Friday, November 20, 2009

Places In Sf To Cruise Gay

How do you build a financial empire: Lesson Number One

The Knight and the fable of the 106 jobs
of Giuseppe D'Avanzo

SI says the process is "short" and if this speed remove processes Silvio Berlusconi is welcome because it was against that poor man, after he has chosen the policy (1994), has unleashed a fury record "with hundreds of processes.

At the end of the eighteenth Law ad personam, in favor of the prime minister there is only a common, imaginative, so lacking any connection with reality. It is indisputable that a case should avere una ragionevole durata per non diventare giustizia negata (per l'imputato innocente, per la vittima del reato). "Processo breve", però, è soltanto un'efficace formula di marketing politico-commerciale. Nulla di più. Per credere che dia davvero dinamismo ai dibattimenti, bisogna dimenticare che le nuove regole (durata di sei anni o morte del processo) sono un imbroglio, se non si migliorano prima codice, procedura, organizzazione giudiziaria. Sono una rovina per la credibilità del "sistema Italia", se definiscono "non gravi" i reati economici come la corruzione. Con il tempo, la ragione privatissima del disegno di legge è diventata limpida anche per i creduloni, e i corifei del sovrano ora ammettono in pubblico che la catastrophic reform was only meant to free Berlusconi from his personal legal troubles. The burglary of each abstract and general condition of the law must be backed up - bring to mind the "public" - a second soundbite, that formuletta quick and convincing that, as a chant, must be recited on television, according to experts, at a rate of 6.5 syllables per second, in not more than 12/15 seconds. Widespread, repeated and disseminated by the guardians Minzolini wasps and communication flows, runs as follows: Silvio Berlusconi has the right to protect themselves - yes, even with a law on a personal basis - because he had to endure hundreds of jobs after his "descent into the field" , Spy play a leading role political abuse of the judiciary and all that Italian democracy weakens.

Well, is it true that Berlusconi was "attacked" by the robes only after choosing the policy? And what has been "attacked"? Really it was with "hundreds of jobs" all of which ended with a stalemate? Questions that deserve factual words, if you want to have an opinion on this subject also correct long heralded and accepted unconditionally by the minds even more furnished.

The number of jobs is a mystery Berlusconi merciful if you listen to the Prime Minister. Says Knight: "Absolutely [are] the most persecuted by the judiciary in all ages, throughout the history of mankind throughout the world. [I was] subjected to 106 jobs, all ended in acquittals and two prescriptions "(October 10, 2009). On the same day, Marina Berlusconi resize the hyperbole father:" My father between processes and investigations has been called into question 26 times. But there is a dependent one, say one, sentence. And if, as they say, only three clues to do a test, do not you think that 26 allegations are nothing falls in the proof of persecution? "(Courier, October 10). A few days later, Paolo Bonaiuti, spokesman for Prime Minister , pump the task even more upward: "The trials against Berlusconi are 109" (Door to Door, October 15). The blunt Bruno Vespa even endorsing the numbers of Marina: "Do not exaggerate, the processes are 26".

Twenty-six, one hundred and six or one hundred and nine, and the number of acquittals? In reality, the processes discussed by Knight as a defendant is sixteen. Four are still ongoing: corruption in judicial proceedings for the deal Mills, incitement to bribery of a pair of senators (the Rome prosecutors asked archiving); funds Mediaset TV rights for blacks (in the trial in Milan); Mediatrade embezzlement in the business (the prosecutor is preparing to close the investigation). In the twelve

process has been completed, in only three cases were the sentences of acquittal. On one occasion with full formula for the "deal" Sme-Ariosto / 1 "(corruption of the courts of Rome). Twice with the formula of paragraph 2 of Article doubtful. 530 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, which absorbs the old lack of evidence: the funds blacks "Medusa" and bribes to the Guardia di Finanza, where Knight was convicted of first degree of corruption, pleaded guilty but required an appeal due to extenuating circumstances , the Supreme Court acquitted for "lack of evidence." Reformed decriminalized and false accounting by the Berlusconi government, the accused is acquitted Berlusconi in two trials (All Iberian / 2 and Sme-Ariosto / 2) because "the fact is no longer required by law as a crime." Two amnesties extinguish the offense and delete the sentence imposed for perjury (he had rigged the dates of your subscription to P2) and false accounting (the land of Macherio). Five times is subject to the "extenuating circumstances" that (attention) are assigned to those who are held responsible for the crime. In addition to the "extenuating circumstances" allow him to qualify in three cases, half of the prescription that was manufactured as head of government: "All Iberian / 1" (illicit financing to Craxi), "Lentini case," "budgets Fininvest 1988-'92, "" blacks funds in the consolidated Fininvest "(1500 billion), Mondadori (Berlusconi's lawyer, Cesare Previti, a" buy "the judge Metta, both are convicted).

