence of Tangentopoli.
In the years following the law ad personam (cutting the time limitation for economic crimes, from corruption to accounting fraud), tax amnesties, the difficulties of the law on "saving" (actually on governance) and close the loop a season.

Here, then, must move in order to understand and judge a project that can push Italy, in the interest of a , near a condition to be "country emerging.
Why the difficulty of our recent history born in the dark background of corruption. lift ourselves out of a necessity as there - is not a secret, even if it is neglected by the public discourse and by the singers dell'Egoarca - a perfect symmetry between corruption and critical issues for society and country.
market dominated by distortions and "immoral taxes" (60 billion euro each year for the Court of Auditors) provide benefits only to the clique of corrupt insiders . addition to loss of competitiveness, markets do not attract corrupt investment of foreign capital and are marked by low growth (too many barriers entry, too many investment risks).
There is no study or analysis that confirms the relationship between the degree of corruption and economic growth, especially as regards small and medium enterprises are the core of our real economy. fact, small and medium-sized enterprises - says the parliamentary report that accompanied the ratification of the UN Convention against Corruption became law on August 14, 2009 - "in addition to not having the means of structural and financial large companies (which allow their direct intervention and distortion) appear to have less political clout and financial resources for children to meet the demands for bribes. "
Corruption becomes a fixed cost for businesses and a burden that weighs heavily in investment decisions. are costs for small and medium enterprises, which may be decisive for the entry into the market, so how can they cause their exit from the market . And in any case costs are having significant impacts on other fronts: research, technological innovations, maintenance, safety, environmental protection.

For these reasons, corruption should find its highest priority on the political agenda and the Italians realize this even though you may not know, as written by the minister Renato Brunetta, that the heavy tax hidden corruption "is equivalent to a fee di mille euro l'anno per ogni italiano, neonati inclusi".
Secondo Trasparency International, un organismo "no profit" che studia il fenomeno della corruzione a livello globale, il 44 per cento degli italiani crede che la corruzione "incide in modo significativo" sulla sua vita personale e familiare; per il 92 per cento nel sistema economico; per il 95 nella vita politica; per il 85 sulla cultura e i valori della società. Più del 70 per cento della società ritiene che nei prossimi anni la corruzione sia destinata a non diminuire.

Il disastroso quadro nazionale è noto agli organismi internazionali. È di questi giorni il rapporto del Consiglio d'Europa sulla corruzione in Italia.
Il Consiglio rileva che in Italia i casi di malversazione sono in aumento; che le condanne sono diminuite; i processi non si concludono per le tattiche dilatorie che ritardano i dibattimenti e favoriscono la prescrizione; la normativa è disorganica; la pubblica amministrazione ha una discrezionalità che confina con l'arbitrarietà.
Il gruppo di Stati contro la corruzione del Consiglio d'Europa (Greco) ha inviato all'Italia 22 raccomandazioni di stampo amministrativo (introduzione di standard etici, per dire), procedurali (per evitare l'interruzione dei processi) normative (nuove figure di reato).

La risposta alle preoccupazioni della comunità internazionale - Shortly after the G8 Eagle has signed a global legal dodecalogo OECD standard (also strongly endorsed by Tremonti) - is now in the bill of "prescription quickly." Corruption is negligible. is not the lead on the wings of the Italian economy. It is the toxin that poisons the metabolism of Italian society. It is not the wall that prevents us from seeing the future.
headache is a head of government. Delete it even at the cost of not having a future for the whole of Italy.
Where is this slippery slope "of men to" believe in their company, on its merits in the market, in competition? Why silent?

reserved © Play - The Republic
(November 18, 2009)


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