È vero, l'inventario annoia ma qualcosa ci racconta. Ci spiega che senza amnistie, riforme del codice (falso in bilancio) e della procedura (prescrizione) affatturate dal suo governo, Berlusconi sarebbe considerato un "delinquente abituale". Anche perché, se non avesse corrotto un testimone (David Mills, già condannato in appello, lo protegge dalla condanna in due processi), non avrebbe potuto godere delle "attenuanti generiche" che lo hanno reso "meritevole" della prescrizione che egli stesso, da presidente del consiglio, s'è riscritto e accorciato.

L'imbarazzante bilancio giudiziario non liquida un lamento che nella "narrativa" di Berlusconi è vitale: until in 1994 did not run the country's government, the judiciary did not suspect me. If you leave the perishing, but was this obsessive soundbite is nothing but the alchemy of a magician, advertising. Berlusconi is under investigation for drug trafficking, eleven years before the birth of Forza Italy. In 1983 (the charge is stored). Is sentenced on appeal (and amnesty) for perjury in 1989, twenty years ago. In 1993 - a year before his first job in government - the prosecutor in Turin and Milan already investigating the prosecutors in Milan on the budgets of Publitalia. Beyond these dates, it is documented by court documents that Silvio Berlusconi and Fininvest group get into trouble do not worry for a "political" of prosecutors, but the confessions of a corrupt official of the core regional tax police in Milan. He admitted that the "yellow flames" have pocketed 230 million pounds to turn a blind eye to tax audits in Videotime (in 1985), Mondadori (1991), Mediolanum Vita (1992), all checks prior to the policy of adventure ' Egoarca. Is the accidental discovery of foreign funds of Fininvest. It is worth remembering. One of the dummy of Craxi, Giorgio Tradati, delivery Di Pietro printouts of the account "Northern Holding." Manages them on behalf of Craxi. Account flows, without any precaution, the money that the national entrepreneurial elite shall pay to the socialist leader.

There is one exception. A triple payment has no name and signature. There are three tranches of five billion pounds a sender, generous and unknown, sent in October 1991 to Craxi. "It was Bettino to announce the arrival of that payment," says Tradati. Requests for assistance possible to ascertain that the billions, "supported" to "Northern Holding" are from the account "All Iberian" SBS Lugano. Who is "All Iberian"? For months, prosecutors water pounding in a mortar until a young practitioner of the study Carnelutti, a prestigious law firm in Milan, confessed to the pool of nominees have done for years on behalf of Fininvest companies created in dall'avvocato londinese David Mackenzie Mills.
Così hanno inizio le rogne che ancora oggi Berlusconi deve grattarsi. Il caso, la fortuna, la sfortuna, fate voi. Tirando quell'esile filo, saltano fuori 64 società off-shore del "gruppo B di Fininvest very secret", create venti anni fa e alimentate prevalentemente con fondi provenienti dalla "Silvio Berlusconi Finanziaria". È in quell'arcipelago che si muovono le transazioni strategiche della Fininvest che, come documenterà la Kpmg, consentono a Berlusconi e al suo gruppo di "alterare le rappresentazioni di bilancio"; "esercitare un controllo con fiduciari in emittenti tv che le normative italiane estere non avrebbero permesso"; "detenere quote di partecipazione in listed companies without informing the Consob and unlisted companies through a third party, "" provide funding, "" payments "," between group companies the acquisition of television rights, "" receiving funds from third parties to fund operations Fininvest made on behalf of others. "It is the revelation of an episode not illegal, but a method of illegal working, illegal business scheme which is the foundation of the fortunes of Silvio Berlusconi. To put it bluntly, and with hindsight, sixteen processes to cope with that lump of illegality even today are a small number. In the "very discreet of the Fininvest group B" funds because they are blacks (nearly a thousand billion lire). Passing the 21 billion who earn a Craxi for approval of the law Mama 91 billion in treasury bonds for the corruption of the Parliament approving the law, misuse of property Tele + (violates antitrust Italian, were corrupt to hide the "flames yellow "); control 86 percent of illegal Telecinco (in defiance of English law), the fictitious purchase of shares on behalf of the tycoon Leo Kirch contrary to the German antitrust laws, then the resources allocated by the corruption of Cesare Previti Judges in Rome (or produce the Mondadori); purchases of blocks of shares that, in violation of market rules, favored climbing stands, Mondadori, Rinascente. And there is much we do not know and do not know?

All processes that Berlusconi has faced and still faces not just happen for a deliberate purpose. A financier who confesses, a young lawyer who gets rid of the weight that darkens his days allow you to put together survey after survey, for the inevitable mandatory prosecution, a truth that the head of government can never admit its success has been built with tax evasion, budgets rigged, corruption in politics, the financial police, judges and witnesses, and the manipulation of the laws governing the market and economy in Italy and Europe. For Berlusconi, la banalizzazione della sua storia giudiziaria, che egli traduce e confonde in guerra alla (o della) magistratura, non è il conflitto della politica contro l'esercizio abusivo del potere giudiziario, ma il disperato e personale tentativo di cancellare per sempre le tracce del passato e di un metodo inconfessabile. Con quali tecniche Berlusconi ha combattuto, e ancora affronterà, questa contesa è un'altra storia.

© Riproduzione riservata: La Repubblica
(20 novembre 2009)


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